The wall clock shows 9 p.m. Kaylila decided to rest in her room, the second floor. First experience sleeping in this room alone. Nosa, who had left a few hours ago, had informed her that she had arrived at the airport. Then give the news will soon depart for Singapore.
The bed is cold. In a room this big, Nosa used to spend her sleep. But if he is awake, then the glass-walled next room becomes his favorite place.
Stepping foot into the room makes Kaylila feel as if Nosa is in a room with her. Occasionally, Nosa's shadow appears to receive a call while standing on the balcony. Once upon a time Nosa lay on a couch facing a large television watching her favorite television broadcast. In just a matter of days, Nosa's habit was so overshadowed in Kaylila's eyes.