Bottoms Up! (Demi x Reader)

Summary: Demi gets the skimpily-dressed reader drunk for the first time.

(Also I apologize, I haven't had much experience with drunks)

lots of dialogue, Fluff, 3rd person, word count: 1735

"Do I really have to wear this?" (y/n) holds up an outfit unlike anything she'd ever worn before. Smiling and nudging her, Demi the Barmaid helped her girlfriend change into her new costume. As a celebration for 2 years since the odd game they were forced to play started, the survivors and hunters were throwing a party. This meant new costumes for everyone. For survivors like (y/n) who weren't given much attention when it came to accessories and costumes, this was her chance to have something new. But when her new ensemble is too promiscuous for her tastes, she'd rather now be given anything at all. Little did (y/n) know, her girlfriend got more enjoyment from the way she was dressed than anyone else would, and it gave her ideas.

"Demi, am I wearing this backwards?" She turned to show her girlfriend how the outfit exposed her in more ways than she wanted. Demi couldn't speak. Getting closer to her, she put her hands on the wall behind her lover, trapping her in a heated position. (y/n) grinned, and took Demi's mouth in hers, before her more dominant girlfriend could. After a few moments, Demi removed her trap and giggled at the whine the other girl released when she moved away.

"You look stunning, love." She whispered, leading her out of their room to the main area where the others were supposed to gather. (y/n) was worried, but excited nonetheless. This would be her first celebration similar to this, and the first time she'd shown off her assets. Demi chuckled at her excited mannerisms. They walked together to the main room, both hyped up for the party being held. Demi was excited for another reason, that her girlfriend didn't know about; she was going to get her drunk. Of course she wouldn't if that made her uncomfortable, but she and Demi had talked about it before in passing conversation, but never lingered on the topic. (y/n) had mentioned that she'd never had alcohol before, and the barmaid was intent on changing that, plus, she wanted to see how'd she act. Demi thought everything her girlfriend did was either cute or incredible, so, "how amazing would it be to have a cute, drunk girlfriend" was her thought process. As they arrived, a few survivors and hunters made their place, chatting or playing a game, as they waited for the party to start. One survivor came up to them instantly, their best friend, José.

"Wow! You two look great, really showin' off there (y/n)!" He teases, producing a reaction from her.

"Thanks, José." She tried to sound sarcastic, but her excitement gave her true feelings away. Demi, José, and (y/n) engaged in conversation for a while as the rest of the manor's residents arrived, then Demi led her girlfriend to the bar.

"Demi!" The girl giggled, "it's just started and you're already drinking?" Demi laughed with her, then turned the tables.

"You're drinking too." She handed her a small glass. Her eyebrows furrowed as the barmaid.

"I haven't ever," Before she finished her sentence, her mind changed. "Actually, why not?" She took the shot from Demi. Tears pricked in her eyes as the burning sensation travelled down her throat. Silently wiping her eyes and unclenching her face, she turned to look at the now smirking barmaid. "That sucked, how do you enjoy that?" She questioned her as Demi handed her another. "Demi, if I get drunk, who's going to look after you?" Demi hadn't thought about that. Out of all the survivors in the manor, the only few to never have been drunk were (y/n), Helena, and Martha. Two of the three being under the drinking age limit. Demi was quick to respond, despite her not thinking about her answer.

"José can!" The bark of laughter from (y/n) startled her.

"José will be just as intoxicated as you, as will almost everyone else. That's why it's been my job to take care of you; as it should stay." Her reasoning was good, but her love for Demi was stronger. She pleaded for the girl to have some fun. "If you want it that bad," she responded, giving in to her pleas, "fine, but I expect to be taken care of tomorrow. If your hangovers are anything to go by, then I'll be in hell in the morning." She mumbled the last part to herself, but Demi's sharp ears caught her words.

"Of course, my love! Anything for you." Sarcastically, she smiled as her lover downed her second shot with less of a reaction than before. Demi could tell it was starting to affect her as she sat, awaiting whatever she was to give her next. Demi slid her a bottle of her famous Dovlin.

"This is all I'm giving you. It's really strong, so make it last." She states, reassuring her girlfriend that no more bitter taste will be forced down her throat. She takes her first sip.

