Stranger Things

Selene woke up in Dean's arms. The strangest part was she didn't remember them going to sleep together that night. Hell she didn't remember coming upstairs to her room. She just remembered getting out of the car, but still she couldn't pass up the comfort of being snuggled under his arm.

Dean snored lightly in his sleep. He slept so hard it was like he was exhausted. His hair was a little messy and fell over part of his face making him look a bit softer than usual.

Selene lifted her face enough to look at him as she tucked her arms against her chest for warmth. She gazed at him for a moment before brushing his hair back from his face. "You're pretty cute," she whispered. "Here's to hoping I don't fuck this up." Selene closed her eyes, trying to go back to sleep.

Screw breakfast. She was too tired to get up.

He took a deep breath and rubbed his face into the pillow before pulling her close. He hadn't woken up yet, but was drawn to her warmth.

Unintentionally, his action woke her up again and she grunted softly, letting her back curve under the pressure of his hold. Selene blinked a few times, blushing a little as her face pressed into the front of his shirt and she smelled the musk on his clothes. Oh god.

"Dean," she whispered dryly. "You-You're hugging too tight."

He loosened his grip and opened his eyes a little. He was so sleepy. "Mm," he grunted and buried his face in the pillow.

Selene felt warmth spread over her as the cool air hit her when his grip loosened. She dug the sheet out from under them and pushed it down. "Come on, let's get under the sheets." she whispered to him, rubbing his arm. Then it wouldn't be so cold.

He didn't seem to really be awake as he did as she wanted. He rolled to face away from her once under the sheets. His muscular back seemed massive even when lying down.

Selene breathed in sharply, feeling her skin prickle from the cool air as she started to wake up more. Her head hurt a bit from the lack of sleep but Dean was quite well built for a man of his stature. She wondered just what made her stand out to him so much, but she was too tired to elaborate on any fantasy as to how.

Pulling the sheets over them, she slid back into bed behind him and snuggled up against his back till her hand pressed against it, feeling warmth emanate off of him. "I must be out of my mind." she whispered, closing her eyes again.

His back expanded slightly with every breath he took. He felt her hand on him, but couldn't wake and didn't have the energy to turn over again. He was far too comfortable.

Sarah woke up, her eyes opening and wincing. When had she fallen asleep? Something moved under her head and she sat up to look at what it was. Lex? Oh fuck, she fell asleep on him. She sat up more and groaned. He better not get any ideas from this.

She raised her hand to try and wake him, but hesitated. He had this cute expression on his face as he leaned over the arm of the couch, his head propped on one arm. His red hair pulled back from his pale face making him look- She blushed and looked away. No. Nope. Na-uh.

There was a quiet shuffle before a door in the hallway opened and Selene was shuffling out in her socks and day clothes from yesterday. She yawned tiredly, walking out of the hallway into the livingroom to stare at the kitchen. It took her a second glance at Sarah before she covered her mouth as she yawned once more. "Ugh, morning." Selene rubbed at her eyes tiredly as she walked to the fridge.

Sarah looked up at Selene and moved away from Lex some more. "Morning. When did you get in?" She asked, seeing she was still in yesterday's clothes.

"I don't remember," she told her, looking up at the ceiling as she ripped open the fridge door. "2:00a.m. I think." Selene guessed, turning to pull the milk out. Her stomach hurt because she was so hungry.

Sarah looked at Lex and stood up walking into the kitchen. "You were with Dean huh? Is that why you weren't answering?" Sarah teased.

Selene glared at her. "Don't start. He's still asleep." Selene couldn't help the smile that creeped along the edge of her lips as she said that. "But yes, I was with him last night. We were playing video games."

"He's here!" she gasped, but lowered her voice. "Why didn't you just stay there then?" Playing video games, she rolled her yes at that.

"Because you and Lex blew up my phone." She chewed at her lip before turning to grab the caramel syrup out of the fridge. "It's no big deal." She felt her heart slam in her chest, seeing Sarah make a big deal about all of this and it just made her nervous. "It was just a bit of time to hang out and get to know each other." She looked away. "We're just friends right now." Selene's face flushed a little.

