Sergio accompanied by Lady Taishen rang the doorbell of Wolf Tower

I have not been here since the kids had all arrived a few days ago he explained they are all a lively bunch

the front door was opened by Yuqi the youngest of the Fox Clan girls

hi, Elder Okami please come on in she greeted him with a smile bowing her head to him respectfully

hello Yuqi is it? the lady with him greeted her

she was a lovely mature looking lady with black hair worn in a bun and

dressed in a simple but lovely traditional Han style dress in a sky blue-colored

top trimmed in white and embroidered with pink flowers along the flowing sleeves

and a pale pink silk skirt bottom belted at the waist with a blue belt embroidered with the same pink flowers as her top

yes, I am Yuqi and you are?

I am Lady Taishen I am a celestial alchemist and doctor and old friend of Sergio's

it's nice to make your acquaintance she bowed her head

it's been a long time since I have seen any members of the fox clan I used to be a frequent visitor to the clan's village a long time ago

it's nice to meet you too Lady Taishen Yuqi greeted her please come in she said leading them into the living room

everyone's around somewhere she quipped

since we moved in its been a bit like a madhouse everyone's busy with this and that

I hope you guys don't mind is there anyone you're here to see in particular?

actually, we are here to see all of you Sergio said

everyone! okay she said nodding let me go them you guys wait here she bounded off to get the others

a few minutes later a black-winged young man

with a young woman with red hair in his arms flew down from somewhere in the upper floors of the tower

landing in the middle of the living room he set the young lady in his arms on her feet

Vivian and Vanessa came leaping gracefully down the stairs using their nimble abilities

a portal opened and two young handsome male tigers stepped though it

anna and Justin flew down with Yuqi not far behind

my goodness lady Taishen said in surprise you said it was lively but I wasn't expecting this much

hi Granddad Lady Taishen what brings you both here Justin said greeting them both

we came because we got clearance to open the Celestial Library to you all from the council

we told them about the mission you all have been chosen for and they understand the gravity of the situation

they wish to help any way they can freeing the gods and restoring the heavens are the next biggest priority for the celestial clans

the fact the gods have already planned a quest and chosen the warriors to send themselves is of great relief to us actually

there was an ongoing debate about attempting such a quest in the past but we have never been able to bring it to fruition until now

Lady Taishen and I will be escorting you kids to the Celestial Library to find out what we can about that map you've been given and any information on this quest that might help you all accomplish it

thats great news thank you grandad Justin said

all right everyone listen up Justin said we are going to the celestial library I would suggest bringing along your laptops and any devices you have that you can use to collect any knowledge you find

we probably won't be able to go back to the library as easily as we like after this so we must try to collect all the knowledge we possibly can now

information pertaining to cultivation that we can practice

to improve the team will be especially valuable also any information pertaining to the journey of reaching the heavens even if Bethany can get us to Shangri-La and find the doorway

its still a whole different ball game to travel to the heavens gates so any information pertaining to the realms or other celestials we might encounter there are important

also collect information on demon beast as well we will need to hunt them

for cultivation before we can begin our journey so I am talking about habitats and locations

where demon beast can be found in large numbers so we can organize a hunt

I have a scanner and external terabyte hard drive Vivian said I can scan entire books through the scanner and keep them on my hard drive for later use I can even format them into pdfs

awesome that's a start Justin said

I have an ability that can lift knowledge from books and pretty much anything

Takehiko said It how I am able to learn and adapt to this world despite having been asleep for so long but I will need a vessel that can store what I have gathered

my head can't hold everything he half-joked

I can help with that ziesoo said I have access to celestial crystals

that stores knowledge the tiger clan has used them to keep records and other information for many years now but they mostly used by the scribes in the tiger clan

because to use those we would need someone who has the cultivation techniques to extract knowledge somehow its good that Takehiko has such an ability I can go back to tiger clan to get some

great Ziesoo and Takehiko awesome teamwork both of you together and we have a method that will be extremely useful to us Justin said

we will start with that is everyone clear on what we must do? Justin asked

yes! everyone replied

ok, then let's get to it! he said