Game Day Three Crimson stars Victory Independence Won

On the last day of games they waited once more at the border the show began again for the hot exciting third day 

they were playing with a forty-three member game double layered field ground team below and ariel team above and this time the north decided to throw in something special they decided to make it a water match

" that should stop all the blazing firey balls on the field by the Crimson stars let's see how a change in terrain will affect the outcome"

Spongerhead Kyrios said with a laugh he had somebody with him some type of dark wizard magical type that changed the field to a water field "Liam let's see how your team does now" 

"Crimson Stars," Jhaesun said in the box

"Please let this moron know our suits have aquatic mode and space mode thats lets us fly in space to other planets in other conditions safely and dive under the ocean our suits have internal oxygen tanks with up to eight hours of air