I sat at the library table and beside me is Kristy with a book in hand, both Alexander and I had been teaching her so many things like reading, drawing, and writing. To be honest it almost like we've been raising our… Rachelle Heartford, What on earth are you think? I gently slapped my cheeks as I tried to clear the thought out of my mind. However, if I have to admit that the past few days had brought us closer together. Even if he works a lot in his father's workshop he always finds time to spend with both Kristy and me. He makes sure to join us in meals and tea time as if a caring father.

 Speaking of caring, Robbie is also caring, warm, and kind. However, it had been eight days since Robbie left yet there's still no sign of him. I've asked Alexander but he only told me to trust Robbie and that he'll be back in a flash. He also told me that Robbie is a grown man now and capable of taking care of himself, so there is no reason to worry. His word is reassuring, to say the least, and it truly subsided my unease. Well until I've heard him talking to Andrea at least. He himself is worried, but he is trying his best not to make us worry therefore I decided it let it slide.

There was a sudden gasp, Kristy then quickly stood up.

With wide eyes, she shouted "Oh no! I forgot the flower!" Kristy then bolted out of the library.

Standing up I quickly followed her "Kristy wait where are you going?" I asked as I watched her run in the hallway.

"I will just take the flower from my room!" she shouted once more not bothering to glance back.

With a sigh I went back to the library and sat down, waiting for Kristy to come back.

Starting to get bored I inspected the book Kristy was previously reading, it was about herbal flowers. This child really likes flowers doesn't she, no wonder she knew the names of the flowers near the lake.

"I'm back" Kristy said as she entered the library.

She looked down as she kept her hands behind her back, which made me worry.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

Kristy's sorrowful eyes met mine.

"The flower… it wilted" she told me as she averted her eyes.

"It's alright, let me see" I assured her.

Slowly Kristy revealed a slightly wilted flower, its pink petals wrinkled and starting to lose their colors.

Patting her head I smiled at Kristy "Sweetie, this is normal and there is absolutely nothing to worry about"

"I just… I just wish I could give this to you a little sooner but I forgot" she answered.

I took the wilted flower from her petite hands and gave Kristy another smile.

"But I love it, just as how it is now" I said hoping to lift her spirit.

And like a charm, it worked because Kristy looked up to me with her round eyes filled with joy and her pink lips held a bright smile- showing her pearly white teeth.

I placed my hand on the seat next to me, where she was previously sitting on.

"Come sit with me, will you?" I requested and Kristy in return she nodded enthusiastically.

Once Kristy is sitting I asked her "What is this flower?"

Immediately her eyes lit up "It's a dianthus and it means pure love!" she beamed as she replied.

I giggled as Kristy told me about the flower; the variety, the season it grows and then she suddenly said, "Maybe big brother gave the flower because he loves you" in a brief moment I choked in my own saliva. Right there and then my cheeks heated up, R-Robbie likes me?

"K-Kristy that's" before I had the chance to finish a knock echoed in the library.

"Excuse me, Miss I would like to inform you that Mr. Hunter is waiting in the drawing-room at this moment" Andrea spoke.

Without wasting time Kristy stood up and opened the door, revealing Andrea who's waiting patiently in the doorway. Kristy ignored Andrea and quickly run towards the drawing-room.

"If so, he's absolutely not the only one" I heard Andrea said.

"Pardon?" I asked curiously.

"It's nothing Miss, I will take my leave now" she replied before walking away.

 Shaking off her odd behavior, I decided to meet Robbie and Kristy down the drawing-room.


        I was sitting on the sofa when my angel of a sister came running down the stairs. I stood up to meet her halfway and gave her a tight warm hug.

"Oh big brother I missed you so much!" she said dramatically.

"I missed you as well Kristy" I told her as I kissed the top of her head.

"And here I was thinking that you will never go back" a very familiar voice spoke.

Turning around, I faced Alexander. "You know I could never do that" I responded with a smile.

Alexander returned the smile, before speaking. "I'll ask Andrea for some tea. You should rest for the time being"

"Actually, we can't stay. I have to go back to town for work and-" before I had the chance to finish. Rachelle reached the bottom of the stairs, taking everyone's attention.

"Robbie! It's so nice to see you again" she said with a bright smile, in her hand is a wilted dianthus. As much as I would like to catch up with the two of them, I needed to go back to Amber.

I returned the smile she gave me "It is very nice to see you as well Rachelle"

Holding Kristy's hand, I was ready to set off. "Really, as much as I want to stay there's something that I needed to do"

"Wait, you're leaving again?" Rachelle asked desperately.

"I'm afraid so, but I promise to visit as soon as I can" I told her with a smile.

Rachelle gave me a disappointed nod and a forced smile before turning towards Alexander. Maybe just maybe it would be for the best if Kristy and I leave sooner, not because of Amber but to give the two some privacy. There is definitely something growing between them.

"We should get going" I said as I look over Alex.

"Well, it's not like I can stop you" he responded with a smile.

"I'll see you soon" he added.


        Both Alexander and I stood at the doorway as we watched Kristy and Robbie disappear into the woods. And for an unknown reason, I have a feeling that I won't be seeing the Hunter siblings for a very long time.

"Like the wind, he would just come and go" Alexander stated with a sigh, yet his lips held a small smile.

Finally, after standing side by side for a while Alexander turned to leave.

Before he could pass by however he spoke once more, "A dianthus huh, must be love"

His words send chills down my spine. Both Alexander and Kristy are suggesting the same thing but could Robbie actually fell in love with someone like me?

A rush of blood went up to my cheeks, a warm blush heating up the entirety of my being.

But then I remembered Alexander's bright smile that time in the nursery, immediately my heart flattered.

What… what is wrong with me?