The Downfall of Ultimate liams and surpise liams begins

"Please answer are all her galaxy stoppers dead," the vulgar male asked 

"We killed a number of them that attacked us" the dark sea tribes replied 

"But there were these that were the unfeeling ones they the dungeon galaxy stoppers managers they live on top of them they like houses that fly on top of them and they had other animals with them" 

"we dont know where they are" other kids added "We are not the same habitat as them we only encountered them during North artic clean up and they were very bad they bunch of old guys we dont know who they are they are very vile parasitic they questioned us and said some vile things to us so can't remember much"

" They were very dark" another tribe replied too "and they seemed to take their place and gone that how it is we are never supposed to have anything to do with negative species like that we sunlight species"