Visit to a Celestial Home

Justin's heart was turning happy somersaults in his chest as he walked across the parking

a lot to his car accompanied by Anna

she had grown up in the past six years, her blond hair had grown longer to fall down her back,

her younger girlish form had grown into the s shape figure of a woman

dressed in a black Balenciaga shirt and one of those skin-tight soft blue jeans that clung and molded

to every lush curve of her butt and legs, white puma sneakers covered her feat

back then she had the typical Asian girl look with doll bangs and her mom dressed her in a lot of cute frilly fluffy dresses

now she was the epitome of a confident sexy graceful beautiful woman

she had a natural sensuality she didn't seem to be aware of as her hips swayed enticingly in front of him,

despite his own resolution to behave himself in a gentlemanly manner

his wolf spirits eyes couldn't be torn away from watching her rounded butt cheeks move with every step she took

the beast was shamelessly salivating at the mouth wagging his tail rapidly in appreciation of the view

the pair coming to a halt in front of his car as she gazed at the shiny black sports car with black tinted windows

"wow", she breathed "this is yours?" She asked him with wide eyes

"yea this is my baby" he replied "an Audi R8, originally a friend of mine sold it to me cause he was buying a newer model,

he explained this one wasn't in bad shape but I had to get it fixed and in the process of finding a shop,

I discovered the custom car culture in japan is an actual thing

no kidding she breathed as she slid a hand across his carbon fiber hood

this looks so cool and freaking gorgeous I can't believe I even get to ride in this thing

if you think it looks gorgeous now wait till you see the interior, he replied

he moved past her opening the back door

so he could put the storage box in the back seat

anna stuck her head inside getting a look at the interior

it was luxurious and fully loaded,

gorgeous and comfortable looking black leather seating, his console looked unnecessarily

high-tech and complicated her jaw dropped chilled conditioned air,

kissed her cheeks she released a whistle of appreciation he chuckled as he closed the door

grabbing her wrist towing her after him as he got into the car in the driver's seat, he pulled her into his lap and closed the door

"This is insane!" she weakly protested "can you even drive like this what if we get pulled over by the cops?"

"That's what tinted windows are for" he responded before kissing her again one hand cradled

the nape of her neck the other held her waist tightly

A phone began ringing faintly

the pair broke for air at the disturbance

"Is that you or me?" Anna asked breathlessly momentarily confused

Justin shook his head

"I have no idea" he answered

the phone rang again


"dam it that's me!" anna said "I think I put my phone in the box by accident"

"ill get it!" Justin said lifting her off his lap and depositing her on the passenger seat

so he could reach into the back seat for the box

and retrieving her phone finally

"thank you" she breathed gratefully taking it from him she answered

it was her mom

"Anastacia where are you?" she asked

"Um, I'm at school mom where else do you expect me to be? " She answered

"Your father and I have something important to discuss with you can you come home?" she asked

"Actually, I'm in the middle of a meeting with our school student graduation planning committee right now" anna lied

"We are planning our class graduation ceremony it's going to take a while, but I also have

something important to discuss with you guys as well so

ill be home as soon as I can after the meeting ok?"

"Sure that's fine sweety" her mother agreed "see you soon"

She hung up the phone with a sigh of frustration Justin had a certain look on his face

"do not ask," she said "let's just get out of here and go meet the girls please"

Justin started the car its engine purred to life and music started "Zion T 's Babay" came on

"Ooh nice" she breathed she began to hum along to the melody while bobbing her head

"you're going to have to direct me," he told her she nodded in agreement as they left school property

cruising through suburban streets that were somewhat quiet at this time of the afternoon

But it didn't take them very long to arrive since the girls home was located near the school

with parking in a lot across the street from a row of four cottage homes set in a cul-de-sac on the edge

of the woods located behind them

each home was fairly large,

one had a younger children's play park next to it along with a fairly sized open field

for running around and a few trees for climbing scattered along the edges

another house had a garage that was left open, inside was a collection of boys bikes,

skateboards, motorcycles, and other outdoor sports equipment lying around there appeared to be, a little mechanic shop of sorts

where they fixed their bikes all kinds of tools and other things scattered and stacked around

the third house had a porch with a garden that was nicely maintained painted in lavender and trimmed in white

and rocking chairs sat along the porch at various spots and a pretty flowering vine plant was growing up the side of the wall

the biggest of the four houses sat in the middle

it very large with a wrap-around porch both above and below

and it had widow boxes and little gardens planted inside at the upstairs windows

"The Qwian Yang Home for Youth" Justin read off the stone plaque at the entrance

as they got off the car Justin took the box out of the backseat

walked up the front steps and stood on the porch

the floor beneath him was built of wood and he could feel the protective wards woven into the lumber the entire building was built with

this wasn't just a children's home it was a very strongly protected celestial sanctuary he realized

"you feel that?" she asked him softly

he nodded "yeah!"

