fifteen minutes later Taekwon found himself dressed in one of Ziesoo's white silk shirts with long sleeves black dress pants and shoes

his hair combed and brushed back from his forehead the blond mop slicked back curling into the collar of his shirt

as he waited for Ziesoo in the living room he emerged from the bedroom dressed in black pants

a dark blue silk shirt and a black jacket with a high collar

his red hair was tamed and bushed up into a traditional top knot and

even held in place with a beautiful gold hair ornament of a traditional style

Taekwon had only ever seen in drama shows on tv

"wow, where did you get the gold hairpiece?" Taekwon asked "that actually looks legit"

"actually, it is real" Ziesoo replied "it's a family heirloom from my mom's side"

"it looks good you really look like a prince now dressed up like this" Taekwon said

"thank you!" ziesoo replied smiling

"you look pretty nice yourself white silk suits you" Taekwon flushed

"let's get going before it gets any later" Ziesoo said

a sigil ring activated beneath his feet with a hum of energy a glowing purple doorway of celestial energy tore itself open

taekwon gasped in shock at the sight of it

being able to open a portal that allowed a celestial to travel instantaneously across great distances

was a very high-level ability and extremely rare reserved for only the most powerful of celestials

this was not some ordinary ability that was easily learned

opening portals required the user to be able to manipulate the fabric of reality

to be able to bend space to ensure the portal actually

opened at the desired destination and was safe to travel through it took

many years of cultivating to be able to use it properly

Taekwon was stunned he could not begin to even fathom the true depts of his mates powers

"are you ready?" ziesoo asked holding out his hand to him

"as ready as I can ever be I suppose" Taekwon answered putting his hand in his

Ziesoo led him through the portal

they emerged in an alley between some buildings in Gangnam in the expensive shopping area the portal closing behind them

Ziesoo led him out of the alley and down the street even at this time of night the streets were still busy with people and traffic

they came to the sparkling storefront still open Tiffany&co Ziesoo tugged him inside

the white showcases were lit up from inside displaying sparkling expensive jewelry and jewels

beautiful sales ladies dressed in neat skirt suits awaited them

"good evening can we help you gentlemen" one of them greeted the pair

"I'm here to buy a pair of wedding rings for the two of us please" Ziesoo informed her

"yah you don't need to buy rings don't waste your money its unnecessary and too expensive"

taekwon said softly hiding behind his shoulder shyly he was

embarrassed his face flushed red he could see the way the sales girl was looking at the pair of them

had not for Ziesoo holding unto his hand all this time he would have left already

Ziesoo sighed the girl brought some rings out of the showcase and set them in front of him

as he looked over what she presented taekwon peeked over his shoulder too shy to do little else

his heart was a tattoo of excitement in his chest

he felt like he was dreaming he could hardly believe the fairytale his life had become in only a matter of twenty-four hours

he had gone from being

a bullied runt a nobody in a low-level pack to being mated and now getting married to a royal prince

"what do you think about these?" Ziesoo asked bringing him out of his thoughts

he looked at the rings some were made of gold others of white gold many pairs

had diamonds and jewels some were plain traditional wedding bands

"They all look beautiful Ziesoo" he replied

"I really don't know anything about jewelry I think I'm the wrong person to ask"

"I'm half scared at the thought of you putting something so expensive on me what if I lose it or something?" Taekwon said nervously

ziesoo picked a pair of gold rings encrusted with tiny sparkling diamonds around the band

"we will try these," he said putting taekwons hand on the counter the sales girl helped them try them

taekwon had long slender fingers so he needed a smaller size but Ziesoos ring fit fine and it even looked nice on his hand

"give me one moment I'll be back with the right size," the salesgirl said

while she was gone, they waited

"hey look at me," Ziesoo said softly pulling him to him with an arm around his waist

the other beneath his chin he tilted his eyes up to his "it's ok you don't need to be so nervous you weren't a little while ago"

taekwon blushed as he recalled his shamelessness in bed with Ziesoo earlier

"that was different" he whispered

"This feels I don't know it's more real now we are actually buying rings I kind of feel like my dad

is about to jump out of bushes and beat me senseless for daring to have dreams of being married to you"

"don't worry about your dad and it doesn't matter if your family is not of noble blood" Ziesoo replied

"it doesn't change the fact that you're still my true mate, the golden flames appeared for us taekwon the things I've seen during our bonding makes me even more certain of you

I'm going to do this with you, I won't let you slip out of my hands, and I won't let anyone separate us no matter what, I know you've been through a lot,

I've seen your scars, please trust in me I won't let you down have more confidence I love you" he stated suddenly

these three words made taekwon come undone as tears spilled down his cheeks unbidden

he pressed his face against Ziesoos chest trying to calm himself down and failing to do so

he felt like if he wanted to explode in happiness at this precise moment he wanted to hold tight to his mate and never let him go

"I love you too Ziesoo" he breathed as he burst into quiet sobs against his chest

Ziesoo stroked his hair

"ehem" the salesgirl cleared her throat Ziesoo brought him back to the counter his arm around him

and this time Taekwon gave his hand himself with a watery tearful smile

sniffling back his tears as the ring was pushed unto his finger and it fit perfectly

he burst into tears again Ziesoo pushed his face against his chest and let him cry cradling the back of his head in his hand

"we will be taking these," he said to the sales girl

he paid for them on his credit card and they were soon leaving the store with Taekwon carrying their precious cargo

in a velvet jewelry box in a pouch bag clutched tightly to his chest

Ziesoo led them into another alley and portal them to their final destination

office of Celestial Majestar Takeo Dragonmare the sign read at the

entrance available 24hrs a day Taekwon read as they went up the stairs of what looked liked an

ordinary office building on a quiet street near the Itaewon area just on the outskirts of the city

ziesoo pressed a security doorbell and showed his face in front of the camera above the door

a buzzer let them in the door opened and they entered going up a flight up of stairs they came to a door

labeled simply Majestar

they went in entering an office along the walls stacked with leather-bound tomes all the way up to the ceiling

and multiple rows of filing cabinets were standing in what seemed like random corners of the office

books and folder files drifted around through the air of their own accord and stacking themselves on various desks

while low-level celestials were busy working at their computers in their cubicles it was like a scene right out of a harry potter movie

"wow!" Taekwon breathed "so cool"

"ziesoo! Buddy!" a voice called to them "it's good to see you but what are you doing here so late?"

