Chapter 68 The Rising Light

"What have you done to her?" Blake whispered

Blake watched Brielle, trying to pull out a crystal from the right side of her pocket,

She glared at Avalon and started to move toward her, Avalon raised her hand the crystal grew on Brielle's hand onto her arm and strived toward her shoulder,

"What are you," Brielle seethed

"Stopping you from attacking Marcello or hindering you, if you are strong enough to fight it off," Avalon said

Blake moved his hand towards Brielle causing his aura to fly to her, Blake landed on top of a test tube as his aura wrapped around the crystal, Avalon shot crystals at the aura and the aura being confident laughed at her,

"No wonder Master still likes you. You're so naive!" Aura scoffed

The aura starts to drain the energy from the crystal, only to feel like a fire has been injected into him, Brielle screamed as the aura ripped away from her and back to Blake. Brielle saw the crystal slow down for her and with that, she smirked,

She staked towards Marcello, he pointed his pistol at her and shot next to her head.

"Don't even try," Marcello said

Blake glanced at his aura, which was trying to shake off the fire that shot through it, making Blake feel the same.

"I warned you to not get burned by her light, and what have you done?" Blake said

"I'm sorry master, I didn't think she would be that strong," Aura said

"It won't matter," Blake said

He looked down finding Avalon staring at him, The fire he saw way back when came back and seemed to him to be stronger, he waited for her to come back to him, but it was not going to end up that way, was it? Avalon stared at him, waiting for his next move,

Marcello shooting at Brielle. She tried to move closer to him only to be lifted and smashed into a tube,

"I never wanted this to happen," Blake whispered

Avalon felt pain throughout her back being replaced with a welcoming heat. Avalon picked herself out of the glass, glaring up at Blake. He stepped next to her and lifted her chin, and a soft smile placed on his face,

"You should have joined me when you had the chance," Blake whispers

He lifts her off her feet, Marcello watches this and points his gun at him,

Brielle seeing him distracted tackled him, making him shoot Blake's shoulder and hit Avalon in the arm, Blake looked back at him undeterred, He turned back to her and felt a burning pain in his shoulder that the bullet was in, He looked at her and says,

"Is this your best?"

Avalon looked at him, scoffed at him, and raised her hand, letting a beam of light hit him on the side of his face, He let her go and moved away from her cradling his face,

Blake looked up at a test tube that was uncovered, His left cheek is burnt with his aura trying to prepare the skin, Blake turned to Avalon to find a sword pointed at his chest,

"I will not fall that easily," Avalon said

She swings the sword at him, and he swiftly blocks it with one of his knives,

He pushed her off of him and then pushed towards her, his weapon clashing with her again, Avalon pushed her sword closer to Blake, He felt his aura move toward her laughing as it did,

the aura tried to pick her up, to be burned by her and Avalon started to glow iridescent, the aura shrieked behind him whispering,

"It burns me,"

Blake stared at her while Avalon ran up to him, swinging her sword at him,

dogged it, grabbing her arm, and throwing her away from him, but it didn't come with a price, his hand was burned badly, Avalon plunged her sword into the ground,

She landed her feet on the ground, glaring at him.

"Do you still want to try to defeat me, dear? I rather not beat you down I would rather take you back but if you don't comply… I don't think I have any other choice," Blake said

"Go jump off a cliff," Avalon said

Blake scoffed at her before summoning his aura, making him shoot up into the air staring down at her, and fly straight at her, sending the both of them into the ground. Marcello watching the whole thing tried to run to her, only to have Brielle stop him by jumping onto his back.

"You should stop now, You can't even save yourself, how can you even muster enough to save her?" Brielle taunted

Marcello struggled to get her off of him while she laughed at him, he got a grip on her hair, making her scream at him.

"Let go of me, you heathen!"

"Funny, I could say the same for you," Marcello said

He throws her off him, She falls onto her back and Marcello takes that as an opportunity to press his foot on her stomach, point his gun at her,

"Stop it, stop it," Brielle repeated

"No I believe I won't stop thank you," Marcello said

He is about to shoot her, but a knife is plunged into his foot, Marcello is stunned by this but can't move his foot as the knife stabs Brielle as well, She glared up at him while he was watching Blake and Avalon fight each other, Marcello felt pain hit his foot again, making him look back down at her,

"Get your foot off of me," Brielle said

Marcello lifted his foot off of the grabbing knife slammed it into her hand and raised his gun to her, Brielle slapped the gun out of his hand and then kicked his foot from under him. Brielle tried to pull the life out of her hand, but Marcello stood right back up pulling out his axe,

Marcello threw his axe aiming for her head despite that she moved aside making it cut into her shoulder, She screamed out in pain cursing him all the while.

"You little worm! When I get out of this, you'll," Brielle said

Marcello ran up in front of her and pulled the axe out of her shoulder, He lifts the axe into the air before swinging it down at her neck, Marcello watched her eyes look around her before giving him one last glare as her head rolled off her neck onto the ground, and her body moved forward, almost falling on him, but he pushed her off his foot.

"That's done," Marcello said

He looked around the room, finding dents in the floor glass everywhere, the body that was in them on the ground,

"Where could she be?" Marcello whispered

He walked away from Brielle's body to the dents in the ground, He walked past one of them before looking ahead at the wall broken through,

"She isn't..." He thought

He walked to the wall looked into the next room and was about to walk through, The door to the room opened, showing Luke pushing the door open, Luke looked ahead finding what used to be a lab,

"They were here," Luke said

Damien moved past him, his eyes set on Marcello,

"No one of them is here," Damien said

Damien pointed ahead and Luke looked where he was pointing, Luke moved past Damien to Marcello and Damien walked behind him, Marcello heard his name being called and turned to the voice, and he was tackled into a hug.

"You're ok," Luke said

Marcello squinted in the hug, feeling a pain shoot through his abdomen,

Damien placed his hand on Luke and pulled him off of Marcello,

"Do you have any injuries? We could get the medics…" Damien said

"No. I'm fine, but Avalon will need some help," Marcello said

"Where could she be?" Luke asked

Damien looked around them, finding the dents leading to the hole in the wall, Marcello pointed at the hole in the wall and told Luke,

"I think she went through the wall, where the dents lead to,"

While he explained this to Luke, Damien moved through the wall, finding himself in an office room covered in black dust with red-colored skeletons scattered in the room, He walked through the room, finding int if the windows smashed open,

"You could have waited for us," Luke said

Luke walked through the hole to him with Marcello following him, Marcello saw the window open and walked to it,

"Do you think she is up there?" Damien asked

Marcello looked at the sky and found a bright light in the sky, It shined above them before a dark mass of energy shot up into the sky, It started to clash with the light with bright flashes in the sky,

"That's her," Marcello said

The bright light slashed at the darkness, making it fall onto the building, Avalon flew down to Blake and said,

"You will not make it out of this,"

Blake glared up at her.

"Then I will bring you with me,"