Tribes officially resting but on the real? come up

that the following week the tribes sleep the companions grew the animals they put in migration lands including the avian poultry animals and goats they had they all enhanced on good foods water rest and lands to run about in as herds together while the kids slept they multiplied the kids woke up with lots of fresh new female cows and goats that can give milk

and male ones for meats and the rabbits they grew also multiplied got beef pork and mutton rabbits from the meats they grew they all grew nice and meaty with the soft gristle bone edible for minerals content to grow bones with but what was wonderful was the nice numbers of them the deer had also multiplied the edible ones the female cows and goats got plenty of fresh milk that was healthy and pork rabbits was real pork could even do bake ham and got deli ham with breads