Family Gathering

Naura nods  her head  slowly, indicating that  she  digests    well  what Diandra is  saying.    It's  just thathe  still doesn't  have  the courage  to  express it. 

"Forget  it    then,"  said  Diandra  then  walked away from  Naura who was  still  standing  glued to the    pool.

Naura is increasingly  overcome  with guilt  with her  current decision,  making  Diandra  feel  disappointment. Infact,  it is possible that if  he  conveys    what  he  knows, it  could  make  a  reason  for  Diandra  to  call his memory.

"His  brother...." 

Diandra stops  her move,  giving Naura  a  chance  to  reveal  what  she really  knows. Actually,Diandra  is so  curious  to  know  what  Naura wants to  say.  It's  justthat,  he  has to  use  tricks  to get  the girl willing to reveal it  without having to be  forced.