Lvl 0: Prologue

In the darkness, a burst of light shone. Illuminating the void for a few seconds before it returned to darkness... But there was something different there... A small floating sphere of pure white light, floating in that darkness, it was like fire to moths! Suddenly several dark spheres started to surround this small light sphere, trying to devour it.

However, something happened. A creature suddenly appeared, it was a deer with a white body... This was Arceus, the Pokemon God. They looked down upon the white sphere, this was a soul, a pure soul was sent to the Void! Only the worst kind of scum would be sent to the void to eternally suffer, luckily Arceus caught this soul before Erebus or Nix did, he quickly left the darkness with the small sphere attached to its body, with a flash of light, Arceus and the soul disappeared. The other dark beings that there slept, suddenly looked at where Arceus was, a man with dark black hair was there floating... His hair was so big that you couldn't see the end of it, it was like his hair was the darkness around it. Clicking his tongue, the man sighed and said: "He got it. Damn you Arceus!" Cursing one of his worst enemies, Erebus looked back at his sister, Nix, who was laughing hard. Floating around the dark space, Nix couldn't even look at her brother without thinking back at what happened. Nix was a young woman, her hair was long or even longer than her brother's hair...

But there was something different about it, stars, millions, billions of stars were attached to her hair. Now only her hair but also her dress was made of stars and darkness. "He got you again!" Nix continued to laugh as her brother cursed Arceus. Suddenly, another flash, a white soul appeared in the space... Nix and Erebus looked at each other and smiled.

-Scene Break-

Arceus appeared in a white space, still holding the spectral white sphere next to his body. With a sigh of relief, Arceus released the soul in his domain, where the Soul would be protected... He then called the Unknowns, all of them, to help him create something for the soul, he decided to make the Soul it's champion! A very important and most desirable job that one could have in the entire Omniverse! Arceus felt it, reality shattered for a second, and a rift was opened in his domain, from the small shift millions of Unknowns appeared, they were all from the Pokeverse. "Children. I need your help to do something with me." All the Unknowns started to spin around Arceus, forming hands, millions, and millions of hands...

"Let us begin."

-Scene Break-

'Huh?' A thought passed by his head, where was he? No. What happened to him? No, there is an important question that he has no answer to: 'Who am I?'

This question couldn't be answered. All he knew was his likes and dislikes, and all related to that. He liked fiction and disliked reality. He liked animes, games, movies, mangas, novels, books, and other things that would help him escape from the shithole named life. He couldn't remember his name, his age, his gender, his appearance... But he could remember about his likes, well he hasn't played a lot of games in the past, but only some of them sadly. Suddenly he heard a voice, a voice that he couldn't identify as a man or a woman... The voice echoed across his mind, making him confused.

The voice said: "It is done. Rest now, my child." And with that, he couldn't do anything... His mind got fuzzy, and he lost his consciousness... But was he conscious from the beginning?

-Scene Break-

A woman was screaming in pain as her womb expanded. Her body was attached to a hospital bed, but she wasn't in a hospital at all... She was in a dark room, a man with a sickening smile looked at her while she screamed, begging for death. What the man was doing was simple: Torture. His name was Nakamura Harashiki, he was a villain named Pain! With his orange hair, he could be mistaken for a certain Naruto Character... Anyway! His quirk was exactly what his name said it to be, Pain. If he touches a person, he can make that person feel pain or amplify the pain they are already feeling by 10×, 100×, and even 1000× worse than they ever felt. His quirk was a hypnotic based one, he wasn't damaging the brain or nerves of his victim, but tricking the brain to make it believe that the body was feeling Pain.

His favorite hobby was the act of torture, he worked for an organization that trafficked slaves. His work was to break the targets' minds and make him or her more obedient! And, oh how he enjoyed it... Hearing the cries of pain, the begging, seeing his victim falling into insanity! Because he was so good at his job, the organization leader gave him the right to take a person for himself if he ever wanted it, and if one of his toys... broke, he could take another one a month later.

The woman in front of him was raped by him, and she got pregnant. No matter how many times he tried to abort the child, it survived. He then thought about taking it out with his own hands... But then he had a sickening idea! He would let the woman have this child and amplify the pain she feels! Giving birth, according to science, is one of the worst pains in the world, and right now the woman is feeling it but 10× worse... She is already begging for death. With a smile on his face, Pain increased the pain output by 100×. The woman couldn't even scream anymore, her vocal cords were broken... Pain enjoyed hearing her gasps for air and seeing her body tremble... Then it happened, a cry of a baby. The woman stopped trembling and smiled at Pain like she was showing him how he lost. How she successfully made tool her baby to the world, and how the pain didn't affect her anymore.

Pain looked at her, looked at her baby, and smiled. The woman, however, didn't close her eyes... She was long gone. Clicking his tongue, Pain looked at the toddler on the ground, and before he could even kick it to death, he received a slap. "Ouch! You bitch!" Pain only knew one person that would slap him, and it was his sister, Neremuri Harashiki. She had a different personality from her brother, but still sickening... She enjoyed manipulation, betrayal, and the look in the eyes of someone when they notice how she betrayed them...

She liked to seduce men and make them fall into her heels, tell her their secrets, and then use their secrets against them. Her Quirk was named Liquid, she could control the liquids her body produced and change it, she could add a healing effect to her blood, so she can heal herself, she could make her saliva have a minor hypnotic effect, so she could control people by kissing them, and the most disgusting effect...

She could make her "Love Juice" have a high healing and regenerative effect, so she could heal anyone that drank it. Even lost limbs could be reformed by it! She could also change her blood to poisonous blood, aphrodisiac saliva, and a lot more. Recently, she received a mission from her boss, she would need to kidnap kids that she deemed worthy of being taught... techniques. Her boss gave her the mission of teaching the kids about manipulation, betrayal, and more, and even build up their poison resistance. Not only her but also her brother would "help" by increasing the kid's pain resistance, electric resistance, and torture techniques.

"Hey you faggot, get up. This kid won't be killed now! He may be useful in the future." Clicking his tongue, Pain got up. Nerenumi's "villain name" was "Love". There were others in the organization, such as "Pleasure", "Greed", "Wrath", "Sloth", and others. "Also, we have to go now, give this little shit to someone outside. The boss called." Pain gulped... The only man he feared was his boss, he was a scary man that could make his worst nightmare come true... His name was...

All for One.