Sleep (Naib x reader part 2)

(Word count: 3668)

"Naib! It's 9:30! Everyone else has had breakfast already! Get up!" An unknown female voice yelled at him from behind a closed door. (Y/n), who was awoken by the call rather than to whom it was directed, slowly got up, blinked, then processed the words. Panicking, she removed herself from the sleeping mercenary, who grumbled deep in his slumber, and silently began fixing herself in his bathroom mirror, oblivious to Naib who was poised to pounce. Deciding that how she looked was as good as she could get with her lack of resources, she turned to leave but was rudely interrupted when Naib lunged at her, trapping her in his arms. A squeal of surprise emitted from (y/n), and she tensed up with her face in his chest. Pushing him away from her, she scolded him.

"Naib, didn't you hear Emily, my first match is at 10! I have to go!" Naib chuckled at the pout that caused her face to look even cuter.

"Don't you want to stay with me?" He whined playfully, releasing her from his grip. Just then, a figure burst through the door, catching the two's hands intertwining.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" The demanding voice of the doctor caused them both the stop and straighten up. She glances down to find their hands quickly part from each other and smiles. "Oh I see." The grin that emerged on her face caused shivers down the two's spines.

"It's nothing like that! See?" (y/n) started, waving her hands as if to distract the knowing doctor, "It was late, I came to wake him up!"

"Ah, I see." The sarcasm dripped from her words into a pool of fear centered in the hearts of Naib and (y/n).

"Emily, (y/n), I'd appreciate it if you got out of my room." Naib tried to act angry, but he was scared of the repercussions of anyone learning of his soft side. (y/n) swiftly exited his room and headed to her own to finish getting ready for her matches. Emily however, opted to talk to Naib.

"What is actually going on?" Emily knew, but she needed to hear it from one of them.

"Nothing, really. I woke up late, and she came to get me up. I was going to help her get ready." He lied, hoping that he wouldn't have to explain further. Emily's glare intensified. He had so much to say about her; He didn't want to expose himself, but the doctor seemed to have other ideas.

"That's a lie. Do you really expect me to believe that? (y/n) never went to her room last night." The doctor's glare on him intensified.

"How do you know that?" Naib questioned, staring her down with the intensity that she had on him.

"Are you two together? When did you start sleeping together? Wh-"

"Woah!" Naib stopped her. "It really is not anything like that." The serious look that covered his face caused the doctor to back off a little bit. "We both couldn't sleep, and she was too tired to walk all the way back to her room. Nothing happened, and nothing will happen." Emily noted that the last part seemed to be convincing himself more than convincing her. She decided to back off completely.

"Be careful, Naib. I don't want either of you to get hurt." With that, the doctor left, but not before catching Naib mumble under his breath,

"She wouldn't hurt me."

Panting, (y/n) hid behind the nearest pallet, waiting for the pursuing hunter to reach her. When the long-necked crazy cat lady realized she couldn't find the small survivor anymore, she turned around to search for a different target. (y/n) sighed, and slightly shivered in the snow of Leo's Memory. She made sure Ann was gone, then looked for a cipher machine to decode. She reached a machine in the farthest corner and immediately pinged her status to her teammates to let them know the hunter wasn't near her. Ten seconds later, a gong was heard, signaling that one of her teammates had been hit. Her cipher wasn't even half-way done, so she told everyone to focus on decoding and went towards the teammate who was about to be incapacitated. Before she managed to reach her friend, a growling noise was heard behind her. She stopped in her tracks as a black cat rushed in front of her. Barely missing it, she started again to the now incapacitated postman. He was chaired and Ann left to find someone else. (y/n) snuck behind the chair and pulled off the ropes containing Victor. After running off, she caught Andrew, the team's rescue, staring at her.

"I'm sorry." She mouthed, while running off to contain Ann away from everyone else. As soon as she started running, a cat jumped on her back, scratching and stunning her. The sudden harsh whack of Ann's stake on the back of her head almost made her cry. After sleeping in late, getting glared at by Emily, and having so many matches, the stress made her want to quit. If not for her teammates, who were depending on her to contain the hunter, she would've knelt down and given up. (y/n) ran to the nearest pallet and slammed it down, in an attempt to distance herself from Ann. As she ran and soon realized she was cornered, a shout cleared the air.

