Lvl 03: Adoption?

3114 began to think. He wouldn't let the heroes and government know his full abilities, so he will give false information to them, not show everything he can do, and act weak. Strong for a child of his age, but weak compared to an adult. With a sigh, 3114 looked at the dead Pleasure and walked towards her, Aizawa snapped out of his stupor when he saw the boy suddenly teleport towards the dead body of the gorilla woman and grab the knife out of the ground, stabbing the corpse again, and again, and again. Doing it all while looking completely indifferent, like he was doing nothing wrong...

But thinking about it, for the child that probably was taught how to kill, this was not wrong at all. Aizawa quickly reacted and grabbed the boy's arm, making him look at Aizawa's eyes. Aizawa activated his quirk just to be safe, the boy instantly tried to activate his quirk to escape his arms, when he noticed that his "quirk" didn't I work, he looked panicked. Instantly looking at Aizawa like he was his worst enemy, with a quick punch towards his face, the boy tried to escape. Seeing the arm coming towards, Aizawa sighed, he trained his body to not blink when a punch, kick, or something like that was coming towards his face.

It was a natural reaction, to flinch when something was going to hit your face. They seemed to notice his quirk, so he tried to make him blink, Aizawa internally smiled thinking that the boy at least was smart. All Might helped Aizawa with restraining the lid so he won't hurt himself, coming through the hole in the wall, Nighteye looked at the corpses on the ground and sighed... Without looking at Nighteye, Aizawa said: "We got another kid here, he is a little aggressive. Killed the two grown-ups." All Might nodded while carefully trying to hole the boy who was trashing. 'Aizawa was using his quirk on him, so he must have a dangerous quirk.' Nighteye thought as he looked at the boy.

He was a small boy, blonde hair, but his eyes... They were purple. He has a face derived from baby fat, seemingly, he was malnourished. Aizawa sighed for a second, he continued to look at the kid, but eventually, he blinked. And that was when 3114 teleported out of his vision, appeared above Aizawa, grabbed his head, and placed his hand in Aizawa's forehead, and teleported up! 50 feet up, both Aizawa and 3114 appeared. With a kick to Aizawa's back, 3114 tried to teleport away again just to have his feet warped around the white scarf that Aizawa uses as a weapon when he tried to teleport away, he brought Aizawa with him. This time they were about 30 to 40 feet away from All Might and Nighteye.

This was the first time 3114 saw the outside, he was a little scared, even though he was an adult in his past life, the original's feelings were influencing his own. He fell to the ground, Aizawa this time was a little rough with him, with a hand to the back of the neck with enough strength to make him faint. There were other heroes and government agents. They all saw this, some were surprised to see Aizawa appear and knock out a child, but they all were professional heroes, so they noticed something wrong. Next All Might and Nighteye appeared, they quickly explained some things to the government authorities, their mission was to rescue the kids that were captured by an organization and sold as slaves or tested on, a lot of people were captured.

Aizawa was holding the boy in a princess carry, he was trying to be careful with the boy, suddenly an elder woman, Hero's name: Recovery Girl, approaches Aizawa and began to lecture him about how rough and rude he was with a child that probably was acting out of fear and instinct, Aizawa acted like he didn't care, but he admitted that she was somewhat right... He could have knocked him out a lot easier. Dragging the boy to the infirmary tent, Aizawa watched as Nighteye talked to some people here and there, some heroes trying to comfort some kids and other people doing some stuff here and there... He sighed and entered the infirmary. There were a lot of kids that were there, some fainted because of shock, fear, or other emotion, some had some bruises too.

Dropping the boy in a bed, Aizawa sat down beside him. Looking at the boy quietly, Aizawa noticed something... He was breathing roughly like he was feeling pain. Raising his eyebrow a little, Aizawa asked himself if he had hot the boy too hard, but then he remembered that the boy probably was tested on, so he was having a nightmare about something... Aizawa touched the boy's forehead, he was sweating hard now, the boy suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Aizawa straight in the eye. "So you finally woke up, huh," Aizawa commented, tired. "Try to be a little calm now. Don't want to knock you out again." Aizawa sighed, he wasn't being paid enough for this... Too much work.

"So, kid, what's your name?" Aizawa asked, he couldn't call him 'kid' or 'boy' all the time. "3114." The childish voice echoed in the tent, Recovery Girl that was taking care of some kids sighed heavily, she felt sad for the child, he didn't even know his name... Aizawa felt a little angry, how could a child not know its name... 'Wait, does he have a name?' This thought made Aizawa feel sad for the kid, right before he could say something, All Might and Nighteye entered the tent. Aizawa was going to say something, but he saw the boy flinch like he was entering fight or flight mode. Not only him noticed it, Nighteye and All Might also notice, but the one who was looking patently at the boy was Recovery Girl. She used a syringe to quickly inject a calming effect on the boy's body, to make his muscles relax.

He visibly relaxed a little, but it seemed that it didn't have too much effect on him. It was considered a poison by his body, so his poison resistance was protecting him. Recovery Girl noticed it because this calming formula was made to calm even All Might! And this boy that at least is 6 years old was capable of resisting it... Recovery started to get mad at the people that tortured this boy, to be able to resist it, he must have a high resistance to poison. Nighteye observed everything that happened in the tent as soon as he joined, he knew about the calming formula that was made to use on All Might... He knew everything about All Might! So when the boy was resisting this substance on his body, he analyzed everything and got to the conclusion that the boy had great resistance to poison.

"So, what is the boy's name, Aizawa?" Nighteye was trying to be calm and collected, he had to be so he could analyze things. "3114." The boy repeated what he said to Aizawa, but this time he was looking at Nighteye. All Might visibly flinch, Nighteye raised an eyebrow before making an ugly face.

-Scene Break-

After some hours of trying to "comfort", the boy that ended up a waste of hours because the boy didn't react, or he would simply look at them with a neutral face. Aizawa tried to ask him using his name, the boy reacted every time someone asked him about something in an ordering tone. This just made Aizawa madder, not only Aizawa but Recovery Girl, All Might, and Nighteye. 3114 was trying to act like a traumatized child, so he tried to talk slowly, but he also visibly clenched his muscles and tried to escape some times by using his quirk, he even fought against All Might for two seconds before he was stopped by Aizawa.

He was trying to give the impression that he was a kid trained to be an assassin, so he showed none emotion, always with a poker face... This made a lot of heroes preoccupied. Four hours later, Aizawa made his decision. "You WHAT!?" shouted Recovery Girl like she just heard something unbelievable. All the heroes that participated in the rescue were together in a tent with some government agents, everyone was looking at Aizawa like they have seen a ghost. "I said... I will adopt the kid."