"Deemii! Thiss is good!" She exclaims, taking a bigger swallow than before. She chuckles and pats her head, taking note of her words beginning to slur. "Demi, I'mm hungryy, can you get some food?"

"Sure, I'm hungry too." She walks off to get snacks for the two of them to share, then realizes that she hasn't had a drink yet. Pondering on whether it was a good idea to drink or not, she made her way to a table piled with food, and took a plate. Then, before she knew it, her girlfriend was pressed against her.

"I missed you." She breathed against Demi's ear, reaching around her.

"I left like a minute ago, hun." She chuckled, then saw the empty bottle in her hand. "I told you not to drink the whole thing!" The girl behind her ignored her.

"Can I have some more?" She begged, shifting to where Demi was facing her.

"One more, but that's it." Demi compromised, leading her and their food back to their spot at the bar. As they sat down, José and Kevin sat next to them.

"Is (y/n) ok? I've never seen her so flushed." José whispered to Demi, who promptly responded with a laugh.

"She's drunk!" Demi laughs louder, "and she's adorable." Kevin looks to José and laughs with her, each of them getting a drink of their own.

"And what about you Demi? I think this is the first time I haven't seen you drunk, or least with a drink." Kevin mocked, not expecting Demi's sweet reply.

"I promised to take care of her, and I can't do that with a hangover." The men next to her were silent for a moment, then they smiled.

"Wow, I wish Kevin would do that for me!" José jested, while softly jabbing his elbow into his companion's side. They continued laughing, while Demi's attention was directed elsewhere. The tug on her sleeve; a silent plea for another drink. As fun as this was to her, Demi started to get worried. She pulled the newly emptied bottle away from her girlfriend and shot her a stern look. (y/n) cowered from the intensity of her gaze.

"That's enough for you." She stood up, taking (y/n) with her. She searched the room for anyone sober besides her. Finally, her eyes landed on Martha, conversing with Vera.

"Hey, would you guys mind looking after her for a second?" Demi hands off the girl to Martha, who swiftly held her up.

"Is she ok? She can barely stand!" Vera questioned as Demi started to go towards their shared room.

"She's fine, just a little tipsy, that's all." She reassured them, then rushed off.

"'Just a little tipsy' she says!" Vera repeats satirically, directing her attention to the girl, now playing with the feathers on Martha's outfit. "Well, you two are having fun." Martha was almost on the floor in tears over how hilarious (y/n) was acting. (y/n), whining about missing Demi again, asked Vera when she'd be back. Vera sighed and tried to pick her conversation with Martha back up. Wiping her eyes, Martha stabilized herself and held onto (y/n)'s hand, too keep her from wandering off, and continued talking to Vera.

"Can I go see Demi noooow?" She tugged on the hand that kept her confined like a dog on a leash. Martha shook her head.

"Demi will come get you when she's ready, but I don't know when she'll be back." As if saying her name made her appear, Demi showed up to take back her lover.

"Demi! You were gone forever!" She leapt into her arms, ready for their next adventure. Demi only chuckled and led her back to what she had set up in their room. "Wait where are we going? There's still a party." She fussed when she recognized where they were going. Demi silently continued. When they arrived, before (y/n) could try to wiggle out of her grasp, Demi took her to the bathroom where a fresh, warm bath was awaiting her.

"No, this is comfy, don't make me change. It's a great temperature, it's not hot at all!" She listed reasons for Demi to leave her be, but she made a promise that she wanted to keep.

"That outfit is very hot." Demi countered, the joke going right over (y/n)'s head. "You'll feel better in the morning if you take a bath now." She began to slowly pull the layers off of her, until she was undressed and soaking in the tub. Softly humming and smiling, Demi took her time pampering her girlfriend, slightly apologetic because of what she made her drink.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you, Demi? You're so pretty, and like perfect." Her girlfriend mused, while enjoying every second spent around her.

"I love you too, hun." She held up a towel for her, "now, lets get you ready for bed." This time, (y/n) went willingly. After donning her pajamas, and Demi's, brushing her teeth and letting Demi brush her hair, they were ready for bed. The faint sound of the party dying down didn't distract them from the task at hand, falling asleep. The thought that drifted through Demi's head finalized her sleepy state, "her hangover is gonna be a bitch."