Dragons Hall of Assembly

Zehan growled "Prime Minister! you really expect us to believe that you are ignorant of the reason why we are here now? and have come all this way in our true forms? as you can clearly see we are accompanied by our mates as well"

"ignorant? far from it" the prime minister replied "I have no reason to do such a thing"

"then do not waste our time! we know full well you control the senate for the black dragon" Zehan snarled "get out of our way"

"you cannot reclaim the kingdom until your uncle returns" he retorted "you know the laws that govern us"

"I really don't have the patience for his bullshit right now" Zehan snarled "I see that you have a death wish" Zehan snarled and the man was hurled away from the door by an unseen power

his body crashing into the wall and hitting the ground with a thud

the two dragons swept through the doors entered the building the robed people and soldiers at the door scattered as the powerful waves came off their wings sweeping them off their feet no one would stand in their way

a large hall with huge pillars carved in stone held up the ceiling made of transparent glass so that one could see the sky above

with other dragons in their human forms and some in their true forms sitting upon their massive coils on large seats made of giant clam shells

as they entered all talk there ceased as everyone gazed at them in shock awe and fear as Zyle and Zehan filled the center of the hall with their massive forms their dragon orbs glowed brightly at their throats

Vanessa and Vivian sitting upon their crowned heads their black nine tails dancing behind them as their cloaks fluttered their auras burned brightly with power they were a sight to behold

"Prince Zyle Prince Zehan!" one of the older men with dark hair and a beard dressed in black armor as a soldier a large sword at his side and purple wings upon his shoulders called out to them

"your Majestys we were were not expecting to welcome you both in such esteemed forms you have both come to full power now? it has been a long time since you were lads I last saw you" he smiled proudly

"Hello General Saevar" Zehan said a smile in his tone he was one of the people who were most loyal to their family

he was like a big brother he had helped raise and train Zyle and Zehan when they were still boys and young serpents his men protected the city and everyone who lived there now under the command of the senate and their uncle

"Indeed it has been a long time we have come home to claim what is ours at last" Zyle stated

"I am at your service," he said immediately dropping into a kneel before Zehan

"heresy" a voice cried out from behind them "you came to take over the court while your uncle's back is turned!"

the prime minister cried limping into the room

"you're still alive?" Zehan said darkly amused

"if Prince Zyle and Prince Zehan have come to full power as apparently they both have"

a new person said an older lady dressed in blue robes her orange and blue dragon tail was replacing the lower limbs of her body and dappled blue and black wings graced her shoulders and blue streaked with gray hair falling to her shoulders

"Minister Maia" its good to see you are still present among the senate," Zehan said greeting her

she inclined her head to him gliding into the center of the hall to speak to everyone

"the throne must be handed over to them as the rightful heirs of Dragon Clan" she stated "this was the arrangements made by their parents the previous king and queen do not forget the Black Dragon King was just a guardian of the throne until they came to power whether he is here or not they are the rightful kings"

she stated several loyal ministers agreed with her and took her side

"This is an insurrection, a rebellion" the Prime Minster cried "the throne must be properly handed over where is the Black dragon king?"

"what have you done with him? you two killed him didn't you?" another minister accused

"arrest them General Saevar" another minister ordered

"do not let them leave here until they stand trial for the murder of black dragon king"

he bellowed and a bunch of armed soldiers ran in

"NO ONE ARREST KING ZYLE AND ZEHAN" General Saevar roared at the soldiers who ran in pointing his sword at his own men

things in the hall were escalating there was going to be a fight here no matter what

Vivian and Vanessa summoned out their celestial weapons

"ENOUGH!" Zehan rumbled with his power he cast a vision of recent events on the air

before all

the recent death of the black witch the quest to unseal the heavens for which Zyle and Zehan had been chosen

the members of the quest team which included the marriage requirement which explained

the two beautiful female foxes that now accompanied the two brothers

their royal mates and the new queens of the dragon clan

the black dragon's kings recent unprovoked attack on wolf city and the appearance of the goddess who stopped him and stripped him of his dragon pearl

and his position as king of the seas sealing him back into his original form of a small black snake he would not be returning unless

the goddess who had sealed him chose to release him and even then it would take many thousands of years to

regain cultivation enough to return to a human form and then several more to regain his full dragon form

"The gods have returned" some of the minsters cried out rejoicing "we are saved the gods have returned"

"blow the horns General Saevar" Minster Maia ordered

"Our Majestys King Zyle and King Zehan have been chosen as our rightful kings the power has been officially handed over by the very gods themselves there is nothing further to dispute"

this was met by rejoicing by many of the loyal ministers of the hall

while the Prime Minister and his cronies were pale with fear realizing they were in big trouble

"Arrest the corrupt loyalist of the black dragon king who has worked with him and caused the degradation of the dragon clan" Minster Maia ordered