Lvl 19: Z?

Inasa quickly began to explain what he means: "I want Momo to be my Co-Representative!" He shouted so loudly that everyone in the classroom held their ears while feeling a little dizzy. In the end, Momo accepted Inasas's offer and became the Co-president of Class 1-A! The day continued quite peacefully, at the end of the day Beithir returned to his base where La Brava and Gentle were, he first made sure that he wasn't interrupting something that they were... doing. After making sure, he teleported and sighed when he saw that both Gentle and La Brava were avoiding his eyes. "Congratulations. I can arrange the marriage." Beithir smiled when he saw their reaction.

La Brava had steam rising from her head while Gentle was holding his face with his hands. "Count yourself lucky, Mister Gentle, she is a legal loli. So no FBI for you." Gentle looked confused for a second before looking away, La Brava was mumbling something about pregnancy and marriage while Beithir just chuckled and smile... Remembering their fate when Deku defeated Gentle. "Now let's begin the training, I want to see your progress." Both stopped what they were doing and looked at Beithir seriously, their eyes were showing their determination.

"Let's begin."

-Scene Break-

"So, what will you do?" A tall man looked down at the boy beside him, the boy had several hands attached to his face and body, others would think that the boy had a hand fetish, but he knew why the boy had those hands on him.

"I will kill the Symbol of Peace! I will destroy this society, everything will succumb to decay and turn to dust on my hands." The boy answered while scratching his face.

"Shigaraki, don't be so emo." The man said with a half-smirk and a silent chuckle.

"Shut up, Z!" Shigaraki looked at the man beside him and shouted as he tried to grab him with his hands.

"Master told me to help you if necessary if your plans fail it will be my responsibility to get you out." Z dodged Shigaraki's attack easily and in turn whispered in his ear and he kicked him away.

"I know that, so shut your fucking mouth before I kill you." Grunting, Shigaraki held himself back from lashing out at the man in front of him and began to scratch his face.

"You are too young and inexperienced to kill me, boy. Even your sensei would have a hard time fighting against me." Z smiled nostalgically as if he was remembering something good, something intoxicating. Shigaraki felt disgusted as he looked at the man who was got hard just by thinking about how he would fight against his sensei.

"Anyway, I won't stop you from doing anything you want to do. Purple guy will be your teleporter, but if he is knocked out, I will teleport us back. I hope I won't need to use my other quirks." In the last part, he commented silently to himself how he hated to use the other quirks that he got from All for One. They were simply quirks, but they worked well with his main quirk. Z main's quirk was named [Copy-Copy], he can copy someone's quirk by looking at it, but it has a limited time of use, but he can copy only mac to 5 quirks! The other quirk that he got from All for One was named [Time Extender] it extends time-limited quirks by touching the user.

So, Z's max limit before was 30 minutes, but with his [Time Extender] quirk he can maintain the copied quirks are now 1 hour. The second and last quirk he received from All for One was named [Before] and it is a time-based quirk that rewinds time! It reverses tome 5 minutes, everything done on these 5 minutes will be reversed and everyone besides the user of the quirk will forget everything that happened, but if a person has a time-based quirk, that will also remember those happened on those 5 minutes. Using this quirk, however, had a side effect. Z would be seeing possible futures or pasts for himself, but every single one of them he dies, he would see himself be raped to death by men, women, and animals, he would see himself begin shot by his parents, betrayed by his friends, and much more. It made him have some nightmares sometimes... All for One said that this quirk was sentient and it would try to make the user go insane so the quirk can take control over the body of the user.

After 10 years of having this quirk, he somewhat got used to this quirk and could ignore some of these illusions. However, it had some damage on him, making a little sadistic... Okay, not a little bit but a lot sadistic. Z looked at Shigaraki and smiled, suddenly Shigaraki felt a cold run down his spine and he looked back to see Z smiling at him innocently. If Beithir was there, he would ask them if they knew that Bungee Gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum...

-Scene Break-

Beithir arrived early and sat down on his seat and began to draw. He was practicing his drawing skills and trying to get a skill on that so he could improve his terrible drawing skills. After some minutes the class was full of his classmates, they had normal classes and a normal break. Beithir heard his classmates commenting about the reporters outside the school and sighed, he had to teleport to his class to avoid the reporters who were asking him questions after questions...

Suddenly, the alarm started to ring. Loudly echoing through the whole school grounds. Students suddenly began to panic, on Beithir's table where Beithir, Inasa, Momo, Kirishima, and Mina were, there was a calm atmosphere... Inasa wasn't panicking because Beithir didn't even react and continued to eat, Momo didn't panic because Inasa was calm, Kirishima and Mina were too panicked to react and seemed to be calm on the surface, but in truth, they were also a little scared. Beithir simply pointed towards the glass wall beside their table, they could see the reporters invading U.A grounds, with a sigh they both relaxed. Inasa looked at the crowd and suddenly he had an idea. Filing his lungs with air and expanding his chest, Inada prepared himself to shout, Beithir immediately reacted and create a vacuum to stop the sound to enter the ears of everyone on his table.


Everybody held their ears, some students near Inasa had their ears bleeding, Beithir just continued to eat silently while everyone was looking at Inasa. After some seconds after his shout, people began to calm down. Some had problem hearing, others were still holding their head and seemed to be in pain... Inasa awkwardly held his head and smiled at Beithir who sighed and used his Dialga powers to refund the damage on every student around them, giving back their hearing. Everyone at his table was a little confused about why they didn't get deaf, but Momo quickly explained what Beithir did and that thanked him. Classes continued normally after, only some people with phantom pain in their ears...

(A/N: I don't know of USJ happens on the same day or the next day, so we will go with the next day.)