

Happy New Month 🙂


The smell of liquor invaded their noses as they walked through the front door. Sweaty bodies, vomit and spilled beer contributed to the nausea they felt. Feeling bile rising up to her throat one of them rushed outside to empty her bowels.

Alot had been put into designing the place, fake cobwebs that looked real were fixed at corners, some had spiders on them plastic or real, no one cared, tissues dripping blood were hung on the walls, leaving a steady flowing line of red along the paint thin walls. Skeletons were placed in some small coffin like boxes to add to the theatrics.

Like magnets, red Solo cups with an unidentified liquid were placed in their hands. Every high school Halloween party had factors; terrific costumes and beer were some of them. Thompson, Sarah; who rejoined the group after emptying her stomach contents, Hogan and May merged into the dancing bodies slowly parting ways.

The suspending cloud lights and stage lights overhead gave the atmosphere a subtle glow, the smoke machines added a cemetery feel. The hearts of each partier had a unanimous beat; the fast rhythm of the pop song blasting through the speakers. Tonight was their last Halloween of high schoolers, drunken mistakes were expected.

They had to live life to the fullest because weeks from that night, they would go their seperate ways.

* * *

Thompson being the alcoholic rushed towards the beer pong table, his liver was going to suffer that night but he didn't care. Stripping off his vampire cape and white shirt that hugged his perks, he downed two tequila shots preparing himself for the game he exuded his prowess in, beer pong. As the ping pong ball splashed into his opponents cup, Thompson felt the heat of victory and alcohol.

* * *

Light headed Hogan; glided to his zone where his expertise was assured, the women. He removed his hook as his hands found a lady's curvaceous body as she swayed her hips on his groin whilst clasping her hands on his neck. She was dressed like a witch, and a witch she was for she had enchanted him.

He pushed his groin forward against her body. He felt a hand grope his waist, he turned his neck to see another girl dancing behind him. He removed the singular eye patch across his right eye as he connected his lips with hers as he drowned in intoxication.

* * *

Sarah felt out of place, she had been dragged from her comfort zone of books, movies and food. Having to go through the stress of applying make up to look like a zombie was what angered her the more.

She had the ideal plan of binge watching the Harry Potter series as a tub of ice cream would lay comfortably in front of her, pineapple ice cream with coconut shaving and Oreo toppings.

Her mouth watered at the thought of her favourite combination. She was dragged back to reality when she felt bodies bumping against her. She manoeuvred through the glistening bodies into the kitchen. She saw empty wraps of food strewn across the surface. She sat down as she felt the music thumping in her brain.

"What is a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?" A voice asked. Cliche Sarah thought, even though she was sure she looked horrifying with her zombie makeup, boys will call anything beautiful as long as it wore a skirt.

She looked up and she felt time freeze. Dressed as Prince Charming was a Prince truly charming, She would definitely trade her favourite ice with extra toppings for him. He spoke again; the bass in his voice melted her like ice cream in the sun.

* * *

May; just like the boys, was a wild cat. She laid on the table in the backyard as she felt sprinkles of sugar on her bare tummy. She had long discarded her fairy outfit leaving only the shorts and bra top. She felt the cold drip of alcohol hit her skin, she shivered and smiled. A kidney of lime was placed between her expecting teeth.

"Body shots!" An enthusiastic partier screamed has others cheered. May felt a wet sensation, a tongue roam her stomach, it sucked the alcohol that had pooled around her belly button. It dabbed at the sprinkles of sugar. It dragged upwards leaving a trail of saliva, passed her cladded breasts in a bra top towards her mouth.

May's eyes widened as she saw the familiar blue eyes which were deeper than the ocean, his eyes communicated a thousand thoughts in just a single blink. Jameson's; her crush. He took the lime from her mouth with his mouth, she wouldn't waste this opportunity, she dragged him down for a heated kiss as the screams and shouts vibrated in her ears.

* * *

"You don't look like you want to be here", Her Prince charming had finally taken a seat at her request. She blinked a couple of times to remind herself that he was indeed talking to her with the zombie makeup and all.

"Uhm- I was kind -kind of forced?" She hated how her voice raised a tone when she was shy or embarrassed. In this case, a truck load of shyness had smashed into her feeble self esteem. She surprised herself by even uttering audible words.

He chuckled, and Sarah felt herself fall deeper. He lifted his head and laughed fully. Sarah gulped as she watched his Adam's apple move in a repetitive manner. His laughter died down. She felt like she should have recorded it, it would become a soothing lullaby. She sighed.

"You know what will make your night better?" He made suggestive brow raises

"W-what?" Sarah felt flush, silently she prayed that the signals were leading towards her thoughts.

"A good scare". He replied

All thoughts washed from her mind as she processed what he said, "a good scare?" She reiterated the question to find out if her ears had failed her.

"Well, I know this house just down the street?" He wiggled his brows in a suggestive manner

"You mean the Willow's house?" Sarah had heard of the house down the street. Fear had prevented her from accepting the offer from her friends to go there before coming to the party.

"Yes and I even heard it's haunted, they've seen ghost or something of that sort coming out of the house" Prince Charming said non challantly like it wasn't a big deal.

"G-g-ghosts?" Underneath her ton of tissue paper ,and green slime, Sarah felt blood leave her face. "Yes? You believe in ghosts?" Prince charming asked with a smirk on his face.

"N-no" Sarah lied. She believed in ghosts and demons and supernatural beings, she hated them. "You don't strike me as someone who is easily scared, you seem like a confident, beautiful and brave girl hiding underneath this zombie makeup".

Something about the way he said confident gave her the confidence she needed. "L-let's go. Can I bring my friends too?" His smile grew wider showing his pearly white teeth;

"the more the merrier". She quickly texted them.

* * *

The vibration in his pocket was different from the vibration from the music. Down to his seventh bottle, Thompson was slightly tipsy. He was dominating the beer pong. He had been playing for hours, winning each new team.

The stakes had been raised, money was waged against the losers. He dipped his hands into his pocket and drew out his phone. A message from Sarah; 'Meet me at the haunted house down the street'.

His eyes bulged, this night just got more interesting. He picked his white Dracula shirt and walked away. He mouthed 'I'll be back' to his opponents who displayed subtle happiness that he was leaving.

* * *

Slow dancing to a fast song, Jameson and May swayed on the dance floor. The vibration of her phone in her fairy shorts startled her a bit.

"Is something wrong?" Jameson asked worry clouding his blue eyes.

"No no no, sorry I was just startled" she dipped her hands in her back pocket and brought out her phone, she held it in his face.

"It's a text message". Jameson smiled, the worry washing away. May read the text message from Sarah, she smiled and looked up at Jameson. She grabbed her fairy gown from the table in front of them.

"Do you like haunted houses?" She didn't wait for his answer as his bright smile spoke a thousand words, she dragged him towards the house.

* * *

In a full make out session on the couch, Hogan felt hands over his bare skin, he groaned as he felt hands sliding beyond the hem of his jeans. The vibration from his pocket made him groan louder but in frustration.

He untangled himself from the girls, he dipped his hands in his pockets. He tapped his phone and squinted at the brightness. He saw a text from Sarah, he read the text message. He felt a new rush of adventure cloud his intoxication.

He stood up ignoring the shouting girls and dashed towards the house down the street.