Chapter twelve

"That's quite a smile you have there my dear". I blushed at the statement my grandmother made. Ever since that evening, I couldn't get Alex out of my mind. We had our moment out there and for a minute I thought he was going to kiss me. But it seemed he had much more restraint than I did.

Leyla !Leyla! Leyla!. You swore off of men and love. Now look at yourself. Falling in love with an eighteenth century man. I don't know why or when, or how in such a short time I could fall in love. It just kinda happened and even though a part of me was still scared, deep down I felt that this will be different. Different than my last encounters.

"He'll come from afar". My grandmother Esmeralda always told me, God bless her soul. Was Alex the one she was referring to? I hoped so because in such a short time I've come to like him, although this time I won't rush into anything. I told myself. The few times I spent with him, we talked about a lot of things. I told him about how things were going to change in future due to technology, and although he didn't quite understand half of what I was saying, he still listened keenly and never did he once interrupt me and he looked at me like I was the most precious thing in the entire universe. There's something about the way he looked at me, I don't know but I felt butterflies the size of eagles flapping their wings inside my stomach and my heartbeat became a little faster, am afraid if he could've leaned a little closer he might've heard them. Alex what are you doing to me??.

"Look, the duchess has invited us for the masquerade ball". My grandmother interrupted me from my thoughts. How rude of her. But I guess it's better that way than have her read my thoughts. I took the invites and looked at them.

"It's weird, I've never been invited before. It must've been the future Duke's idea". She told me.

"But why would Alex invite us ?. I asked.

"Alex?. We are now on first name basis, that was fast!!". My grandmother commented and I almost blushed.

"Grandma!!!. That's besides the point and you know it".

"No need to be shy my dear. He's quite a good looking young lad, if I weren't old myself I'd have worked my charms on him". My grandmother added , smirking at me. I swear this lady was brought in this world to frustrate me.

"It's unfortunate though that you are old". I told her and she lost her smirk. One point for Leyla. yey!!!

"On a serious note though grandmother, why would they invite us?".

"That my dear is for you to figure out, if you haven't already, that is".

"Alright then, I'll be in my room".

"Don't think about him too much though honey , you know, I heard it isn't good for your health". aaargh!!!. This woman was really tasting my patience.

"I wonder where?". I muttered to myself before shutting the door on her face.

The next morning we went to the tailor to make our costumes for the ball. I decided to go with a malificent, in sleeping beauty costume and a mask with two horns. I hoped no one had thought of it. But who could anyway, it's not like they watched it or something. I chuckled at my silly thought.

The town looked strangely attractive, I might've been used to large malls and supermarkets but there was something about it, that was captivating.

"How can we even afford all these?. I asked my grandmother.

"I have a stand a few walks away where I read to people their future".

"Can you show me?. I asked curiously.

"No I can't. I don't want you to be associated with me. It'll bring bad repute to you and I don't want that for you".

"It's nothing I haven't been through". I said remembering how no one wanted to be friends with me because I was the "witches granddaughter".

"It's much worse here. You could even be banned from the society". She told me.

"But won't they see me with you?". I asked looking around.

"I disguise myself while reading the cards, they won't recognize me even if they try, enough about that, come let's go back home am starving". She said which meant that that was the end of that conversation.

"I'll help you prepare the food".

"Just go and rest my dear, I'll take care of it. You could also write to your friend am sure she misses you".

"Are you sure?. I don't want to be a burden".

"Nonsense, you are not a burden. Am just trying to make up for the lost time. Let me spoil you for a bit. Tis what us grandmothers do".

"Ok then. Just call me if you want my help".

"Will sure do, now go you are wasting my time". I walked to my room. I wrote to Love , told her about the masquerade party and my feelings for Alex. She told me that if I felt that Alex was the one then I should give it a chance and forget about the stupid vow that we made. I told her I'll think about it. I bid her good night when my grandmother informed me that the food was ready.

"Thank you". I told her.

"For what?".

"For the magic book".

"What magic book?". She asked pretending not to know about it. I rolled my eyes at her and continued eating.

That night I dreamt about a certain handsome Lord. I was walking down the aisle towards him. I don't know how but Love was also present in the dream and the wedding. I know it couldn't happen but I wished to have her during the most important day of my life. If only wishes were horses...

There was no wedding, who knew if it'll ever be. But all in all, my dream gave me a reason to smile the whole day.