Sergio and Taishen get blessed Lols

Vivian Zehan and Vanessa and zyle were welcomed home with a feast, the seafood they had brought home 

was sent to the palace kitchens for storage and some of it was prepared in a dinner for them

  Tamra opened the peach wine and this time Evelyn and Odessa was joining them for a very good time

Anna and her sisters entertaining and the peach wine flowing and good food they all had a very enjoyable evening 

with even the older adults getting happily drunk before leaving and going back to the royal palace for the night on tottering feet,

Taishen and Sergio however were a new shocking story as they woke up in bed together the next morning Sergio had somehow successfully claimed his immortal doctor friend as his mate after years of not being mates 

Sergio had lost his mate a long time ago before Justin had been born and Lady Taishen was a human turned immortal but somehow in their drunken states, they had accomplished what should be impossible