Lvl 27: Mario Cart (2/2)?

Running forward, Beithir decided to take things a little bit serious, he reduced the gravity of his body and began to run on the wall and ceiling of the tunnel he was in, leaving the tunnel in first place with a huge advantage against some students, but some of them angrily followed him... Mostly Bakugo. Todoroky came right after using his ice and creating platforms to jump above the other students and even freezing some of them in the process. Kirishima and Tokoyami came right after using their quirks to break the ice and pass through it at will. Beithir looked up and saw a huge green arm made out of metal coming down towards him, with a swift motion of his fingers Beithir sent a blade of space energy that cut through the arm and destroyed it.

Seeing this, Mic commented *cough* shouted *cough* on the mic saying: "INCREDIBLE! HIS REACTION WAS ON TIME!" Aizawa, who had only some bandages warped around his head because the Nomu punched his head on the U.S.J accident, commented together with Mic: "He is a strong student. He can take care of most challenges." Mic began to talk to Aizawa trying to get him to talk more about his students, but Aizawa continued to watch the race. Suddenly, a burst of wind pushed everything aside, and riding in the wind, Inasa flew past Beithir with a smile on his face. Beithir smiled back and from his back, a pair of black wings expanded. Entering Giratina's Hybrid state, Beithir flew past Inasa and chuckled. Bakugo angrily shouted insults at Beithir for not even caring about him.

Todoroky could look up at Inasa, Beithir, and Bakugo flying towards the next part of the race, the abyss crossing! Todoroky watched as they quickly flew past the abyss and continued forward, Bakugo had to land for a second to increase the power behind his explosion to cross the entire abyss. Beithir looked behind just to see his competitors quickly following behind at their full speed, Beithir chuckled and searched through the area around him for one of the items that Midnight said that there was scattered around the road... Beirhir quickly found a small hand grenade and teleporting it towards him, he took the pin of the grenade out and threw it behind him, he just heard the blast and a grunt and the sound of electricity.

Beithir expanded his wings and continued forward faster than before! Inasa, who had been hit by the paralyzing grenade, grunting continued forward and compressed the wind on his back and moved the wind from his way making a vacuum forward. Like that, Inasa quickly increased his speed and passed Beithir who had to deal with air resistance. Beithir just had an extremely dangerous idea! He used his space powers to move space and remove the air from his way too but because he removed it too quickly and passed through it flying, the surrounding air would expand and concentrate on the place where there was a vacuum, making small explosions. Beithir used this technique to quickly pass through Inasa and assumed 1st place.

Bakugo felt humiliation as he watched Beithir and Inasa easily break the sound barrier, he also tried to do this be he needed a stronger body and stronger quirk to hold the pressure his body be through, so he decided to expand his speed by using his quirk area, creating bigger explosions with the sweat from the face. How? Bakugo's sweat was nitroglycerin, his hands could produce sparks, so if he used passed his hand through the sweat of his face and accumulated it on his hand, using his quirk, he would create a bigger explosion because he had more fuel. Bakugo could this strategy if he was sweating hard like now, so began to collect some sweat from his face and body with his hands, using it to give him a big boost towards Beithir and Inasa who meters ahead of him.

Soon enough, Beithir and Inasa passed the third part obstacle of the race flying through it as well. Beithir began to make some acrobatics mid-air to dodge some of the blasts of wind that went towards him. These blasts of wind were not aimed at him directly, but beside him to create a blast of sound waves to stun him, Beithir was having fun dodging the blasts while Inasa continued to try and stun Beithir for a second.

-Scene Break-

Back at the second fase of the race, Todoroky cursed himself for a second and used his ice to quickly push him towards the abyss, and before he could fall, he created some pillars of ice connected to the rope that would be used to cross the abyss. Todoroly thought for a second before trying something he never tried before, manipulate the ice that he produced with his quirk! Surrounding his arm with ice, Todoroky sent a blast of ice towards the end of the abyss. The ice visibly began to change into an arm, Todoroky was sweating while trying to control it, he used the arm to pull him towards the end of the abyss and passed through it easily. However, it required him a lot of concentration, making Todoroky mentally exhausted! He looked towards the third part of the race and sigh, freezing the ground with his quirk, he continued forward.

The rest of Class-1 A also continued to go forward using their quirk to pass through the challenges. Midorya, however, had a lot of luck to find a small hand grenade that he could use... When the time was right! He also had a shield of metal that fell when Beithir cut through the 0-Pointer with his quirk. He used it to defend himself from some items that were thrown at him by some random people and also used it as a board to ski through the ice left behind by Todoroky. The other with little mobility couldn't do much about the second part of the race, the abyss... Midoriya began to cross through the abyss using the ropes and Tsuyu followed right behind using her frog anatomy and tongue. Midoriya was lucky from getting this far without getting injured... There's no way he will end the race before Beithir!

(A/N: I always thought that Todoroky's quirk was not well explored, so I'm giving him a small boost in this fic. Because if you think about it, how well he could do with his quirk if he was able to control the shapes of his ice and fire!? Wings of ice and fire, swords of ice and fire, shields, and more!)