"come on!" she crossed the porch and she opened the big oak wood door in front of him with both hands

he walked into a large foyer that opened up into a ground floor split into three open wings

the staircase that led up to a second floor was off to the right

with a balcony that stretched along a long hallway corridor

lining the corridor were multiple doors all the doors covered with various posters and other decorations

identifying the individual owners of each room

directly in front of him was a carpet that created a visible pathway starting from where they stood

at the front door continuing on to each wing

as well as a path that went directly ahead passing under the balcony and into another section of the house

to the left of him was an alcove that held a front desk office area

the wing to the right was occupied by a large group of adolescent celestials

and a big screen TV and numerous couches and a coffee table stacked with snacks

behind them was another area for reading with bookshelves along with the walls couches and what looked

like a coffee bar kitchenette area

"video games?" Justin asked in surprise

"that's actually a class going on," Anna said in a matter of fact tone come on she said tugged him his jacket

she led him towards the group they slipped in behind the group to watch the large screen

at first, it seemed a battle was raging

in a "Call of Duty", like game, but then when he saw the details, his jaw dropped

they were playing a game that was a simulation of a celestial war

that had occurred centuries ago, and it was historically and factually correct

the game not only had all the information about the clans,

it also showed how the war played out strategically as well as geographically

"This is a battle and strategies class?" he asked in surprise she nodded "and that's not all come on!" she showed him around the large house

into a large industrial kitchen area where a lot of students in aprons and chefs hats were being taught to cook

"look closer," anna said softly to him and he realized the ingredients they were using were all various celestial herbs and such

"Alchemy class?" he asked softly they were learning how to make various elixirs and pills

"yes!" Anna confirmed softly she led him out of the kitchen and into a room in the back that looked like an art class was going on with wood and metal working included

instead, he discovered it was actually a crafting class where the young celestials were learning how to make various celestial tools, gear, and even weapons for their uses

"wow all of this hidden in a celestial orphanage?" he asked in surprise

"yup! house mother runs a tight ship around here" anna replied "making sure to teach us all the necessary skills we need to be good celestials"

She led him back towards the stairs, as they started up but then were greeted by the three female foxes coming down the stairs

Yuqi a cute small faced red-haired girl with golden eyes wearing a pink top and white denim shorts and white sneakers were riding the banister

as Vivian and Vanessa the twins one with straight black hair falling to their waist and the other with shorter

black shoulder-length bob both dressed identically in

black jeans and black tops that left their stomachs exposed and black goth style boots were using their "willow wisp ability" flickering here and there like little dancing flames

they were crossing each other and switching places practicing one of their fox skills that allowed

them to take advantage of their identical looks to confuse others the only way to tell them apart was their hair and

different colored eyes one had purple eyes, and the other had golden eyes with sharp but very beautiful cat-like features

"Woah guys" Anna cried as the three came at her excitedly gathering around her and Justin on the stairs

"Are we really going to Japan for the summer?" yuqi asked

"Should we take our dance gear and costumes with us?" this was coming from Vanessa

"When do we start preparing choreography for the competition?" Vivian asked

"girls," Anna said patiently "please calm down first of all guys we have a guest with us"

the three girls finally noticed Justin standing on the stairs behind her

the three girls shyly bowed their head to him acknowledging his presence as a higher-ranked celestial

"Hello it's nice to meet you all I'm Justin Okami" he introduced himself to the girls

"my grandfather is the owner of Peach Pavilion Hotels

and I'm the General Manager and the person in charge of the dance competition you girls are so excited about right now

you guys have any questions I will be happy to answer all of them for you"

"Vanessa!" Anna said drawing her attention

" This box has all your guy's stuff I cleaned out your lockers today in advance

I know we said we would do it together on graduation day but I keep feeling like we don't have any time

it's best to deal with loose ends take it to your room and come back and then we can all go and discuss things"

she took the box from him and whisped back up the stairs reappearing a few moments later

"all done," she said with grin hands on her hips

"come on let's go Anna said taking Justin's hand in hers the golden celestial flames appeared again

making the girls all shocked as they gazed at the pair with wide eyes

"Anna the two of you are..." Vivian trailed off

"yes like I said we have a lot to talk about especially as it pertains to our future," Anna said

"We should hurry," Vanessa said