I just want to explain.

"You mean to tell me she said that?!" Trish exclaims.

Here I am. In my house, in my room, on my bed telling Trish who is on the bed with me, all what Lily said.

"Yeah she did. I was so shocked."

"That's absurd. Are you sure it's not a prank?"

"I don't even know what to think anymore Trish." I lie flat on my bed and sigh.

These past few days have been rough. 

I get less sleep, I eat less because of lack of appetite, I lose concentration, it's all killing me.

After I left school and got home, I called Trish and told her I had news for her. 

In 10 minutes she rushed here. And here I am, telling her everything and she, not believing.

"This is weird, why would she feel inferior to you?" Trish asks again.

"She said she didn't know why. She just felt inferior when it comes to me."

"Maybe she thinks you are better than her?" She suggests.