The once silent room is now filled with chaos, the baby woke up and started crying while the mother is still screaming for help. Their noise is irritating to say the least and I've just had enough, stomping towards the mother she quickly turned and tried to crawl away. But I don't have enough patience to play her game of tag, I grabbed her by the back of her neck and then threw her on the ground.

Lucky for me, she just lay there unmoving as if she already gave up. Orbs filled with tears and terror as she sobs, but I'm not done yet.

I stood beside her, looking down her pathetic form.

"Do you know why you're in this situation?" I asked her coldly, she only shook her head as tears continued to flow out of her gray eyes.

I chuckled lightly "Do you remember Amber Stone and the thing you did that night in her room?"

Her eyes grew wider, finally realizing her sin.

The woman tried to sit up but I kicked her in the stomach so hard she fell back down.

"P-please…you don't understand the Master made it clear, the Mistress in not leave her room!" she answered before releasing another sob.

Seriously? That's her excuse? Disgusted I raised my right foot and with full force slammed it on her left knee.

There were a blood-curdling scream and a satisfying crunch.

Glancing at the woman she was crying helplessly.

"Listen to me… from here on out you will help me get back the life you people had stolen from us, both me and Amber. We will collect the payment for the debt you own" I told her before moving towards her right side.

Once more I raised my foot to crush her other knee.

"N-no! No! Please!" the woman screamed but I didn't listen, in a quick moment I took away her ability to stand or walk.

"AAAHHHHH!" she cried, but I only stared at her with bored dull eyes.

Bending down, I slapped the woman "Shut the f*ck up!" I told her with a glare.

Grabbing her by the hair with my blood covered hands, I dragged her out of the room.

She held my hands as if she can remove my grip, but that's not going to happen.

I tossed the woman in the corner of the living room next to the fireplace.

"I have a surprise for you" I told her with a smile.

Going back to the children's room I took out her son and mercilessly threw him right in front of her, his blood splattering as he fell.

"No! No! You monster! You will burn in hell you bastard!" she screamed.

Drawing near her, I smiled darkly. "Well then I guess, we'll meet each other in the fire someday. But you and your family will have to go first" I said as I reached for the rope that hangs above the fireplace and placed it on the table located in the middle of the room.

For the third time now, I once again entered the children's room and took the unconscious girl out.

I placed her above the table while letting her head hang at the edge then with the rope, I carefully tied her up to make sure she can't leave the table.

"Stop! W-what are you doing!" the mother screamed but I had enough of her that I didn't bother to listen.

"Robbie, we need something to keep the blood" Amber said her pale forefinger pointed at a clay jar.

I nodded with understanding and took the jar, it was small just about twice the size of my palm.

I opened the jar then placed it beneath the girl's head.

And with a clean slice, I slit her throat allowing the blood to fall down all the way to the jar.

"AAAAHHHH!" the woman screamed once more.

"Shut up! I'm not done!" I shouted, I wanted to take my time but that bitch is hurting my ear.

I entered the room where I left her husband and the infant, using my right hand I dragged the cold body of the man out of the room while I held the infant in my left arm.

"NO! Enough pleaseee! I beseech you!" this woman, oh how I would love to kill her.

After dragging the body for a meter from the door, I let it go and placed the infant on the table next to the girl. I took the knife again and cut the child's chest, with my hand I broke the ribs and took the heart out.

"An innocent's heart" Amber said from the corner of the room.

"Everything we need is now in place, it's time" I said as I noticed the jar of blood starting to fill.

"No, not yet Robbie. I want her to feel more pain" Amber stated looking at the French woman.

"Cut her fingers for me Robbie, one at a time and then her tongue, after that her poke both of her eyes out only then can we begin the ritual" I nodded, even if a part doesn't want to I still agreed to her wishes.

"As you wish" I answered.

With the knife in my hand I approached her, then crotch in front of her.

"I would ask your name but I don't really care, so…let's just begin" I said.

"Now I want you to count, one at a time. The speed of your counting will be the same phase of the knife, but if you refuse I will cut you mercilessly" I told her with a warning look, the woman nodded in agreement but it is evident that she doesn't want to comply.

I took her right hand and place it on the ground, palms open and fingers are apart.

"Now start counting" I whispered in her ear.

"One" she started and with that, I used the knife to cut her pinky.

"AH!" she shouted, tears streaming down.

"Go on" I ordered.

She bit her dried lips for a moment "Two" and this time I've cut the ring finger.

She kept on crying but still counted "T-three", I removed her middle finger

Gasp inhaled sharply while I maintained a poker face.

"Four" and cut her index is gone.

With trembling lips she finally said "F-five" and quick cut and her thumb is gone.

Taking her left hand, I did the same thing until Amber's wish is fulfilled.

The next is her tongue, grabbing her face I opened her mouth effortlessly.

It would seem that she had lost her will to live, her fire had died and she is nothing for than an empty bag of meat.

I took her tongue out and slowly with the knife cut it, blood-spattered as she struggles a little. Her fingerless hands tried to push me away, cause for her blood to stain my shirt.

It was done- in my hand, I hold a small piece of flesh. Blood dripping down, I let go of her tongue allowing it to fall to the ground.

She looks like she about to die, we need to start the ritual.

"The eyes are next" Amber spoke calmly.

Biting my bottom lip, I breathed heavily and stared at the woman.

Without any warning, I used my left index finger and middle finger to poke her right eye.

She 'screamed' but no sound came out, her mouth opened and closed but it only allow more blood to drip from her mouth.

I took her right eye out, only to pop between my fingers. Almost like a mishandled shelled soft-boiled egg, the eye just burst.

My breath hitched.

"The other" Amber said as if disappointed.

I grabbed the woman's hair, pulling back to force her to look up.

Her disfigured face revealed to and as if it was the first time I saw it…I felt bad. For the things that I've done and for the sins I've committed.

I have the urge to vomit.

But, then…

"Well, are you done?" Amber asked her voice filled with impatience.

I turn my head to the side.

Slowly and carefully, I took the other eye out.

This time it didn't break.

"Well done Robbie! Ah, I'm so happy right now, I might cry!" she said.

I swallowed the lump down my throat, this doesn't feel right.

Seeing the hollow eyes of the woman, I felt sick in the gut.

Her blood dripping from her open mouth which is missing its tongue.

I don't want this anymore, I want to turn myself in! I…I can't go on!

This is!

"Robbie" Amber spoke again.

Suddenly, I felt a chill in my back.

Amber is hugging me from behind, her cold ghostly figure wrapping in a hollow embrace.

"It's okay Robbie, I can feel your doubts as well as your regrets but this is the right thing to do. After all of these we can be together, forever" she promised me.

I nodded in response,