"you're the one that crossed our path first we were hoping that we wouldn't run into you you're off route" he pointed out

"I don't have time for this" she screamed she cast a spell and a black sigil ring activated in the air above them

"demon beast summoning!" she cried

"This should take care of you troublesome kids," she said as she fled

"go after her" Justin yelled to his men "shes too close to the sanctuary

we can't afford to let her escape use barriers and anything you can to stall her until reinforcements arrive we will deal with the beast and follow you as soon as we can don't get yourselves killed you hear me"

"yes sir!" the troop members yelled back and took off after the fleeing witch

a roar filled the air as a portal opened on the ground a massive demon emerged

a huge thousand-year scorpion king demon the beast was massive standing

several meters tall in the air body fully armored and with two large petty claws and poison barb tail

the SUV with anna's sisters were in a direct collision course with it

nooo anna screamed she fired a fireball at the beast with beast turned with a roar towards Anna

the distraction allowed the SUV time to avoid the beast

swerving off the road as Anna sisters leaped from the vehicle changing into their celestial forms as they went calling out their weapons

yuqis sigil rings appeared in the air

and immediately vines sprung up out of the ground as they began to entangle themselves around the beast legs

restricting its movements for the moment

Vivian armed with her celestial bow leaped unto one of Yuqi's vines which shot her several feet into the air

her bow lit up and hummed with power as she fired an arrow the arrow once in flight multiplied itself

unleashing a wave of arrows on the beast

over fifty arrows rained down each one finding its mark burying themselves in the beast head

then exploding

as several explosions rocked the demon it stumbled on its legs with a roar

the demon's eyes were destroyed disabling its sight

as Vanessa in her willow wisp form summoned her clones

all armed with whips that wrapped around the beast two large claws and tying each claw

and dragging them down the ground and embedding the other end of the whips

deep into the ground to prevent the beast from being able to use them

the demon strained against yuqis vines and Vanessa's whips thrashing and roaring in protest trying to get free

it began to spit streams of acidic poison burning through the vines

Justin swept in with a cold wind freezing the poison as more of yuqis vines grew to replace the damaged ones

the beast began to use its tail to attack shooting streams of poison from its barb

everyone back off! Justin roared as the beast fired the poison its range

was large as its tail was able to swing right around its body in a full 360 perimeter

firing streams of poison in every direction the poison burned everything in its path

Justin surrounded the beast with a powerful wall of storm force winds blocking

the stream of poison to prevent it from reaching them

"We need to disable its poison abilities" Anna cried

"We are on it" Vivian and Yuqi responded

as Yuqi summoned up more vines to the rear of the beast Vivian rode on a vine positioned to the rear of the demon

while Justin continued to distract it from the front with his winds the demon was now using its tail

like a battering ram trying to break through Justin's wind barrier

which left its underbelly exposed where the demons poison sack was located

she fired an arrow burying it in the beast exposed underbelly

the arrow exploded and the poison sack exploded bursting open

spilling acidic poison everywhere a pool of poison now formed beneath the beast

Anna released a stream of fire at the pool it caught on fire like

gasoline to a flame the beast roared and thrashed even more as it became engulfed in flames

Anna sync with me I have an idea to crack that shell open Justin yelled

Anna and Justin flew towards each other

activating their sigil rings at the same time

the sigil rings encircled the beast changing to the same matching color as they intersected each other locking in the middle

they were now able to combine their elements of wind and fire

Justin created a tornado of freezing cold wind and Anna created a fire whirl on the inside of his ice winds

the two spinning at the same time Justin's clockwise Anna's anti-clockwise and completely surrounding the beast in what was turning into a

a massive storm of white-hot fire of the hottest temperatures combined with arctic ice of the coldest temperatures

combining into a blizzard but as the snowflakes fell everything they touched began to burn

fire frost roared in the turbulent waves around the beast and the demon's body began to freeze

its thrashing movements soon ceased as the demon became a grotesque frozen statue

Anna and Justin withdrew their elements Justin sent his sword flying towards one of the beast claws

with a powerful swing

the frozen claw was cut off shattering into pieces and his sword flew back to his hand

this was met by cheers from Anna's sisters as they leap into action Vanessa clones with their whips

wrapped around the demons head and with a fierce pull tore the demons head off its body

with a spin of their whips launching the head into the air where Vivian blew it up with her arrows

the demons head shattered fantastically into fragments sparkling casting rainbows

in the early morning sunlight

yuqi was using her vines to pull the demon's legs off its body while anna armed with one of Justin's swords

made short work of the demon's tail masterfully with graceful movements she danced in the air with twirls and leaps

as she cut the tail to pieces

pieces of the tail dropping to the ground in chunks that shook up everything

Vivian blew the demons other claw off with her explosive arrows

while Vanessa's clones assisted yuqi with the dismantling of the beast remaining legs

