Don't be Scared

"Don't be," he said. "I would never hurt you."

She gulped. "Even if I did something that made you mad?" she asked wondering what his response would be. She had been pondering over this for too many days and finally couldn't help but ask. What would he do if she ran away with Jack the way she had planned?

The corner of his lips lifted slightly revealing a hint of emotion, but his face remained unchanged. He knew exactly what she was talking about. How could he not?

Rose wasn't sure what she should do under his penetrating gaze. It was almost like he knew what she was talking about. Her heart suddenly began to pound harder and her hands became sweaty. She bit her bottom lip and was about to attempt running away when she finally heard his answer.

"I would never hurt you, even if you make me angry. You can try to kill me, and I still wouldn't lift a finger to hurt you," he said matter-of-factly.

His answer left her speechless. How could he say something like that so casually? Her eyes widened as she met his gaze. Was he serious? "I would never…" she suddenly blurted out as she shook her head.

He chuckled. "I know."

She felt relieved all of a sudden. She really didn't have it in her to kill anyone, let alone someone who had been so nice to her. Truth be told Caleb hadn't done anything to her, they were both brought into this because of her father. Try as she might, she could not blame him for everything, let alone hate him.

"Of course, everyone else is fair game," he added as he watched her relax in his arms. He released her hands, but kept his arm around her waist, holding her against him tightly.

She gulped, feeling her heart tremble. Noticing her hands had finally been freed she placed them against his shoulders, but didn't bother to push him away, knowing she couldn't. "What do you mean?" she asked, voice strained.

He could sense her fear even though she was trying hard to conceal it. But, it was better if she was aware of what he was capable of. Rather than being shocked by what would happen, he wanted her to make her choices while being aware of the consequences. "I believe you know exactly what I mean sweetheart. I will never forgive anyone other than you. Anyone who dares to challenge me will suffer. My forgiveness is only reserved for the person I love the most."

She bit her bottom lip, feeling the atmosphere turning cold. She cleared her throat. "That's what a leader does right?" she suddenly said. "But it's a good thing to look at the whole situation objectively and see if you are also at fault. You cannot condemn others simply because they go against you. Find out the reason first, before you start killing."

He smiled at her words. "You are correct. Even though I am their king, it doesn't mean I'm always right." He lifted his hand to her and wrapped it around her head before pulling her forward to press his lips against her forehead. "You're going to make a wonderful queen," he whispered as he retreated.

Her body stiffened and her cheeks burned as she heard his words. She was going to be a queen. The way he said it made it sound like nothing special, but she was terrified of everything that came with that title. She felt his hands loosen around her and watched as he walked away towards the door.

"Oh right, we will have family joining us soon," he said as he turned around to look at her.

"Huh?" she asked confused, as her mind was still in another place.

"We have a few family members that are joining us in a few days with the pretext of helping us prepare for the wedding, and getting to know their future queen."

"Oh," she said, frowning. She suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

He smiled at her reaction. "If anyone dares to bother you or say something to you, let me know." He could sense her discomfort. "Don't worry, they wouldn't dare to lay a finger on you right under my nose. Also, you don't have to spend time with them if you don't want to, especially if you're alone," he said, knowing she would be uncomfortable around his family.

She nodded. "Thank you." Somehow, his words actually soothed her nerves. Knowing he was here to protect her made her feel a lot more at ease.

"I will always be here to protect you," he said before turning back towards the door. He walked out of the room, leaving her with a few thoughts.

Rose continued to gnaw on her bottom lip as she thought about what he said. Who was coming? Since it was his family, they were obviously like him, not human. What if they were here to kill her? After all, there were a few who didn't agree with Caleb marrying a human, so her concern wasn't too far fetched.

She felt like a ball of nerves the more she thought about it. Suddenly needing some fresh air, she walked out of the room and made her way towards the garden at the back of the mansion. It was breathtaking. The view was something cut out from a fairy tale. Damn vampires could even make a garden beautiful.

She shook her head with a sigh. It seemed the vampire world was perfect. She really didn't fit in their world. She was anything but perfect. She still couldn't understand why Caleb wanted her to be his wife when he had tons of gorgeous vampire ladies around him. She was sure he had no shortage of admirers, he was perfect.

She walked around for a bit before finally stopping in front of a bush of roses, which seemed to be a purple blue color. She had never seen roses like these, noticing they would spread open and close repeatedly. There were other colors as well, which she had never known excited. Were black roses real? Her head turned to look at the white roses next to her. They were shinning brightly, almost glittering in the sun as the petals spread outwards magically before closing again.

They were breathtaking. She suddenly thought about how they would look if she made her wedding bouquet with these roses. She was sure they would look stunning with a white dress. Maybe they could use these to decorate the place where they would have their wedding ceremony.

She reached out and touched one out of curiosity. She gasped as she immediately felt a sensation wash over her, making her feel extremely happy. What was this? She jerked her hand back and stared wide-eyed at the rose in front of her. What the fuck?

"These roses are special, madam."

She turned to look at the woman who was walking towards her. She couldn't be more than 30 years old. She looked so beautiful, and had the air of a goddess. Rose gulped, suddenly feeling intimidated and out of place.

The woman smiled at Rose and walked up to her. "I make these roses with special abilities. They serve many different purposes."

Rose watched the woman reach out and swiftly cut a white rose from the bush before offering it to her. "Uh, thank you," she said, but stopped as she reached her hand out to take it remembering what had happened.

The woman chuckled. "It will not harm you. This rose is not harmful. It helps lift your spirits."

Her eyebrows lifted in shock. "Is that really possible?" Rose asked as she took the flower, immediately feeling better as the woman had said. She watched it's petals close in her hand, but they did not open again.

"Anything is possible. Especially in our world." She smiled at Rose and sized her up. "Aren't you curious about our life?"

Rose frowned. Was she curious? She couldn't deny the fact that being a vampire had many advantages. Many of them had unimaginable powers humans could only dream of.

"I wonder what your power will be once you become one of us," the woman said with a smile.

Her words stunned Rose. "Me? I would have powers?"

The woman chuckled. "Most humans who turn develop some kind of ability. Of course, that's not the case with everyone. Some just don't have good luck. I'd say it happens with 90 percent of those turned."

Rose swallowed hard. What if she didn't get powers? With her luck, she would be one of the ten percent who didn't get anything once she was turned. She frowned at the thought. Maybe it was better not to push her luck. Wait, why was she suddenly thinking about this?? It's not like she had any plans of turning into a vampire!

"My name is Chloe," the woman suddenly said.

"Nice to meet you, Chloe, I'm Rose."

Chloe nodded. Yes madam, I'm aware of who you are," she said with a chuckle.

Rose blushed. "Can you please stop calling me madam?" she asked, feeling awkward.

Chloe chuckled. "Alright, what would you like me to call you?"

"Just Rose," she answered with a smile.

"Very well Rose." With a smile, she watched Rose frowning as she stared at the flower in her hand. She extended her arm and waved her palm over it.

Rose's eyebrows lifted in surprise as the rose suddenly opened up once again. "Wow, they really are special."

"It will open and close whenever you want. Please don't throw it away. Keep it, and use it whenever you're feeling down."

Rose nodded. "I wouldn't dare to toss something so beautiful and special," she said with a smile.

Chloe was pleased with her words. "When you have time, come back and I will show you the rest of my flowers. Very few are interested in them, as I am."

Rose nodded. "I would love to. Thank you Chloe."

Chloe smiled before excusing herself.

Rose watched the woman leave, smiling happily with the rose in her hand. The world was full of magic, and she was barely discovering the tip of the iceberg.