"you could have dropped by tomorrow you know the night hours are my busiest"

a handsome young man wearing gold hooped earrings in pointed ears dressed in a gray suit with blue hair worn short with an undercut and green eyes

glittering blue and gold scales decorated his eyelids that at first glance looked like he was wearing makeup

but he wasn't and a strange but beautiful mark tattooed in the middle of his forehead shined prettily as he approached them

"I would have if this were a social visit" ziesoo replied with a smile "I'm actually here to ask for your help this time"

"really what kind of help could I provide? I'm just a Majester" he said with a grin that told Taekwon he was a lot more than he appeared to be

"This is my true mate Taekwon and we are here to get married" Ziesoo stated

I want our names added in the celestial marriage registrar so we can be an official couple I want it done tonight but I don't want you telling anyone just yet"

Takeo smile became wider and his eyes shone "Ziesoo congrats I'm so happy for you my friend" he hugged him "ill be very honored to do this for you it's not every day I get to officiate a royal prince's marriage I have something to brag about now"

"come both of you into my office" he led them into his office a large leather-bound tome floated from the shelf and into his hands

as he put on a pair of spectacles and picked up a blue feathered quill from his desk

and dipped it into a nearby inkpot and began to write on a fresh page of the book

"let me guess you're getting registered without asking that demon of a father of yours first," he said

"yea you know how my dad is" Ziesoo sighed "he would never allow me to marry anyone other than a female even if my mate is male"

"trust me the whole celestial knows you're going to have a male mate except your father he's delusional," Takeo said shaking his head

"and what about you Taekwon your parents won't approve either?" he asked

"my dad already threw me out of my clan and disowned me some years ago I'm dead to him" he replied flatly

"jeez these old generation dads are a royal pain in the ass"

"you guys aren't the only gay couple to secretly come to me to get married lately but you are the most high profile" he chuckled in delight

"do you guys have vows prepared?"

"not really" Ziesoo admitted

"I love you and will stay with you forever and I promise to trust you and believe in us and not argue with you so much even if you tell me to do something crazy," Taekwon said, "Is that good enough?"

Takeo's eyes were twinkling with amusement "even if he tells you to do something crazy you'll go along with it?"

"well today has already been an impossible crazy rollercoaster ride for me I started out almost dead he saved my life and I'm doing things I never dreamed would actually happen to me," Taekwon said

Ziesoo took Taekwons face in his hands "you are my mate and I love you taekwon and I promise to always protect you and cherish you and not allow anyone to hurt you ever you again I'm never going to abandon you or let you go and no matter what you will always be my first priority," Ziesoo said sincerely

"anything else?" Takeo asked

they both shook their heads

"eh anything you haven't said now you'll figure it out eventually you have eternity together as mates anyways," Takeo said with a chuckle

"now with the power invested me as the celestial majestar I now pronounce you both lawfully

under the celestial heavens as wedded husband and husband may you find eternal happiness together in your blessed bond, rings, please"

Taekwon produced the rings and they both put them on each other

"ooh, Tiffany rings!" Takeo said in admiration "very nice Ziesoo!" he complimented him taking both their hands and admiring their rings "gorgeous I really do wish you both happiness"

"good now sign your names in the good book of marriage on the lines please" he presented them with the book and the quill

they both signed their names next to each other on the lines under the flowing script that declared that they were lawfully married celestial couple

and the date of their marriage their dates of birth and their clan origins

as they did their names glowed as they entered the book underneath their names appeared their mating marks showing

that they were a true mated pair a further mark appeared on the bottom of the page a crescent moon with a star above it

"wow that's rare" Takeo breathed "I haven't seen that in a long time"

"what does it mean?" Ziesoo asked

"It means you're blessed and approved by the gods themselves," Takeo said with a wide smile his eyes sparkling

"no one can mess with what's been approved by the gods if your fathers or anyone for that matter tries to interfere in your marriage there will be divine retribution,

it means your union is something that's a high priority to the gods the two of you aren't just fated mates there's a lot more at stake when it comes to you two being together,

with the bond you two share will have some kind of important role to play in the future, Ziesoo you better prepare yourself, your father is going to have a conniption when he finds out" he laughed

"I will" ziesoo breathed "and thank you Takeo for doing this for me ill owe you one"

he waved away his reply "it's nothing this old dragon lives for this kind of drama don't you know? I would be extremely bored if something like this doesn't happen every now and then! just send me an invitation to the wedding reception when you get around to having it ill host for you give me a reason to dress up will you and we'll call it even"

"sure", Ziesoo agreed with a smile

"thank you so much again," Taekwon said

"no problem," Takeo said "it was my honor to be able to see the Prince of Tigers wed to his rightful mate and you're a really cute one too, he's a lucky guy, I'm a bit jealous personally speaking" he sighed dramatically "what I wouldn't do for a cute mate like you to walk into my life and sweep me off my feet, unfortunately, I'm still waiting for him"

Taekwon flushed Takeo was certainly a character he was happy to have been wed by the outgoing dragon

the pair left the majestar's office walking on the street hand in hand their rings glittered in the dark