Don't Get Me Wrong

The explanation from Si Mbok is quite heart-bending bu Sasongko who was fiery wanting to corner Nosa.

"Yes, anyway, Mbok. But ...."

"Mrs. Saspngko just pray for the best for Mas Nosa. Hopefully Mas Nosa can find the best way out for the household and himself. If you keep thinking about this, you can be troubled and troubled. Mas Nosa is an adult. He can consider which is good and what is bad for himself."

Ms. Sasongko sighed again, but this time it was calmer, unlike before.

"It's probably true what Mbok said. I think I forgot that Nosa is no longer a child."

The sound of the car is heard entering the yard. Looks like Nosa just got home. Ms. Sasongko quickly rose from her seat to approach Nosa. 

Nosa had just entered the living room when she crossed paths with the mama who was standing upright between the living room and the living room.