The confusion of the new eastern starlords with split personalites

lord mahal lord taj lord Felian lord Ghajes 

"where the hell is the next generation?" lord taj said petulantly "it's 36 million and 8 and still no next generation we have done everything including got a gorgeous place why is the future not happening yet?"

 "where the heck are the next generation? Are you kidding me if we are the only ones who did martial arts and are from Arabic or Eastern countries you still expect someone else to show up?" lord Ghajes said rolling his eyes "Don't be melodramatic you know full well we are the only ones in exsistence that did things this way "

Lord Felian sighed "Can't even find our avatars that are supposed to exist they were never real to start with so nothing the eastern countries did nothing at all with their children so there are no other folks that live to the present day it is 36million and 8 now? "