Witches End

what is that she breathed her body was shaking and she was pale

It the Hell Void Justin explained I have only read about it in books

I think only a gate guardian can summon it one of the members of Justin's troop said heavens gate guardians

not only control the gates between the heavens and the earth

they are also guarding the gateways to other territory's in the heavens including the hell realm

it s said the void gate is located in the deepest part of hell

you can't go there it can only be summoned like this

it's legendary but its supposedly a place where only the greatest evils are sent like an eternal prison of nothingness

It is said that anything that passes the doorway of the void never returns and ceases to exists

there is no return or redemption from the void

as they watched the doorway opened and nothing but pitch blackness could be seen beyond

it's like a giant black hole there's no light no nothing just endless darkness taekwon breathed in disbelief

the orb was sucked into it vanishing into the blackness beyond the doors

and a gong rang the doorway silently closed

and then the frightening eyes on the doorway fell closed and the doorway vanished

the reign of the black witch comes to an end after two thousand years yuqi breathed

a gong of victory began to ring in the skies

I cant believe it's over Justin breathed

oh my god we did it Vivian breathed we defeated her finally we helped defeat the black witch guys

she cried with eyes wide do you even understand what this means?

before anyone could answer the winged celestial flew down to greet them

hey are you guys all right he asked landing and striding towards them his sword rested casually on his shoulder

um yeah we are fine ziesoo replied getting to his feet helping up Justin and anna

I'm Prince Takehiko of the Raven clan last heavens gate guardian he replied

thanks for the help by the way from all of you I never could have successfully killed the witch without all of your efforts

I have only been awakened a few hours ago and I'm not quite used to this world yet

I had no idea why or what was going on luckily I was able to rush here to stop the witch in time

if I had arrived here even a minute later the witch might have gotten away again

the gods were with us anna said

indeed they were a new voice said

as they all looked around realizing everything had

suddenly come to halt around them except for a woman in a peach kimono walking towards them

shes my mate's guardian god I believe Takehiko said

that's correct she replied a long time ago I was assigned the task of watching over Takehiko's mate Bethany

and teaching her all things she needs to know about the celestial and her role in all this

but she's very hard-headed and refuses to believe any of the stories I told her to be true

she refused to take me seriously she even thought I was a figment of her imagination at one point

in all my years as a god, I have never met a more silly or stubborn child

my mission of watching over Bethany is now complete the black witch is dead

and Bethany has found her mate who will protect her from now on

however, the death of the black witch is only the beginning for all of you the real job begins now

Annastacia, Vivian, Vanessa, Yuqi, Justin, Ziesoo, Taekwon, Takehiko, and Bethany you nine are the first members of the team

chosen by the gods to carry out a most important mission

I have been given the new task of seeking out the last three members of your team

these three remaining members are all male and they are the mates of Vivian Vanessa and Yuqi respectively

together the twelve chosen warriors of the heavens will break the heavens seal freeing the gods and restoring the heavens

thus saving and protecting this world and all who live here

Bethany as Takehiko has guessed your mate is the key,

the one with the power of purification that mitigates seals and curses

this purification power is how you were indeed able to awaken back in that temple

it doesn't just work against spells cast by the witch it works on all things with power

so she must receive training to learn how to control it properly along her journey

or else you all will find yourselves in big trouble if her touch unseals and awakens things she isn't supposed to

its a gift but if not properly controlled it can also be a curse there is something I was told to give to you all to help on your mission

please take the time you need to properly prepare for your mission it may take several months

now that the black witch is gone you will also encounter many celestials along the way

all over the world will see a reemergence of celestial activity

I cant guarantee everyone you encounter will aid you or hinder you

but this should play a vital role in leading you all where you need to go

she manifested a scroll and gave it to Justin

when he opened it everyone gasped in shock

it was a celestial map

SHANGRILA ziesoo breathed looking at the map over Justin's shoulder is actually a real place?

there you go again disbelieving me when its right there in front of you she said with a sigh shaking her head

yes Shangrila is a real place you kids need to go there to find the last pathway left that leads to the gateway of the heavens

in the old days, Shangrila was a kingdom

a special place that existed where the gods would descend from the heavens

to the earth and the humans and gods could meet each other there and interact humans would

come there to worship the gods and receive their blessings and messages

we would also train our earthly disciples there and teach humans the path to immortality and cultivation it was a holy land

the gods also controlled the activities of the earthly celestials from there

you can consider it to be celestial headquarters here on earth

it has the only pathway to the heavens that still exist on earth that will allow you to travel to the heavens

and break the seal ziesoo your ability with portals will be needed in this role

as well as Takehiko as a member of the gatekeepers

his power will be the one to open the gates of the heavens

once Bethany has broken the seal left by the witch

each of you will have your role to play and it can be only achieved when all twelve of you work together

do you guys understand?

