Chapter 203: Back To The Academy

One day passed and finally, Villin returned to The Academy, after going through the Atlantian teleportation array, he found himself standing in the teleportation array situated back at A1.

Villin felt somewhat stunned at the change in scenery. The buildings here felt much sharper and the sun was much brighter. The lack of the dome was rather odd. Even though he was only in Atlantis for slightly over a month, he had gotten used to being there and preparing for the attack. 

Now that he was back here though, Villin felt rather good. As he was walking towards Athena's Forge he felt the atmosphere was a little different though. Occasionally groups of students in armor would be moving around together and individuals seemed hurried, slightly worried even.

It seemed that during his absence things went as he expected, more attacks should've happened and things were more chaotic.