Anna Vivian Vanessa Yuqi Bethany Taekwon and Taishen, all stood in a single file outside the large hall decorated with blooming flower vines that hung around the top of the entrance great double doors
in their wedding gowns made by Roselyn, she had done a fantastic job every single one of them looked no less majestic and beautiful than the other in dresses made for dancing in later as they requested
Anna in a white strapless gown that fell to her knees the top was a white sleeveless corset styled as a traditional hanbok while the skirt fell in white swirling layers that were painted with falling peach blossoms however the peach blossoms outer petals
were painted crimson to pay homage to her fire element the artwork was exquisitely detailed in the center of each blossom tiny colored jewels brought back from sea world that added sparkle to her gown