Sarah laughed. "I doubt that." She smiled at her friend. "You're a big girl. I don't care what you do with your 'friends', or how late you stay out. I'm glad you're okay though."

Selene's face felt feverishly hot at her words as she ducked her head into the fridge and stared into it. She groaned internally before shifting uncomfortably and shutting the door to grab a box of cereal from the cupboard. "Yeah," she felt her heart elate at the sound of her own words. "You know… I just- um… Wanna start slow."

"Alright," she smiled.

Lex woke up and looked around not knowing where he was for a second. He saw the girls in the kitchen and stretched. "What's going on?"

Selene's expression fell and she tried to act nonchalant. "Just breakfast," she told Lex, shaking the cereal out of the box into her bowl. "You hungry?"

"Yeah," he yawned and stood up. "Do you have anything besides cereal?" he asked, walking into the kitchen.

Sarah looked at him. "Yeah, what are you wanting?"

"I can make pancakes."

"That's fine." Selene shook her head. "You guys can eat. I'll stick with my cereal." She stirred in the syrup and shoved the milk and caramel back into the fridge. Caramel Coco Rounds. Eh, it sounded good on paper. Selene picked up the bowl and started to walk back to her room. "Keep it down for a bit though, please?" She asked Lex and Sarah, especially Sarah. Selene's gaze narrowed on her roommate. "I have a bit of a headache and I kind of want a little peace and quiet for a few hours."

Sarah watched Selene and sighed as she disappeared back in her room. "You can make pancakes?" she asked Lex.

"You make it seem like it's hard. I'm not that useless Sarah."

Sarah refrained from rolling her eyes. "I'll take some pancakes. What do you need?"

Lex was surprised when she didn't snap back at him. "Well the easiest way is if you have pancake mix, but flour works too."

Selene closed the door behind her with her foot. When the door clicked, she adjusted the bowl in her hands to walk over to the end of her bed and sit down and eat. Finally some quiet! "Ugh, to think the quarter is finally over and I can relax." She groaned, stuffing a mouthful of cereal between her lips.

The milk felt cold against her throat but it was refreshing. She stared at it for a while longer, smirking to herself. "So this is how I start my fall break." Selene snickered, laughing a bit as she glanced at Dean. A wide grinned splayed across her lips. "I like it."

Dean rolled over and woke up a bit more. He raised his head, his eyes open in slits. With a grunt he laid back down. "What time is it?"

Selene leaned her head back against the bed. She stared at him a moment, smiling a little. "It's 10:23ish, or so I remember last time I saw the clock in the kitchen."

He took a deep breath and stretched. "Did you sleep okay?" he asked, lifting his head to look at her.

"Of course," she smiled at him. "It was rather dreamless but I think it was because I was so tired."

With a large yawn he sat up, running a hand through his already messy hair. "I got to get back soon. I need to work on Rachael's phone before work."

"I'll drive you back." Selene told him. "Do you want breakfast first?" She drank down the rest of the cereal quickly before setting the bowl and spoon aside.

"Sure," he yawned again. Damn he was tired.

"I heard they were making pancakes out there. Do you want me to let them know you want some?" Selene asked, standing up. She dusted off her legs a bit and stretched after, letting her shirt lift up as her arms raised over her head revealing her stomach and a glimpse of the scar from the bullet on her back.

He looked at her seeing the scar. Without thinking about it he reached up and brushed his fingers along her blemished skin. He was still in a sleepy daze and wasn't thinking about how inappropriate it might be to touch her scar.

Selene jerked away instinctively, shoving the shirt down by the ends as she kept her face from him. Her face felt warm with embarrassment making her heart beat loudly in her chest. "Y-You should probably hurry and get up before they finish cooking." Selene skittered out of the room, blinking away a few tears as opened the door and left the room rather quickly.

