Chapter fourteen.

"Alex?. How did you know it was me?". I asked surprised. My mask was covering almost all of my face so I was quite surprised anyone could recognize me.

"At first I didn't, I asked myself who dared sneak in without an invite. Actually I came down here to escort you out...".

"It's okay, I can leave on my own. I already made a fool out of myself in there anyway".

"And then when I came down here, I saw your bracelet and knew it was you, then I knew that it was only you who would dare wear a halloween costume to a masquerade ball". He told me completely ignoring what I had just said earlier.

"Don't you people have masquerade balls at your time?". He asked and I could detect some mockery in his words.

"Are you making fun of me now My Lord?".

"I wouldn't dare do that my lady. Just curious that's all". He defended himself trying so hard to hold back his laughter. He failed miserably and laughed so hard. I was now getting really angry , I'd rather leave than have the whole room laugh at me.

"If you excuse me my Lord, I need to go back home. I shouldn't have come here in the first place". I said as I brushed past him. He was about to come after me when someone called his name.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, come now the dance is about to start".

"I'll be right there mother". I was now hiding behind the door. I didn't want the duchess to see me dressed like this but I guess it wasn't my lucky day after all when I felt someone tap on my shoulder.

"Come with me now young lady". She said with so much authority I had no option but to comply. She led me upstairs and I was worried about what she was going to do to me. Would she lock my up inside the room till the party was over?.or even worse. Leyla, look what you got yourself into??.

"Come on in?.

"please don't lock me in, am sorry I dressed like this . Am sorry I also snuck in, I swear I didn't mean to it's just that I forgot.....".

"You talk too much lass,. come on in I'll find you something decent to wear".

"My lady?. You are not going to lock me in are you??. I asked worriedly.

"Of course not, why would I even do that?.

"It's so embarrassing".

"Ask me about it". She sighed.

"I could just leave, I don't want to be a bother to you My lady".

"Don't test my patience young lady sit down I'll arrange for a maid to get you dressed we don't have the whole time to waste. Now why don't you be a good girl and keep your mouth shut, is that too much to ask?. She dared me to answer back but I only nodded.

A few minutes later we walked back to the room.

"My lady, why didn't you throw me out like you would have any other person?. I asked her. I had to know why.

"Your bracelet. It has been in our family for generations. When I saw it on your wrist I knew you have to be the "mysterious lady" my son has been talking about.".

"Alex has been talking about me?".


"I meant his lordship, my lady". I answered fast.

"You have so much to learn lass". She told me as she shook her head. Did she know about me coming from the future. Or maybe Alex told her. She didn't even question me about my family, I figured that she already knew. I had so many questions to ask but I couldn't, because now we were already at the ballroom.

"May I have this dance, my lady?". I looked at the duchess and she nodded in approval. My partner was a great dancer, and thanks to the few salsa classes I took a few years back, I was able to blend with their dance or else I'll be stepping on his feet.

The first dance ended and the gentleman walked back me besides the duchess. He bowed to us and then left.

A few minutes later I got another dance, from the Marquis of claymore, Stephen. He was quite a handsome man. Too bad I had my eyes set on someone else if not then...let us just leave it at that.

It was so much fun. I had already danced with five gents but I wanted to dance with a certain someone before the night ended. The duchess was kind enough to explain to me what was expected at these type of functions. She also introduced to some of her friends. I had already taken a liking to this woman.

Suddenly I felt my breath stop.

behind me I came face to face with Alex.

"Mother, My lady". He bowed his head to us and we did the same.

"Can I have this dance, Miss Morgans?". I looked at the duchess and she smiled. I guess that was my cue.

"It'll be my pleasure, my Lord". I smiled, taking his hand. He walked me to the stage when the music started. Unlike the other dances, this was a slow dance. putting his hands on the back of my waist, I wound mine on his neck. Our eyes locked for a few seconds and I smiled shyly at him. Damn he was so handsome. I'd give anything to have those lips on mine. I didn't know when I had become such a wanton.

"I see you've already met my mother". He stated.

"She's a great person".

"That she is my lady, did I tell you that you look beautiful today ".

"Are you flirting with me my lord?". I asked.

"You wound me my lady. Can't you just accept a simple compliment?".

"Thank you my Lord, you don't look bad yourself". I answered looking up his eyes. We stared at each other for a few minutes when I heard him clear his throat.

"Leyla, the dance..."


"The dance has ended".

"Oh!". God, what was wrong with me. I still had my hands around his neck. control yourself Leyla. I told myself.

"Come with me, I'll escort you to the dinning room".

"Thank you my Lord". I took his hand and we walked down to the dinning room.