"Cipher Machine Primed!"

(y/n) had been so stressed, she didn't realize that Ann chased her for enough time for her team to clear the ciphers. She ran from the exit gate she was near, and let Ann's cat pounce and Ann strike. As soon as she was down, she was up again as an alarm blared across the snow covered area. She began to run to an exit gate with Ann hot on her heels. She swerved to miss a cat, but had to backtrack, causing her to narrowly miss a swing to the head. As she neared an exit gate, she hoped that it was open, or close to being opened. Suddenly, Ann stopped and directed her attention to the exit gate. (y/n)'s eyes widened.

"Get out of here!" She shouted as the disciple teleported to the exit gate she was running towards. They all left. She was left alone with Ann and only one exit gate was opened. (y/n) started her search for the dungeon, then realized she could trick Ann. She started towards the opened exit gate again, keeping her distance from the hunter and her vicious cats. As Ann left, (y/n) kept sneaking towards the exit gate. She finally reached it, but before she could take her final steps towards victory, the cold-blooded feline pounced once again. Ann took the opportunity to go in front of the stunned survivor and incapacitate her. (y/n) struggled to no avail. She was roughly shoved into the chair and sent back to the manor.

"This is going to be a long day." She sighed to herself, walking through the doors and to the kitchen to get her late breakfast.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet?" Someone asked her out of her field of vision. "Didn't you just have a match?" They questioned.

"Yeah, it sucked." She says nonchalantly and sits down. Her eyes drift to the bread box where her cookies are hidden, but she stays put, not wanting to blow her cover. "I lost but thankfully everyone else got out, and that's only my first match. What about you, Patricia?" (y/n) pushed the subject off of her, too tired to keep talking.

"I've got a few matches today, we have a 2v8 later tonight." she states, taking note of the other girl's tired look. "Why don't you take a nap? I could-"

"I'm ok." (y/n) interrupted, finishing the last bite of her brunch. "I just need to wake up a bit." She flashed a noticeably tired smile and walked off. Patricia only sighed and continued cleaning up the kitchen. As (y/n) left, she caught a glimpse of a green cloak going into an adjacent hallway. Smirking to herself, she followed close behind preparing for payback from earlier that morning. As she neared her target and prepared to strike, she heard a different voice speak up; It was Emily's.

"-I said this morning." (y/n) caught the last of the strict doctor's words. Instead of scaring Naib, she stayed hidden and listened to their conversation, though she wouldn't get much more. A small noise emitted from Naib, like he was trying to interject, but Emily stopped him.

"You have a match in 10 minutes, go get ready. I'm just advising you to be careful; I know how reckless you are." (Y/n) pressed herself further into the wall, as to not be detected by the fuming doctor. Dejectedly, Naib followed her out and made his way towards the match room. Once she was sure they were both gone, (y/n) walked to the match room as well. When she arrived, Naib was already settled, but no one else was there.

"How was your first match?" He asked once she sat next to him.

She sighed and slouched, "Tiring, but we won." She desperately wanted to ask him what Emily was talking to him about, but she wasn't going to let him know she spied on him. Naib resisted holding her. He wanted to comfort her and let her rest with him, but Emily's words repeated in his head, and she was right. He was reckless, and he was going to get one or both of them hurt. (y/n) stared at Naib, wishing that one of them would do something, but someone could walk in anyone second, and she wasn't willing to take that risk. As the rest of their team arrived and made small talk, she wondered why Naib was acting weird. His eyes seemed to be everywhere but on her, and he didn't utter a word besides the question he asked earlier. However, she didn't get the chance to mention it as she, along with the rest of her team, was transported to the map they were to challenge. The thoughts left her head as she concentrated on getting through the match. Starting on a cipher machine, she called out her progress and began to work, hoping nothing went awry. As her focus honed in on her cipher, she didn't realize the click of a camera somewhere across the map. Even the sound of her pounding heartbeat didn't cause her to lose focus, until the sharp end of a sword barely missed her. Her eyes dashed around and met with the photographer's, who smirked crudely before taking another swing at her, this time hitting her.

