Chapter 164: What Changed?

"nononoNO!" Villin shook his head violently as he stumbled around the cell. His mind was in complete disarray, "This is all fake, I escaped!"

He told himself this again and again but he didn't believe it. He was still here, he was still stuck.

Tears made their way down Villin's cheeks, he looked around desperately trying to find something wrong. A hole, in reality, proving this all wasn't real, but there was nothing to find.

After an hour of stumbling about without being able to have a coherent thought, Villin finally calmed down a little.

"At the end of the day, it all doesn't matter. If I escaped, I'll escape whatever this is too. If I didn't escape, I'll escape."

This thought brought him an immense amount of clarity. His mind calmed down within seconds as his eyes shot around the room. 
