chapter sixteen

I was left conflicted about what happened last night at the masquerade ball. first Alex kissed me and just as Soon as it happened he left, without even a good bye. I know I wasn't really experienced but did I suck so much in kissing?. On impulse my hands travelled to my lips as memories of last night crossed my mind. The kiss. It undid a number on me. I've been kissed before, but none Ever felt like this. The Sparks and the connection I felt when our lips met couldn't come close to what my previous kissers had. Actually I never felt anything at all in the past.

"Leyla dear, someone is here to see you". I heard my grandmother tell me. There's only one person who knew me around here and that's Alex, I hurriedly walked towards the living room, I was eager to see him.

"Alex?". I called out.

"Sorry to disappoint you dear but it's just me". I heard a soft voice tell me.

It was the duchess. I wished the earth to open and swallow me now, what must she be thinking about me. Shell think that it was a usual thing for Alex to visit me, which of course wasn't.

"How do you do my lady". I curtsied. I was still getting used to all these formalities, aristocracy wasn't really in our time. We didn't even bow at the president, for those of course who were lucky to come across him.

"Am okay dear, how have you been since last night?". She asked sweetly.

"Twas fine my lady, thank you. Ooh God I forgot, must be here for the dress. I'll go get it".

"You can keep it. Am here for you. I just spoke with your grandmother and she agreed for you to stay at the mansion with me". She spoke.

"What!!. It's not like I don't appreciate it my lady, I really do, but I really don't want to intrude. I could just visit you know, maybe one afternoon?.'. Deep down I really wanted to go because in that case I'll be closer to Alex but I really didn't want to take advantage of the duchess's generosity.

"Go pack your things, we leave in half an hour". She said dismissing me. How rude!!!.

"Leyla dear I've already packed your bag for you, you are good to go". My grandmother said. How'd she even do it so fast?. Was she that desperate to have me leave?. She walked us to the carriage.

"Leyla, if may speak with you for a minute". I looked at the duchess for approval when she nodded, I took some steps from the carriage towards my grandmother.

"You are going to be the future duchess, so you need to be groomed and taught everything. The duchess decided that she's the one to teach you all that. please don't give her a hard time, she is a great person but I must warn you, you don't want to be at the receiving end of her wrath. She can be a bitch sometimes".

"I heard that Morgana". the duchess said from inside the carriage.

"Don't worry grandmother, I'll be on my best behavior. Am going to miss you". I said.

"I'll visit you frequently. Now go it's getting late". Hugging her I went to the carriage. The ride to the mansion was quiet.

"How old are you". The duchess asked.

"Twenty four my lady".

"You could pass for a much younger age, you look small". She said.

"There's is a debutante ball in three weeks, I'll be taking you with me". She told me.

"What's a debutante ball??. I asked. I've watched lots of historical fiction movies but never came to such a word before.

"It's a party where young ladies of about sixteen and seventeen are introduced to society in hopes that they'll find a match". She explained.

"Isn't sixteen too young for a girl to marry?. I asked curious.

"Maybe in your time, but not at this time. If only people knew how things are going to change in the near future...". She said. Who was this woman?. I asked myself.

"How do you know about the future?". I asked.

"That's a tale for another day. We are here. I'll have maid show you to your room and have a tailor come take your measurements. Get some rest I'll see at dinner. Don't be late". And with that she left. Leaving me out there even more confused.