I'll pay you if you follow me.

The loud crash echoed in the tattoo shop. The strange drunk man groaned in pain. Yu Yan hoped she broke his bones, such a thwart. She had only flung him off in such brutal, wicked force. He wasn't light weight, she was sure if he wasn't drunk, she was no match for him.

Whistling, Yu Yan tapped on her phone again, Ying Yue better be quick. She saw people rush to help him. That's their problem. What's their business with him?

He winced and walked towards Yu Yan again. The alcohol has really messed with his brain. If he touches her, she promised herself to break his stupid fingers. She was already late for the match. Gossip would surely spread around in school, next tomorrow.

"Why are you so mean? I...I didn't..." He slurred standing in front of her again.

"Dude, you wanna die?!" Qing Qing yelled. Yu Yan pocketed her phone and started to think. What would she do to earn more money? She has to get back to school on Monday. She wouldn't be able to balance her part-time jobs and academic work.

Yu Yan was on scholarship, she had to keep her GPA high always. Suddenly, she glance at the rich dude in front of her, she couldn't even explain why she did. His nose looked broken. Was he going to sue her?

If she landed her sore ass in jail, how would she pay her debts? Cleaning the cells? Hell to the no! She could get evidence from the footage however she wasn't sure if they even have a camera installed here?

"You're a meanie." He pouted and a bright idea crossed Yu Yan's evil mind. She turns on the video recorder on her phone and waited.

"You're taking a picture of me. I thought you rejected my kiss earlier, are you playing hard to get?" He slurred and Yu Yan almost jumped in happiness. Sweet, sweet evidence. At least, now she knew she's safe from him.

"Do you want to know why *hic* I'm...here?"

'Woah dude, you have no idea who you're talking to'. Yu Yan thought to herself. Did it look like she cared? It's a tattoo shop, duhhh. What else could he be here to do? Walk your fish?

"Don't you?" He pressed. Nope, no she didn't.

"I'm here to get a tattoo." He announced with a big smile, raising his hand up in the air. After few seconds of silence, he bursted into laughter.

Yu Yan saw Qing Qing typing on his phone, smiling. Probably texting another unfortunate lady.

"A tattoo, across my stomach, in very very big print." He added. He could get it tattooed on his handsome face for all she care. He was already really irritating her.

"You know what I'm going to write?" He laughed. Yu Yan couldn't help but wonder if this what being drunk is like? She wouldn't even dare try it. Spouting all her personal affair to a random person she meets.

"F*ck you, Zhi Ruo." Yu Yan's head whipped fast before she could control herself. Zhi Ruo as in the Zhi Ruo, the one who parades most magazines and advertisements. Why would he want to do that? And why the hell does she care?

"She's a cheating bitch. She was only around me because of the media." He wailed.

"Don't." Yu Yan said and Qing Qing fell off his chair. Janice coughed and blinked her eyes. Yu Yan couldn't blame them, she was surprised herself that that dude made her speak without even trying hard.

Maybe it's the humanitarian part of her. Imagine trying to take a bath and seeing your cheating ex's name sprawled across your stomach. She doesn't worth her name being on any part of his body. She had done her part, the rest is up to him.

If he likes he can tattoo his entire body now.

"You....you speak?" Qing Qing stuttered holding on to the metallic chair for support. Janice was bewildered too, the time Yu Yan came to draw her tattoo, she took a strong sedative and just slept all through it.

"Well, since a beautiful woman said I shouldn't, who am I to disagree?" He moved closer. Yu Yan resisted the urge to throw him across the room with a great tangential kick.

Ignoring him, Yu Yan opened her Instagram account. Dammit, they had flooded her with hate messages.

She opened an anonymous account just for playing my online games. Yu yan had been playing that particular online game since she was ten. It was a very popular game called 'Online Life'. Now she had ranked so high in it. She was so skilled at it, she could play against herself. Despite the game being so complex, incorporating lots of programs and sections, Yu Yan knew everything like the palm of her hand.

It was as though she was the programmer. This time around, it was rumored that more features would be added, hence, she wanted to play a big match before the whole system changes.

The people who had put their money at stake had flooded her with spiteful comments.

"Liar." Did she lie?

"Thief." Hehe, if only they knew.

"I trust him, something must have gone wrong." Did they still think she is a guy? This particular match she was to participate in was a game of swords. She was to battle with an unknown egoistic user going by the name 'Tricky'

People had immediately jumped into various conclusions as to why Yu Yan didn't show up. Some said she had something to do. Others said she was scared, others said she's a con and so on.

Yu Yan's username was ADONIS, so she couldn't blame that they think she was a dude. She was actually ranked number three in the game. It's Amir, then Tricky then Adonis. The match was between Tricky and Yu Yan.