Dean was surprised by her reaction. He hadn't expected her to react so frantically about it. He got up quickly. "I'm sorry. I don't- I don't know why I did that." He frowned. Why the fuck did he do that?

Selene ignored him, walking out of the hall into the kitchen. His words burned in her ears, hearing him. Why the hell did she have to freak out about it so bad?

Selene wrapped her arms around her stomach, digging her fingers into her side. "H-Hey guys! Can you make extra?" Selene breathed a laugh, trying to break away from the frown trying to give away her unease.

Dean stopped when she ignored him. Great. With a heavy sigh he slipped his shoes on. "Actually don't worry about it," he told them as he walked out.

Lex and Sarah looked at them. Sarah knew instantly that something happened.

"You sure? It's really no big deal," Lex said as he flipped a pancake. "There's plenty-"

"It's fine. I gotta get back." Dean gave Selene a small smile before turning to leave.

Selene looked up at him and she looked down, ashamed. It was her fault again. "Right." she slipped on her shoes to follow him out. "I'll drive you back now then, yeah?" Selene asked Dean.

He looked back at her. "You sure you want to?"

"Pfft, yeah. I said I would." she smiled at him, nudging him. "You sure you wanna skip breakfast?" After all, he felt like he probably had to go because she ignored him. Selene tried not to wince at the thought and felt like maybe she was being critical of his curiosity, making things awkward. "I promise it's not poison."

"I'm sure." He didn't feel like being playful back with her. To be shut down so abruptly with no explanation had his head spinning a little. Despite her trying to act like nothing happened at all, it was still awkward.

Selene's expression dropped at his reaction. She went outside first, chewing at her lip. Now she had to apologize, but she couldn't do it in front of Lex and Sarah. She didn't want them to know about this, especially if they asked about it later.

Dean held back a sigh and followed after her, closing the door behind him. "You really don't have to."

Selene heard him but she didn't agree. "I do." she whispered. She started down the stairs with Dean, thinking about how to start and she wondered if she ought to just tell him. "Dean, I-" Selene grit her teeth. "I'm sorry about that. I really am. I don't mean to be so touchy about that scar, but the memories I have from it make me so insecure that- I just do stupid things. I shouldn't treat you that way. If you're pissed with me, I totally deserve it."

He stopped and listened to her. So she automatically jumped to the conclusion that he was mad at her? "Selene, I'm not mad. I just thought I'd offended you, or over stepped."

"You're not doing anything wrong." Selene blinked away a few tears. "I am. I'm the one that's not acting right. All I had to do was tell you from the start that it was a touchy matter."

He looked at her. "You're not. It's not wrong. I shouldn't have-"

Selene looked at Dean confused. Did he not get it? Was he trying to tell her it was okay or was this just some sort of argument she was having with herself? She wasn't sure. "Either way I made you feel bad." she returned to that topic again. "I shouldn't have done that. It was wrong."

He sighed and took her tiny face in his hand. "It's alright. As long as you're not upset with me over it, we're good."

"I'm not upset with you." Selene told him quickly, staring at Dean. "You haven't done anything wrong." The warmth of his hand brought her back to Earth a bit. "I like being around you. I don't want to fuck it up."

"Then relax and be yourself. I don't want you paranoid that things are going to get messed up."

Selene felt her lip pucker at those words and she breathed in sharply, then let out a laugh after. "You're totally right." she told him, feeling a little more relieved.

He sighed and pulled her into a hug. "If there are things that bother you, just talk to me."

"Easier said than done." Selene answered, hugging him back. "I thought I told you already. I'm bad with words." she breathed out airily.

"We'll work on it, then."

"Yeah," she sniffed, reaching up to hold his wrist lightly. "Thanks for understanding me."

"I'm trying," he told her.

"You're doing an outstanding job at it!" Selene laughed, smiling at him. "I appreciate it. Really."

Dean smiled at her. "Good."

"Want to catch a breakfast sandwich from a drive-thru?" Selene asked him.

"Sure," he smirked. He took her hand and started downstairs.