You are what?

Today, Christian decided we should all go camping.

I know. Outrageous right? 

His reason?

He wanted to see the great outdoors more. 

And by we, I mean Caleb,Trish, Christian, and I.

So today being a Saturday, we all decided to go camping at camp Lakesville. It was a small town just outside of Oasksville. It has great camping spots and a great scenery beside a lake.

It is the best place for camping.

It has been a week since Christian's depression episode and I'm glad he's back and hyper on his feet. Although after what happened, he still had some night mares and panic attacks. He still does, but not like before anymore. 

And I thank God for that.

"Y'all losers ready to go?" Caleb shouted as he put the last camping bag in his truck.

We were all going in Caleb's truck. It's faster, easier, and can carry all our loads at once.

"So you calling me a loser too?" Trish asked feigning hurt.