Present Day First Battle of The Black Witch

Taekwon and Ziesoo flit through the darkening woods in the late evening only the sound of their clashing swords filled the air as they sparred

in just two weeks of training together with their master's guidance, they had already come a long way Taekwon had vastly

improved and mastered most of his powers due to his tiger spirit having retained all of his previous training he had learned from his dad in the past

he was now able to utilize everything he had learned he now stood on even ground with Ziesoo

they were a perfect team as if sharing the same thoughts moving together on natural instincts they were truly one now

their swords clashed again sparking in the fading light but neither needed light to see as they

both used their celestial sight to continue their battle their eyes glowing in the dark

an unnatural alarm sounded in the quiet of the woods causing them both to pause all the birds and wildlife

in the woods were suddenly crying out as they looked up a whole flock of birds took flight

from the trees squawking in fear and warning of danger as they flew away

on the ground, the sound of fleeing woodland animals was rattling the underbrush as a sudden mass exodus occurred

the hair stood up at the back of Ziesoo's neck and a tingle of a warning shot down Taekwon's spine

"We have to get back to the dojo" Zesoo breathed

Taekwon agreed with his they both ran back to where they left their backpacks snatching them both up on the way

as the pair silently ran through the woods using their tiger abilities they were about two miles

away from the dojo but they covered the distance quickly

arriving on the edge of the tree line just in time to see

a chariot, drawn by two massive snake demons riding on a thundering storm cloud swiftly

approaching the hill in the skies above the dojo

in the back of the chariot was

a beautiful woman dressed in vivid blood-red robes wild flowing black hair fell to her waist

surrounding a small white beautiful face

lips stained with red lipstick and with murderous glowing red eyes

she was the most beautiful female celestial he had ever laid eyes on with a body that would make any man weep

her traditional style robes clung to her every curve and looked outrageously sexy and inappropriate on her

"what the hell is she doing here?" Ziesoo breathed

"I think she must be back from the west" Taekwon replied

they had both heard of the terrorist attacks in the west while training a few days ago

"yea but she should have returned directly to Japan shes gone way out of her way to pass this way

we have to hurry don't make a sound we can approach from the back of the dojo use your

shadow travel and ill use a portal to get master out of there" Ziesoo whispered

Taekwon agreed with the plan Ziesoo opened a portal and was gone Taekwon raced along the tree line

traveling through shadows created by the trees to cover the distance

they made it to the back of the dojo in time to see one of their master's shields activate and surround the dojo

but it was too late as the passing witch blasted through the shield

with power from her snake demons and the shield shattered as the dojo was

completely blown apart its wreckage flying everywhere

pieces of the structure of the dojo littered the hill as the debris burned setting several fires covering the entire hill

"Master!!" Ziesoo roared in anguish the sound of his grief shaking the entire hill

Taekwon watched Ziesoo changed into his celestial form his tails emerging as he drew

his sword with a slash through the air unleashing a wave of power that slammed into the witch's chariot

the storm cloud it had been riding on dissipated and the chariot dropped out of the air

taekwon would not let his mate fight alone as he too changed

releasing a wave of power from his own sword directed at the snake

demons that were both struggling to regain balance in the air as they dropped from the skies

his power wave took the heads off the two minor demons destroying them they disintegrated into dust as the

witch leaped from the falling chariot

it crashed to the ground, breaking apart as the witch held herself in the air by her own power

her robes swirling and whipping in an invisible wind at her feet

"it been a long time since anyone has dared to challenge me like this," she said

her voice filled the air as she spoke her voice soft gentle lilting and beautiful

making goosebumps rise on Ziesoo's skin how was a woman so evil so beautiful?

even her voice was lovely to the ears like chiming bells

"You just murdered my master" he snarled

"oh so thats who that was?" she asked amused smirk twisting her lips

"I just thought blowing up that old place would be a fun way to celebrate my latest victory in the west"

"my apologies young one," she said sarcastically "you're a bold one I assume you're here to join your master in the afterlife"

"the prince of tigers is here to kill you b***h!" he snarled

"a prince!" she cried in surprise and laughed "Oh! this just keeps getting better!

what a wonderful way to celebrate, I haven't played with a prince in a long time

well bring it on then since you've gone to all the trouble of destroying my chariot

and killing my demons I can't possibly flee can I?" she laughed in genuine amusement

"well this ought to be entertaining at least"

she drew a sword of her own and launched a power attack at Ziesoo

who blocked it with one of his own sending the wave of hurling right back at her

the witch avoided it flashing herself to the ground standing in a shadow

Taekwon hidden in the shadows smirked she had no idea what she was facing

maybe they actually stood a chance of being able to defeat her after all

he controlled the shadow

surround her in darkness like an invisible net entrapping her and sent a power blast through his shadows into hers

catching her off guard as she took a direct hit from the shadow she was standing in

blasted off her feet and hurled across the hill

Ziesoo smirked as he stepped into a shadow nearby and emerged where Taekwon was hidden

"ill hold her off find master" he instructed him

"I don't believe he's dead we haven't seen his body he's probably hurt somewhere on this hill"

"ill find him" Taekwon replied "be careful with her, we got the advantage now because she isn't aware of me yet I can help from the shadows but I don't think such a trick will work for very long she's thousands of years old she's not stupid"

"I know" Ziesoo breathed he grabbed the nape of his neck and kissed him fiercely

"I love you" he stated

"come back alive" Taekwon replied

Ziesoo nodded and left him to face the witch once more

Taekwon focused his efforts on finding the old man