"they have left the city looks like our plan to use the royal decrees and withhold the food supplies worked, perfect timing," Zyle reported "our general clones accompanying them to Frost Hollow can continue to keep an eye on things for us" Vanessa the pair watching the city through a willow wisp
"We can take reclaim stormfort now," Zehan said in satisfaction
Zehan gave the orders and the warship with their cavalry at their backs flew towards the city gates
the soldiers manning the gates saw them coming and saluted respectfully before putting a horn to his lips and blowing on it
the city gates opened up and they were able to enter the city it was a well-protected fort city it was a good thing they had
not fought for it there was no winning against their defenses, and also because the city itself was so beautiful, with ancient greek style architecture it would be a shame to see it destroyed
once they got inside statues of ancient warrior dragons murals painted on the walls