
Caleb quickly followed her into the room. He watched her enter the bathroom and heard the door lock right after. He smiled before walking towards the walk-in closet and to change into his pajamas. Truth be told, he didn't have to sleep and hadn't been doing so for decades. But, he was not going to pass up the opportunity to be in the same bed as his wife for hours. He would be stupid if he didn't take advantage of this precious time to hold her in his arms.

Rose walked out of the bathroom ten minutes later, already dressed in her pajamas and ready for bed. Her eyes narrowed as she saw the man lying on the bed comfortably reading a book.

Caleb didn't move as he heard her walking towards the bed. He pretended to read the book in his hands, but all senses were focused on the beautiful girl approaching him.

"Remember what you agreed on," she said with eyes narrowed as she began to cautiously climb on the bed. She made sure to stay as far away from him as possible, lying right up against the edge of the bed.

"What's that?" Caleb asked as he continued to focus on the book in his hands.

"You're not going to touch me until we're married."

"Oh that." He set the book down on the nightstand and turned to his side to look at her. "I don't remember agreeing to that, but I do remember saying I could touch you if you are willing," he said, voice deep as the atmosphere around them began to change. "Even if it's before we marry," he said with a mischievous smile.

She frowned and turned to look at him. She shook her head. "That's not going to happen."

He smiled as he watched her cheeks flush. He chuckled when she quickly turned away from him. "Relax sweetheart. I'm not going to touch you. I'll be a perfect gentleman for as long as you want me to be."

His words were not comforting at all, as her mind suddenly began to have flashbacks of their kiss. She swallowed hard and shut her eyes, forcing herself to sleep.

Rose woke up the next morning to an empty bed, which she was grateful for. The last thing she wanted was a repeat of that embarrassing morning not too long ago. She hadn't slept much as she was acutely aware of the man lying next to her the whole night. She had been so hot; she almost suffocated to death under the covers. She forced herself up and quickly washed up and dressed before running downstairs.

She was shocked to find a few vampires walking around the mansion. Yesterday there hadn't been a single fly, but today is was bustling with activity. Before she could ask anything, she was greeted by Ksien who seemed to be waiting for her at the bottom of the spiral stairs.

"Good morning, Madam," he said as he watched her walking down with a confused expression. "These people are only here to prepare for your incoming guests. After everything is over, there will only be a handful of workers around."

"Are you staying here too?" she asked.

"If Madam wants me to leave I can," Ksien said without hesitation.

Her eyes widened. "No! That's not what I meant!" She cleared her throat. "I was simply curious if you and the others were staying here as well or staying at the other mansion."

"I will be the only one staying here to tend to your needs. The others are staying somewhere else."

Rose's eyebrows lifted in shock. "Even Katherine?"

Ksien fought a smile as he nodded. "Yes Madam."

"Can you please stop calling me that? Call me Rose. Please!"

Ksien frowned, but nodded. "Alright."

"Thank you." She stopped in front of him and looked around. "Where's Caleb?" she asked.

"He is working in the study," Ksien replied. Before he could say anything else his eyes narrowed and he turned his attention towards the main entrance, which was across from them. He sighed, before turning to look at her. "It appears we've got company."

Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Who-?" Before she could finish asking, the front doors were swung open unceremoniously and an older woman began to walk in. Rose immediately felt the hostility radiating off of her and unconsciously clenched her fists. She was surprised as she watched Ksien stand in front of her protectively. Her lips curled up into a smile as her heart melted with his actions. She had to admit, she was beginning to get attached to this vampire.

"Madam Margaret," Ksien said with a slight bow of his head. He paused when he saw the woman behind Margaret. "… and miss Victoria." It was clear by his tone of voice that their visitors were not welcome at all.

"For the love of god Ksien is this how you welcome royals? Not even a single servant has offered to help!" Margaret began to admonish as she haughtily made her way towards Ksien.

Rose's mood immediately soured as she watched the older woman walking towards them like she owned the place. She noticed a younger version of the arrogant woman, which was no doubt the woman's daughter, following behind her.

"I apologize Madam Margaret. Perhaps next time you could let us know when you're planning to arrive so that we can prepare an entourage to take care of your needs."

Rose fought the urge to roll her eyes. Why was he encouraging her attitude?

"No need," Margaret said as she clapped her hands.

Rose's jaw dropped when she witnessed more than a dozen servants rushing in, hands overflowing with objects. What the hell was this woman whining about when she had so many people to help? She chuckled incredulous as more and more people continued to walk in.

Margaret's eyes suddenly landed on her. A smirk lifted the corners of her lips. "And this is…?" she asked condescendingly.

"Allow me to introduce Madam Rose, your future queen," Ksien said loudly, putting an emphasis on, 'your future queen.'

Rose felt the urge to strangle him, realizing he was using her to irritate the older vampire.

After a brief moment of awkward silence, Margaret finally spoke. "Is that so?" She took a few steps forward until she stood in front of Rose. "It's a shame you're just a human."

Rose's eyebrows lifted and she chuckled at the woman's rudeness. "Nice to meet you," she said, ignoring the woman's clear attempt at insulting her. "My name is Rose."

"So it is," Margaret said, not bothering to introduce herself, as she looked Rose up and down with clear disdain.

"As a royal, shouldn't you show better manners and introduce yourself when someone is greeting you?" Caleb asked as he walked in, glaring at his aunt.

Margaret's eyes narrowed as she turned to look at her nephew. She was speechless, unable to counter his words since they were true.

"Cousin!" Victoria cried out happily and rushed towards him with a wide grin on her face. She immediately tried pouncing on him for a hug, only to have him ignore her as he rushed towards Rose.

His sudden movements surprised Rose when she felt him stand next to her. She froze when his hands wrapped around her waist. She felt her back snuggly fit against his chest and her cheeks turned red with embarrassment. She swallowed hard as she turned to look up at him.

Caleb smiled down at her before pressing a tender kiss against her cheek. The action made her quickly turn away and his smile widened, amused by her reaction.

Margaret and Victoria emanated a cold aura as they witnessed Caleb's actions towards the human girl in his arms.

Victoria felt her body burning with rage and jealousy. She should be the one in his arms! It was her place this insignificant human was usurping! She felt like she was ready tear the human girl apart, before she could say anything, her mother shot her a look, which seemed to calm her down.

"Sweetheart, this is my aunt, Margaret," Caleb said as he inspected his aunt, noting every look and every move between her and her daughter. He almost wanted to laugh at the stupidity of these two women, as they believed he didn't know the reason why they had come. "And her daughter Victoria."

"You won't even introduce me as your cousin?" Victoria said with a frown. "Why are you so cold towards me all of a sudden?"

"All of a sudden?" Caleb asked, amused. "I don't remember ever treating you differently."

Victoria's teeth clenched, but she swallowed her anger.

"Aunt… cousin, this is Rose, my wife and your queen," Caleb said as he lifted Rose's right arm and placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

Margaret knew her daughter as seething with anger. She had been his betrothed after all. Now, she had to watch a human girl steal her place and her man. Margaret was sure her daughter was seething with anger. "So this is whom you've chosen to replace my daughter?" she asked, crudely.

Rose's eyes widened and she turned from Victoria to Caleb as she understood Margaret's words. Well fuck. No wonder they were mad. She chuckled nervously as she stared at Caleb. "Of course…" He was the vampire King for God's sake! Of course, he had a fiancée!