Justin flew down driving his sword deep into the armored shell of the beast with a roar

he unleashed a wave of sharp cutting wind from his blade that sliced right through the demon's body splitting it in half

the girls cheered as the demon's body collapsed finally dead the frozen carcass began to disintegrate

a gong rung in the skies announcing their victory as a golden halo of celestial energy surrounded the group

everyone was stunned as they began to level up filling up with celestial power

anna her sisters and Justin began to transform

tails emerged from anna's body as she broke through the final level to reach maturity

six of them unfurling and dancing beautifully behind her

snow white in color and tipped with blood-red foxfire

her hair changed from blond to white and fell all the way down past her waist

as a pair of white furry ears emerged on top of her head

her street clothing changed into a white Shiranui style dress and white thigh-high boots

with a red thong leotard underneath the splits in the dress left annas gorgeous thighs and legs wonderfully exposed

around her ankles of each boot

rings of red fire burned

from her shoulders, a cloak appeared bearing the mark the eastern fox clan

a blooming peachtree with white and gold lotus blossoms

above the tree

was a golden crown her official rank as the new queen of the fox clan

a pair of white ivory hilted samurai swords appeared at her side

anna's first celestial weapons the swords were attached at her hip by a red sash that went around her waist

as anna drew the swords from their sheath one in each hand

the blades absorbed her element and ignited and became

lit with red flames running along the length of each blade

she had gained a pair of flame blades

Justin transformed his black hair growing out long falling down his back as

a pair of furry black ears appeared on his head

and six furry black tails tipped with spinning whirlwinds on the ends his clothing changed into a black long-sleeved warriors tunic

under silver armor covering his chest back and arms tight fighting

black leather pants hugged his long legs and a silver belt hung around his waist

to which the sheath for his swords wind blades was now attached

silver armor covered his combat style boots a flowing black cloak trimmed in silver graced his shoulders

bearing the mark of his clan a full moon with a wolf claw scratched across it

above the moon was a silver crown marking his rank as a prince of the wolf clan

at his side, a new celestial weapon appeared to compliment the pair of swords he already owned

a black circular shaped shield

with sharp silver blades surrounding its outer rim

with the mark of his clan emblazoned proudly in the center

the shield spun in the air generating its own whirlwind Justin called the shield to hiM

as it did the shield expanded outward

picking up Justin from the ground he rode the winds standing on the back of the shield

he had now acquired a flying windshield

Vivian and Vanessa transformed as five black tails tipped with white emerged from each girl

along with matching black ears on their heads, their hair grew longer and wavier lush, and vibrant

their clothing transformed Vivian into a black leather leotard with a miniskirt covering her bottom

black leather gloves covered her hands from her elbows down

and on her feet, a pair of black ankle boots trimmed in fox fur with heels

strapped to her back was her bow and quiver trimmed in fox fur filled with arrows

upgraded to level two the weapon glowed with her celestial power

for Vanessa, she changed to a black bikini tank-top that left her stomach exposed

on her hands were a pair of black fingerless gloves with silver claws covering her fingers

and black leather pants that were molded to her legs and black combat boots with heels on her feet

at her hip, her whip was coiled up now upgraded to level two her whip now bore three tails

the end of each tail was a barbed curved blade that could slice anything they touched to shreds

yuqi also transformed as four vivid bushy red tails emerged from her body

tipped with white as red ears emerged on top of her head

her curly red hair grew out falling in thick corkscrew curls to her waist a white leather bodysuit trimmed in red

covered her body and red thigh-high boots with heels on her feet

at her side was a new celestial weapon a wooden staff made of roping vines

twining together and hardened into a strong dark wood

the head of the staff was a fox head with his mouth open bearing its fangs

within the mouth of the fox was a glowing orb

it was a staff used to cast spells and perform summonings

the orb it held was very powerful as yuqi gripped the staff in her hand she

lifted it up and brought it down slamming the end of it into the ground a wave of

power was unleashed that encircles the group casting restorative energy to all her group members

she had now gained the Fox Pearl Staff and became a full-fledged fox magic mage

wow look at us yuqi breathed we look so cool Vanessa and Vivian were also marveling at their own appearances