Lvl 29: Forgotten?


An explosion happened. Or should I say, a Bakugo happened! When the Cavalry Battle began, Beithir was attacked from every single possible side! From north, northwest, west, southwest, south, southeast, east, and northeast! Not only those 8 directions but also from up and down! But Beithir didn't panic, he used his quirk to pass through every attack directed towards him, making the ranged attacks pass right through him with no resistance and going towards others. This caused collateral damage to the other teams, some projectiles hit the "horse" of their team, making them weak and having them put at a disadvantage. However, some groups resisted well some of the attacks.

Midorya Team had Uraraka and Mei's babies to make them float around safely, making their team dodge some of the projectiles but having the jetpack destroyed In the process. Todoroky's team had Todoroky defend their team creating a wall of ice, that shattered after impact and scattered its fragments all over their team. Bakugo's team had Kirishima tank the damages using his quirk, making him hard while Bakugo was riding him.

Anyway, after the first wave of attack, Beithir acted quickly and began shifting time and space, making the ground around him shatter in decay, and the dirt beneath the other team's feet became sand. But not any sand, no, it became thin sand that was very slippery! This sand could not handle friction very well, rolling and getting away from people's feet every time they deposited their weights upon the poor sand! The sand retaliated by making them trip and fall, and once they fall, it would be hard to get up again! Beithir had such fine control over his quirk that he made the entire arena into a desert with just a thought. It was fast, so fast that not every team noticed the change until it was too late! They tripped and fell, getting up was a challenge for them, they began to get up and fall just to try and get up again.

Mina used her acid to melt away the sand as her team continued forward, Todoroky made a bridge of ice while Momo made shoes for everyone to not trip on the ice. Midoriya team was struggling to move but Midoriya had Tokoyami to use Darkshadow to use its arms and move the sand out of the way with wind blasts. Kendo's team had her use her hands to move the sand away Shindo's team had a girl with literal thorns for hair! Monona was part of Kendo's team and he used his quirk to copy the thorn girl hair, she had a strange blank look in her eyes. Beithir had Echo 1 to teleport his hand through portals, his aim was the headbands on the teams that were on the ground! While Echo1 could use the partial power of Plakia while summoned by Beithir, Echo3 had only the speed and strength that Beithir normally has, Echo2 had some partial control over Giratina's powers and he used it to make an armor of shadows to protect his team.

Beithir took the headbands from Echo1 and putting it between his forehead and neck, he was quickly full of headbands. He also had to put it on his arms.

It still was 5 minutes left when the other teams finally were free from the sand. To tell the truth, Beithir had a little fun silently torturing them... You know, he is crazy, but he is also sane, he can control his sanity but it still affects him a little bit. Quickly putting these thoughts out of his mind, Beithir reversed the thing he did to get the slippery sand and smiled when he saw that most of the other teams were looking like puppies who were bullied too much. Beithir asked himself if he was a sadist... 'Nah! I'm just too distracted.' He lied to himself. After a few seconds, three attacks came from three different directions, one was an explosion, one was a spike made out of ice, and one was the hand of a dark entity.

Beithir didn't move. He hadn't moved from the begging, why should he move now!? He quickly watched as a thin dark spheric barrier moved from his and the echos shadows, protecting them and him at the same time. All the attacks hit the barrier, making it crack for a second before it shattered. This barrier was created by Echo2, so it was weaker than other barriers that he would make, but this weak barrier was enough to protect from them the impact of the attacks and not let anything pass-through it. Beithir didn't even move as Echo1 used Palkia's powers to create little portals in front of his fists, he began to punch the portals, and right after his fist touched one of the portals, another portal would open near one of the classmates of Beithir and they would receive the punch.

Not only were they punched, but they also watched as Beithir didn't even look at them and continued to have his eyes closed and moving his fingers like he was controlling a puppet with strings... A puppeteer! To defeat a puppeteer, destroy its puppets! This was the thought that echoed across everyone's head that watched as Beithir pretended to play puppeteer with his echos, in fact, he just needed to think and they would do. Regardless, an act was an act and sooner ir later someone will know that you were acting! It's like being LGBTQ+, one day everyone will know unless they already know. *cough* Anyway! "DIIEEE!" Bakugo was tired from getting punched several times, he used his quirk to send a powerful explosive blast towards Beithir, who didn't even open his eyes as he moved his fingers around.

Echo2 focused its defense on the blast while Echo1 stopped attacking. Echo3 was there too! He used his body to defend Beithir from an attack that came from behind while Echo2 was too focused on defending Beithir from the explosion. Beithir had to pretend to be at least a little weaker than he is because he knows that probably All for One and the League of Virgins were watching this... Hell! Even someone he doesn't know may be watching this shit! He does know that All for One isn't in his prime, nor is One for All user All Might, so Beithir knew that if they had to fight... At least he had a chance of escaping! The anime didn't show very well the strength of All for One, I mean, he is strong! He has a lot of quirks that he combines and uses them to make each other stronger... But what about his other quirks? Emitter's quirks are tricky! They can be shooting lighting to bend reality, and All for One has been alive for a long time... He surely does have something up his sleeve.

Beithir decided to just prepare himself a little bit. Support All Might when his weak and frail body is exposed, and ride in the hype, posting two new songs that he has already planned: "One Small Step - Dr.Stone" and "Legends Never Die - League of Legends." because they both are good songs and Beithir thought that they would combine... Maybe he will sing "Phoenix - League of Legends." too because it kinda combines, the whole motivational song theme. Maybe he shows he face? No... Not yet at least, until he deals with the League of Virgins first! He plans on destroying Shigaraki Tomura so he can never even reincarnate! Because only then he can be at peace! He also will have to take care of Gigantomachina, that guy is a thought son of a b*tch... A unique attack, that destroys his body completely will do.

Beithir was so distracted and ignoring the things around him, that he didn't even notice that some of his headbands were gone, he doesn't care, because he only wants the 10,000,000 points headband! Kirishima engaged with Echo2 in hand-to-hand combat and he felt how inferior he was to Beithir, Bakugo tried to attack Beithir only to be met with a slap on his face from Beithir, still, eyes closed, moving his fingers. Echo1 used Palkia's power to teleport the Bakugo team towards the sky, letting them fall to their not death but injuries if Bakugo didn't use his quirk to soften the fall. Beithir moved his head to the side just in time to dodge a hand trying to grab a headband, moving his hand downwards quickly he slapped Midoriya's face hard. Beithir felt, however, that he forgot someone...

A gentle breeze began to blow... Followed by a scream: "BEITHIR!" Inasa!!!

Now, you may wonder... Where was Inasa? Simple, when everything began, Inasa was stupidly brainwashed by Shinso to enter his team, but before Shinso could have Inasa use his quirk, he began having some problems. People trying to steal his headband, Inasa getting harder and harder to control, and him getting more tired each minute. Inasa quickly used his quirk to steal some headbands from Beithir, who let go of the lowest points, well, they still were more than 10,000 points each, but who cares!? However, before Inasa could attack Beithir, the end of the Calvary Battle was announced by Present Mic with an excited shout! The whole crowd cheered like crazy, Beithir could only sigh internally while cursing his own phobias.