On the front gates

"yoo we got ops on vessels lurking in the distance" came the report from their front steps cleaning team 

"tribes guard up we got ops on vessels lurking" 

the warnings came to their suits headsets to command center Admiral Yongjae and Liam and Captain Hansol a skywalker,his copilot  checking out the vessles in the distance they were keeping a safe distance away from them 

"cleaner teams on the steps" their godhead Silia ordered 

"yes mam" they replied 

"finish the cleaning job out there and come inside we got sentinels keeping watch"

"order up we will complete the job" came the reply from the team on the steps 

"Bigbrother Liam graphics IQs here we want the job to redecorate the steps "

"Liam this is luka of hydrovybers"

"Liam this is Renako wall street vybers"

"hit me up" Liam replied 

"vybes of the steps is hood though over our side of the gates " Luka dropped