we understand Justin said thank you

she waved it away you don't need to thank me I'm only carrying out my duties as I'm told to the goddess replied

good luck to all of you on this mission I hope you all complete it and return home safely to your clans

if there is anything else from the gods I will return to pass on the message to you all where ever you are

she vanished then and everything resumed to normal

wait what about our mates Vivian breathed I forgot to ask her when would she find them and bring them to us?

taekwon exchanged worried looks with ziesoo

we have been given a celestial mission and a map Justin said the only thing I think we can do is go to

wolf city prepare ourselves and wait for the remaining members of our team to join us

Takehiko you need to take care of training your mate Bethany?

Takehiko!! a female voice yelled as they all turned a cloud came flying towards them carrying a whole bunch of people

Takehiko grinned it's my mate he cried sheathing his sword

he spread his wings and went flying off towards the cloud

it's my dad and granddad Justin said he took Anna's hand

Justin's father and grandfather and members of the celestial council and others had arrived

soon they found themselves surrounded by adults and members of the celestial council

they were all being greeted warmly

as people hugged them shook their hands offered them congratulatory messages

thanked them for their bravery and for saving the clan's council members

were all over the battlefield investigating the area for any traces

left behind by the witch

Takehiko finally made his way through the crowd back to Justin and the girls with his mate in tow

hello again warriors I wanted to introduce to you guys my mate shes the one who awakened me a short time ago

this is Bethany

anna couldn't help smiling Takehiko's mate was adorably cute with wavy red hair

of a different shade to yuqi's hers was more of a ginger color

that fell past her shoulders,

with bangs hanging over her forest green eyes

a pert upturned nose and small but full bow-shaped lips smooth porcelain skin chubby cheeks and dimples

hi I'm Bethany Kline a History student I'm studying to be an archaeologist

specializing in ancient Asian History folklore and mythology

before all this madness began for me a few hours ago

I would have said that beings like celestial only existed in stories like

Journey to the west and wuxia fantasy dramas today has really been an eye-opener for me that's for certain

anna shook her hand its nice to meet you Bethany I'm Annastacia meet the gang so to speak

these are my sisters we are from the fox clan

Vivian and Vanessa the twins and Yuqi our youngest sister

and Prince Ziesoo and his mate Taekwon of the tiger clan

and my mate Prince Justin of the wolf clan

wow it's amazing to meet the mate of a primordial Celestial yuqi gushed shaking Bethany's hand

please don't flatter me Bethany said smiling I actually did very little compared to you guys

you all just kicked ass and saved the world

all I did was visit an old temple and found a dusty statue that I accidentally broke

i never in a million years expected Takehiko to come flying out of it

when all I wanted to do was take a picture with it

this made everyone laugh

trust me things like finding ancient celestial in unusual places is pretty much a run of the mill occurrence in the celestial world

Justin said smiling don't downplay your role in all this regardless of how small it was

what you did was the most important part of all Ziesoo added patting her shoulder

had you not found Takehiko and awakened him when you did

then this battle would not have been victorious and things would have turned out very differently for all of us

because of you wanting to take a picture with a dusty old statue the whole world was saved

from an ancient evil that has plagued us for over two thousand years, Vivian said to her

you're just as much a hero as the rest of us Vanessa assured her and its very nice to have you with us Bethany

thank you for what you did she hugged her warmly

oh my goodness Bethany gasped shocked by how warmly everyone was treating her I don't know what to say thank you

I'm sure you'll have an even greater role to play in the future as a member of this team we are all here for you

taekwon added smiling

TEAM? but I'm just an ordinary human Bethany said looking around at all of them in shock

far from it, your guardian goddess came to see us and she gave us a mission

you are included in that mission along with Takehiko you're one of us now anna said with a smile

what? Bethany cried what mission?

we will explain everything later Takehiko said putting his arm around her and hugging her to his side

don't worry your pretty little head about a thing

right now let me take everyone to wolf city so you guys can get cleaned up

Justin said you guys all risked your lives today you totally deserve it we should celebrate and have a feast and drinks

I'll treat you all and make sure you guys have the best rooms to sleep tonight all on me Justin said generously with a grin

guys the car Vivian reminded them all we forgot all our luggage is in the car on the side of the road back there

oh shit Vanessa cried she took off in a run leaping unto a cloud she swooped back to pick up Vivian and Yuqi

while Justin and anna flew after them on their own

hey where are you kids going Sergio yelled after them joining Takehiko Bethany ziesoo and taekwon

who watched them go in amusement

they said they forgot their luggage in a car on the side of the road somewhere Bethany informed him