I woke up at dawn and in my arms, I could feel Amber's warmth. Sleeping soundly, she looked so innocent and beautiful. She looked the same as she did back then but I now knew that she's no longer the same person. But despite knowing this, I can't help but love her- just like an annoying stain my feelings for her refuses to disappear.

At this point, I'm in the line where I have to decide- do I continue in the path I'm taking or abandon it all and ask for forgiveness.

Chuckling to myself, I laughed at my own indecisiveness.

Maybe if I talk to Alexander, he can help me decide- tell me what to do and what not to, just like he always does.

Looking at Amber one more time, I removed her arms- which she wrapped around me and sit on the side of the bed.

I stood up and pick my pants up to put them on while doing so, I turned towards the window.

 The sky is still dark and there is only a crack of light in the horizon, the color of red and orange peeking at the edge of the world- bring the slightest hint of light to the dark surroundings.

"Hmmm…" my attention was taken by Amber- it would seem that she had woken up.

I turned to see her sit up, hugging the blanket close to her chest- covering her naked body.

"Good morning" she greeted with a sweet smile.

"Good morning" I replied with a small smile.

"We need to move soon" I told her, before looking away. After all, this time killing people ended up becoming like a chore.

but it didn't matter, it was all for Amber after all.

I wonder- where the line would be drawn? What will be the end of this? 

"No, I don't want you to be involved in this any further" she looked down, what in the world is she saying.

"I can see it in your eyes, you're not happy about what we've been doing and I understand. You're not the same as me" she continued.

"Don't worry, I���ll leave now and there's no need for you to such things anymore" her words hit me hard- like a rock thrown directly into my chest, leaving?

Words tangled in my throat- I don't know what to say. I have to admit I hated the fact that she kept a secret from me, but I see her go- is not something I'm ready for.

Standing up, she walked in my direction- blanket still in hand.

Stopping in front of me, she placed her free hand in my chest before tip-toeing.

Barely reaching my height, she planted a kiss in my lips- her soft lips becoming one with my firm ones.


I can't let her leave, I love her too much.

Maybe… maybe we can work things out.

Call me weak or foolish but to lose her again will break my heart.

I hugged her waist- pulling her up, holding her closer.

And as our lips parted, I stared at her eyes.

"Don't go" I told her, before resting my head on her neck.

I know this is stupid, maybe the best thing is to stay away.


I feel helpless.

Because, I love her… truly and deeply.

For this love, I will force myself to continue turning a blind eye.


        I placed the phoenix ashes in the mixture and immediately it made the dull mixture glow- making the vile emit a green light shining brightly in the middle of the darkroom. I watched as dusty particles float around the vile, it looks absolutely beautiful.

 Finally, after weeks of trial and error- I succeeded in making this potion.

I smile at myself thinking about its effects and soon, I shall give this to Rachelle.

"Alexander, it's already daybreak. You should get sleep" I heard a voice say.

"I will, let me just set this aside" I replied before carefully placing the vile in the cabinet.

"You're really going to do this, huh" Andrea, said as she watched me close the cabinet.

"I don't see any reason not to, it will be worth it in the end" I smiled to myself- pride and joy welling up inside.

"Right… you practically forced Fidlon for this, yet you hardly gave anyone an explanation" she retorted.

"W-well…" I paused for a moment, thinking of what to say.

"I'll tell you when the time is right" I replied before rushing towards the door, not wanting anymore prying from Andrea.

"Wait!" I sighed- of course, she won't let me get away that easily.

I closed the door behind me and speedily walked through the halls.

But Andrea is running behind me, this girl don't know when to give up.

"I need to know!" she shouted before taking a hold of my shirt.

"Andrea stop, remember a lady does not raise her voice nor does she run in the halls" I lectured while waving my forefinger in front for her to see.

"But I need to know" she said with a quitter voice this time.

"No, not yet but I will tell you when the time comes. Now, if you'll excuse me- I need to sleep" I told her before turning my back, that girl as always could be a handful.

As walked down the silent halls, I could feel the fatigue building up in my body- my back feels sore and my arms feel like they're going to fall off. Entering the bedroom, I immediately collapse on my bed.

And with a deep sigh, I closed my eyes.

I just need to wait for the right moment and I will be able to use the potion on Rachelle.

Taking a deep breath, I allowed myself to fell into a deep sleep.

With a single person in mind…


        I grumbled as I rewrote pages after pages of fate, this is really annoying. Another person died because of Robbie and Amber, then another for Kristy. I want to let out a scream of agony, I don't even remember, when was the last time I felt the breeze of fresh air

I'm starting to feel like a slave at this point really, all I do now is write and write and write. But I can't leave it be, because if I did the riff will grow bigger- just like the other times it happened.

"Oh good you're here" a grumpy voice spoke, which cause me to roll my eyes.

"What is it now?" I asked as I glanced in her direction.

Shook, I was unable to speak.

"So many yarns, what happened?" my eyes widened with surprise.

"You happened!" she retorted, voice rising.

"Because of you, Amber was brought back to life and she killed so many people, so many uncalled for cutting" her irritation is skyrocketing- I almost wanted to laugh.

"Well, even I have so much unwanted work!" I shouted defending myself.

"Then do something about it, stop this nonsense and kill Kristy Hunter already" she replied.

"I will just wait a little longer" not yet, I'm so close. I just need a little more time.

"Ugh!" she grumbled before storming out of the room.

Huh! What a brat.

Glancing over to the side, I read the contents of another person's fate. He's close to finding his prey, like a wolf he sniffs the other's trails- I'm no fan of Alexander however I do hope he's ready.

A storm is coming and his right in the middle of it all.