"The hunter is near me!" She shouts as she runs from Joseph the photographer. Noticing the pounding heartbeat that signified a hunter nearby disappeared, her eyes widened as she ran to a place to hide. In the parallel world Joseph had created, she was taken down and placed in a chair, just in time for the camera world to vanish. By that time, (y/n) was across the map and hiding from the ruthless hunter as she healed herself as quickly as possible. Just before she was done, a certain mercenary appeared behind her and finished her healing, so she didn't have to use her only self-heal so early. No words were exchanged as he helped her, and as soon as it was done, they parted. Little did the two know, the photographer was hot on their heels and ready to attack. (y/n)'s heartbeat picked up again and she sighed.

"Can't you leave me alone?" She addressed the quickly approaching hunter, once again readying to strike.

"Nope, you know how the game is played." He broke the pallet she just pulled and continued his pursuit. She groaned and pulled down another, unable to stun him but still gained some distance. Two ciphers popped at the same time. Joseph looped around a wall and came face-to-face with the evading survivor. Smiling again, he slashed at her and finally landed a hit. She turned and bolted in the opposite direction, using her small boost in speed to her advantage. Joseph saw the direction she was heading, and teleported to the cipher machine nearest to her. Noticing the flash of black and red right in front of her, she turned to run back to her previous spot. She was too late. A gong rang throughout the field to signal that she is incapacitated. She was carried to a chair and roughly shoved and tied to it.

"Don't rescue me!" She yelled, hoping her teammates would use the fact that Joseph wouldn't leave her out of his sight to their advantage. She released a breath when there was no indication of someone coming towards her. As her timer passed the half-way mark, two more ciphers were completed, meaning there was one left.

"Stop decoding! I'm going in!" Naib yelled, notifying the team that he would rescue (y/n). As Naib came into range, their eyes met briefly before the photographer came between them. Naib evaded him, and quickly untied (y/n) from her trap as they ran together. (y/n) had instantly been hit as she escaped from the chair, but because of the preserving factor of tide turner, she managed to make it to the nearest exit gate before falling down. The last cipher was popped and she was up again, preparing to contain Joseph until the exit gates were open. Naib had other plans.

"Focus on decoding." Sternly, he pushed (y/n) toward the exit gate and took a hit for her. She silently worked as quickly as possible as Naib was trying to keep Joseph at bay, while watching the amount of time he had before he was incapacitated. Shortly before his time ran out, the doors to the gate parted and they ran through, barely missing Joseph's final attempt to take one of them out.

As they arrive at the manor, Naib noticed she was shaking, and realized he had to do something. He checked the time and formulated a plan. The clock read 12:25, and she still had three matches left. He decided to take it up with a good friend of his. He led (y/n) to the kitchen and asked Emma to get her something to eat, as she was making lunch for everyone, while he went to ask a favor of his good friend.

"Eli, I need your help." He started, "Could you take over two matches for (y/n)? All you have is a 2v8 later tonight, she can take that over for you." The seer smiles.

"Alright, but there's one condition!" Eli agrees, coming close to whisper his demand. Naib prepares for something like taking over a chore or giving Eli his dessert, but Eli gave Naib mercy. "Just, keep taking care of her. You two are great together." A pat on the back from him sends Naib off, surprised by the parameters of the favor. He went back to the kitchen to see her dead asleep at the table, she was the previous night. He chuckled and held her up, slightly waking her to walk her to his room. He could tell she was barely awake as her feet dragged up the stairs. He noticed a familiar glare directed toward him as he turned the corner to the hallway where his room was located. Her stare brought forth the feeling of doubt in him again, as they arrived at his room where they could be shielded from Emily's harsh ultimatum on their relationship.

"Naib?" her voice barely a whisper. "Why-" He stopped her. After guiding her to his bed, and assuring her comfort, he answered any of her possible questions.

"Your other matches are taken care of, you need rest. Are you ok here?" She nodded softly, pulling him down with her as he let her onto his bed. He wanted to reassure her comfort and consent; he wanted to take care of her and let himself be vulnerable around her. As he placed himself next to her, he realized why Emily is so strict on them not being together. He would risk anything to guarantee her safety, and he knew she would do the same for him. He lost himself in his thoughts until he felt a shift next to him. He looked down to see (y/n)'s head resting on his chest, looking at peace. Without thinking, he brought his hand to her head, petting softly. Naib relaxes when her soft sigh followed by a light hum reaches his ears. He pulled her closer and closed his eyes, drifting off into the most comfortable nap he's taken.

