New Draconia lay hidden in what appeared to be moss-covered mountains but actually were the bony remains of an ancient dragon ancestor
rising out of the sea bed somewhere beneath warm waters bordering on the philippine sea
arriving they passed under the massive arching bones meeting the dragon statues that stood there at the entrance
Vivian and Vanessa flew up to the statues and each girl put their hands on top of their heads and letting their spirits meet
Zyle and Zehan's parents welcomed the pair, and more than that, they gave them their blessing on their matings and marriage as true Queens of the Dragon Clan,
the statues glowed brightly lighting up the entire world within the pearl
"King Zehan Queen Vivian King Zyle Queen Vanessa welcome home to the new Celestial Kingdom of Draconia all east seas are one"
the voices of the spirits in the statues boomed out for everyone to hear, a celestial blessing