But the big problem is, Tricky and Adonis are the same person, Yu Yan. Since she have no one to play with, why not play with herself?

The thing people didn't know was that she was actually both Tricky and Adonis. She opened an extra account to play against herself and the lower ranks. Then, she beat herself to go up to the second place.

Sick, right? Yu Yan could do anything tricky for money. Since Amir, the highest ranker didn't want to duel with her, she was left with no choice but to play against herself, however, Ying Yue foiled her plans with a stupid tattoo for a useless Qing Qing, more reason why she'll still end up kicking his ass.

Yu Yan's thoughts were ended when her waist was grabbed harshly. This guy really had a death wish.

"Save me. Save me, please." He whimpered. Was that a show? Why the hell is he acting? And why had she not pushed him away? She was pissed.

On God, Yu Yan hated humans. She always wished she's another specie.

Three hefty looking men walk in and pass Yu Yan a stony glare. She looks away. They were most likely his bodyguards. Typical rich dude.

Sensing the way they are looking at Yu Yan, she dared not throw him like the other time, so she carefully removed his arms and walked away from the scene. She was not going to be caught between his boring life.

"Young Miss, we've found President." One said into the device on his ear. How long does it take to get a tattoo? Ying Yue, get your measly ass here.

"Please..." The man ran towards where Yu Yan was again. She was already losing her patience now and she passed him an irritated look. To be honest, she really hated the man. Couldn't he leave her alone?

" I don't trust them, my mum asked them to get me. Please, don't let them." He whined. He should have just said my mummy. What a kid he is!

And he trusts a random girl who has just injured him, said only one word to him, over his mum? Yu Yan was suddenly so intrigued.

However, not that intrigued to help. They should be fast and whisk his lame ass away to his penthouse for all she cared.

She needed to think of how she could rearrange another match, so she can earn more money to pay Russo. School's resuming next tomorrow.

"I'll pay you if you follow me." He offered when the men begin to walk slowly towards him. Is he some kind of wild animal? Why are they being so careful?

Grab his arms, toss his legs and drag him out, bitch!

Who does he think he is? He'll pay her? Pay her ass.

"I'm serious, I'll pay you, ten." He said. Yu Yan suddenly stopped thinking. Wait, ten what?

Yu Yan passed him a side glance and a cold look. He sure knew how to negotiate when drunk. Is he really drunk? Must be another manipulative asshole.

"Okay, thirty." He pressed. The men were moving closer. Yu Yan raised an eyebrow.

"Thirty thousand yuan." He said and her money making brain starts spinning. She could pay Russo and have left over for her next debt. Oh God! All she have to do was follow him home.

The guy had something else coming if he thought he can harass her, though. She'll kill him before he get to move his manicured fingers down.

Yu Yan stepped forward and moves him behind her.

"Thank you." He whispers and sticks out his tongue at them. Was she really doing this? Qing Qing was frozen on the floor, gaping at the scene in front of him.

"She's following me, or I won't go home." The stupid dude behind her said. Was it possible that her hatred for him just tripled?

The guards raised their hands and move backwards. They seemed shocked by the way he was acting. Yu Yan made up her mind that he was an imbecile. She shakes her head. He grabs her hand but she yanks it away. Whistling, she walks out of the tattoo shop, while he moves around her passing warnings for them not to come closer. When no one was looking, she secretly switches on her phone location.

Should anything go wrong, Ying Yue can track her.


"*Hic* Help me to my room." He slurred as they enter his apartment. Yu Yan was stunned, he didn't live in a penthouse. Maybe he's not as rich as she thought.

Rich or not, he was going to pay her or she'll take decisions on her own.

Wait, what was she thinking? A drunk dude would pay her? She'll just write a note and leave. As for helping him to his room, maybe in her next life.

The body guard by the door just stares at her in pity. What is going on in that head of his?

Yu Yan looks around for a pen and sees one in a decorated case on the side table. Finally, she tries to move but she is stuck. The asshole was grabbing her leg, come to think of it, Yu yan didn't know his name. Not like she cared, anyway.

'LIAR.' Her subconscious teased.

He stands up slowly, using her leg as support and pouts.

"You're a meanie, why can't you help me?" This was like the hundredth time he had called her that. He pulled her closer, Yu Yan noticed he still smells of alcohol.

Ying Yue must be worried sick by now. Oh God, she had to leave.

"I *hic* am so *hic*.." he tried to speak.

" Get off me, you bastard." Yu Yan almost retorted. Her eyes widen in horror as he barfs all over her.

She always knew it, even if people were about to die, she's not supposed to help. Now, look at her. Why in the world did she help him?

She got vomit all over my body. They're all the same. She really despised strangers. What would she do now?