Last time, I swear Headcanons

These are to help me out with figuring out characterization for when I write, not because I'm that lazy, I promise.


-She's fragile, but not weak

-I don't really see how netease says she's weak because she's a mechanic, which means she takes things apart and puts them back together, and building a robot has to take at least a little strength

-she's a prankster

-will use her robot to get into trouble

-she's really sweet, but gets her feelings hurt easily

-if someone says something mean to her, or calls her robot useless, she'll cry.

-don't do this, and take care of her when she's sad

-she doesn't have a problem crying in front of others, but it isn't often that she does

-if you get down in a match, she will ping her location or her robot's location so she can heal you

-(to the Tracy I played with a few matches ago, I appreciate that, sorry I didn't come to get healed but hey^^ you and I made it out)

-takes a bit for the relationship to start, if you want to be in a relationship, because she isn't great with social cues, but just tell her straight-forward and she'll get it and be ecstatic


-Very proud, and likes to boast her elegance

-sometimes gets annoying, but when you realize how high she puts herself up, it can be endearing to know that she brings you up with her.

-She's the type to suggest an elegant date, but be surprised if you make it happen

-Genuinely happy if you treat her well, she feels really guilty about what she did in her past

-She probably won't like it if you call her Chloe, though

-She has been Vera for so long, it's who she is now, even if her sister was a little bit kinder

-she will have a break down or two sometime in the relationship or friendship

-She is trying, give her some credit

-but she still killed

-she's going to try to do anything to forget her past

-don't let her run away from it

-promise you'll be by her side, after strengthening the bond between you

-She has to learn to trust again

-she may not forgive herself, but she'd never do anything like it again

-Dating at first would be like a "we are stuck here so why not," at first, but soon it will be a true love


-Special dances between the two of you

-Loves to teach you things

-hates the idea of being a housewife, so if that's what you want from her,

-no :sparkles emoji:

-but she loves doing domestic things with you

-cooking together, cleaning together, anything

-bet she's going to bring a music box and dance with you while doing chores

-loves the feeling of being free, and is a bit of a daredevil

-but like in the shy way

-She'll do dangerous things, but no one ever associates her with being a daredevil until they she her do something

-one of these things is actively seeking the hunter to kite them

-she will get scolded for this by you

-it's ok, when it is a slow day, you'll do it too

-Sometimes competitions

-Did I mention she's competitive

-but only after you're good friends

-to anyone who doesn't know her, she seems like a shy, lonely type

-but get to know her and she's energetic and a great girl to have and love



-It's really hard to tell his emotions, especially with the mask on

-You've got to really prove that you're trustworthy for him to even spare a glance at you

-he will, once you've gotten to know each other, give you small affirmations such as a wink or a nod of his head, if you're close friends, he'll pat your head

-he'll realize how starved for affection he is around you

-you treat him with kindness, you respect his boundaries, you tell the truth, it's more than he could ask for

-he won't admit it, but your touch is the only touch he likes

-still won't get close to you, but definitely likes to be around you once he notices his feelings

-Like, he doesn't want anyone else to touch you

-But he won't touch you very much either

-He'll become bolder, and bend his elbow out to lead you around, like a gentleman

-After a long time of nods and simple head pats, he'll want more

-making sure both or you are ok with moving further before anything happens

-once he gets the confirmation he needs, he'll get a sudden rush of confidence

-Wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into a tight hug

-This may happen sooner if you're to get hurt, or he does something to hurt you

-If that is the case, he will apologize while holding you like you could slip through his arms

-you are a comfort to him

-once he finds you, he can't live without you

-possessive after this moment

-but talk to him about how he's acting, if it bothers you, he's not likely to let up until it really affects you, though


-Sweet Boy

-The most wholesome ship in IDV is Tracy and William,,, I love them

-He's like one of those big dogs that think they're a lap dog

-Bad with cipher machines, so you always help him

-hold's you in his lap at almost all times

-has to have his hands on you

-gets really excited over a lot of things

-It's up to you whether or not to tell him to calm down

-On one hand, he's really cute when he's excited about something

-on the other, he can get really loud

-his wiki mentions his love of grape wine

-He definitely gets drunk

-(on more than just wine, too. Thanks, Demi)

-Super whiny and sad

-also forgetful when he's drunk

-but it isn't all the time, so it isn't too much to handle

Word Count: 1042

Again, this is really short, but tomorrow is gonna be cool, I hope it will make up for my lousy chapters this week. Also, I realize while writing these that I am a touch oriented person, Which is weird cuz I don't like being touched by some people, but I long to be lovingly held by someone,,, it is a problem o(*°▽°*)o