Lvl 25: Begging?

Today is the day! Beithir was a little bored... He already knew what would happen, maybe some things would change because he is here now, or maybe everything stays the same? He isn't sure. Wearing his U.A uniform, Beithir waited in the common room for Class 1-A, soon enough Bakugo went towards him with a hint of anger in his eyes he looked down at Beithir who was sitting on the chair atar the corner of the wall and said: "I will fucking kick your ass and show you how powerful I am!" Beithir just looked at him for a second before saying: "Kirishima... Your boyfriend is mean." Kirishima completely ignored Beithir's comment, but the other didn't and they looked at Kirishima and Bakugo... They were close, maybe?

Some of the girls began fantasizing about it, and like that Beithir created the first club of Fujoshis of U.A! Bakugo looked at Beithir and clicked his tongue, what seemed to be that he wasn't denying his relationship with Kirishima and as both of them didn't say anything, they practical confirmed to the new fujoshis that they were indeed dating. Beithir silently gave himself a thumbs-up as Inasa approached him and began to ask him question after question, like:

"What do you think will be the first task!?" Inasa asked as he sat down beside Beithir, who was looking at his own hands with a blank face.

"Maybe a task that will eliminate a huge amount of people? I don't know... A race is a good possibility, a battle royal too." Beithir answered as he looked towards Inasa and smiled.

"Free for All? You mean those battles where people would be kicking each other around?" Inasa questioned with a pensive face, he wasn't quite sure if that was the right scenario.

"Yeah, something like that. Here." Beithir said as he gave Inasa a box with rice balls, he always had food with him and because they would be fighting and running around, they needed energy! Beithir took one of the rice balls and quickly devoured it, he went from one to one of the students of Class 1-A and gave to each of them, 5 rice balls, he gave Kirishima 10 Rice balls so he could give 5 of them to his boyfriend. Inasa quickly ate his 5 rice balls and began to be prepared, he stretched his body and do some light exercises to "wake up" his body. "Eat up. you guys will need it." Saying that Beithir returned to his chair and continued to wait.

"Hey... Beithir-kun!" Mina looked at Beithir who was eating his rice ball, tilting his head to the side for a second, Beithir asked: "Yes?" Mina paused for a second... She coughed, trying to find her courage to ask him. "You are... Aizawa-sensei son!?" She shouted the last part, making Beithir a little confused why she was shouting, he nodded his head and looked calmly at her waiting for her next question. Everyone in Class-1-A looked in their direction, Tsuyu then came forward and said: "Beithir-kun, who is your mother? Is Aizawa-sensei married? How old are you? No one knew Aizawa had a son, even some teachers." Beithir chuckled and said: "Well... First of all, I'm adopted. Second of all, some teachers don't know about me being Aizawa's son because of some circumstances. Third of all, Principal Nezu, All Might, Mic, and Vlad knew about me being Aizawa's son, and there was also no reason for me to tell you guys."

Beithir paused for a second. "You only discovered because I said it out loud for a second," Izuku asked a question: "B-beithir-kun, I guess I know why there was no good reason to tell us you were Aizawa-sensei's son, but... How are you so powerful? We saw you fight side by side with Aizawa-sensei like you already did it before, Inasa also joined in like it was nothing dangerous..." Muttering for a second, Izuku seemed to discover the reason. "Don't tell me... Because you did it!" Izuku shouted the last part, causing a little uproar in the common room. Beithir took out of nowhere a small sign with a number on it, it was 9, it seemed to be Izuku's note for discovering. "Bingo. Indeed I did. You know, being the son of an Underground Hero is not easy. Kidnapping attempts, assassination attempts for revenge, villains trying to get to you to get some information about some random crap, and other things. Just ghosts and ghosts..." Beithir whispered the last while looking at the small eyes on his shadow, Ghastly could also enter his shadow, making it the best place Ghastly could be!

"And you get 9 points for muttering. It is sincerely annoying." Beithir touched his shadow and pulled out the small Ghastly, feeding it some ghost energy... Interestingly enough, no one saw the small Ghast, they only saw Beithir touching the ground and sitting back on his chair. "Next person who guesses my age will get this." Beithir decided to do a little game, because why not? It would decrease the tension in the room! Taking out a small cup with pudding, Beithir presented the heavily honey, the Ambrosia, the juice of the Gods! Wait... The last one isn't quite right. Anyway! Just the smell of the small squishy and gelatinous pudding, gulps could be heard across the room as people began to give random numbers not even thinking about which number they said. Someone even said 69! Beithir mentally said nice.

In the end, everyone received a small portion of pudding and waited until the Festival begins. They could hear the crowd outside, Todoroky after eating the pudding looked at Beithir for a second and said: "Beithir. You... Are my opponent, I will defeat you... And thank you for the food." Beithir looked at Todoroky for a second before sighing, he snapped his fingers, and every single empty cup disappeared and returned to his space. "Sure thing. But make sure to take this seriously and use your quirk fully, wouldn't it be humiliating for you to lose without even trying? Because if you try to fight me using not even all of your quirk to the fullest... Then you will be my next stepstone. But I'm a hypocrite because I don't plan to use my quirk fully since you know, don't want to have any of you killed."

Saying this, Beithir left the room and at the same time, Midnight came to take them to the stage where each class 1 would be having their representative for a speech. From Class A to Class D. And each representative of each class was selected by their actions and by the teachers.

Class A Representative: Beithir

Class B Representative: Kendo

Class C Representative: Neidum

Class D (Support Class) Representative: Mei