Naib didn't mean to sleep for so long; she didn't mean to fall asleep at all, yet here they are. He shifted, propping himself up on his arm, and rubbing his eye with the other. Due to the sudden shift, (y/n) awoke as well, slowly pushing the comforter off of her.

"Thank you." She murmured, almost soundless. "Mmmh, what time is it?" She asked a little louder, as some of her energy returned to her.

"It's almost 6:00." He mused, "we slept for almost five hours. Feel better?"

She stretched, a few pops signifying the release of tension stiffness sounded and slightly startled them both.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better." She stood up, offering her hand to help her mercenary up. "Oh no, my matches." She sighed and started to tense up again until Naib's hands reached her shoulder.

"It's ok, Eli took over for you. In return, you have to play in his spot for the other 2v8." Naib stated, then remembered the last statement Eli amended. "And I have to give him your cookies." (y/n)'s chuckle that followed caused Naib's heart to melt, then she continued. "Of course, I'll have to thank him later." She starts to walk off, but pauses for a moment. "Naib." The alarming shift in tone startled him, along with the focused, pensive attributes that took over her face. "Is this- well I mean, are we?" Inhaling deeply, she continues. "I'm not sure how to ask what I'm trying to ask." Her words sounded light-hearted, but her stone look said otherwise. Naib smiled at her, knowing exactly what she wanted to say. He took a step closer to her; she didn't move. He took another step, then another until he was holding her hands in his and mere inches from her face. He noticed she wasn't looking into his eyes, rather she became fixated on the pair of lips in front of her. As he moved closer, he noticed her fixed gaze changed. Her eyes half-lidded, then fully closed as the two connected. A beat passed. They gently parted lips, but stayed as close as possible to each other. Silence filled the room, as the overwhelming feelings the shared pooled out of them and into the other, in a bond of understanding and trust. Eyes interlocked, they leaned in again. Soft touches of his lips trying to grasp each ounce of her love tickled her face. She giggled softly switched sides. Taking his face in her hands, her tender lips brushed against his face, anywhere his lips weren't. In that moment, they came to the realization of what they would do for one another; anything. Slightly lifting herself, she placed one last kiss to the top of his head.

"I love you." Two people; one sentence. The three words they repeated to each other held more meaning than life itself for them. They rested their heads together in silence for a moment to wrap their minds around their mutual attraction between them. Little did (y/n) know, there was something else on Naib's mind as well. Two swift knocks break them from their trance.

"Naib. I know she's in there too. I have to talk to you both." The disapproving doctor was back. Naib moved to the door and let her in. She looks to (y/n) and sighs. "You two," her hands glided to the bridge of her nose, "I still don't think it's a good idea for you to be this close." They try to interject, but Emily didn't let them get a word in. "I know you are close friends, and you should stay that way. You're both self-destructive, and I don't think you realize the consequences of your relationship, if you aren't careful." Not until their backs started to ache, did they realize how straight they were standing. A short silence followed, before (y/n) spoke up.

"With all due respect, Miss Dyer, I think our relationship is in our own hands, and-"

"No, I think she's right." Naib interrupted. Both female's heads whipped towards him. The incredulous look that covered (y/n)'s face made him regret each word that came from his mouth. She was heartbroken, but he stuck with his answer. "This, our relationship, is moving too fast. I don't want to hurt you, and I want to be with you, but we shouldn't be together." His excuse seemed to be convincing himself more than anyone in the room. Even with the sharpest knife, no one couldn't cut the tensity that filled the room. As bad as Emily felt for the two, she felt that what she was doing was better for them. As strong as (y/n) was, everyone could see the heartbreak in her eyes and the tears that threatened to spill. As much as Naib loved her, he couldn't bear to hurt her.

"Naib, you," (y/n) takes a shaky breath, trying to keep her emotions in check, "You won't hurt me. I- you, but" With each passing second, everyone feels worse and everyone starts to rethink their choices. "You really don't want to be together." Her voice falters, and she can no longer hold herself together. Not wanting anyone to see her loss of strength, she leaves. Naib glares at the doctor, tears pricking in his eyes, and pushes her out. She tried to mumble a weak apology, but to no avail. Everything is broken.