The huge lake stood like a gem in the middle of the rich summer grass- the water sparkled as the rays of the sun reflected in its surface, while subtle waves formed in each blow of the wind. On the other hand, birds would glide over the surface of the water- capturing the unfortunate fish that would lift above the water, such a beautiful sight it is. However, unlike the lake near the mansion, it was a little murky- the water is a little green with a mix of a brownish color. Nevertheless, it was still a sight to behold.
As the carriage drew nearer, the people around the lake came into view- they stood still under the blazing sun waiting for the test to begin. The crowd was filled with all sorts of people: old crones, old men, middle-aged people, teens, and even young children. All are whispering among themselves, asking whether the witch will sink to the bottom of the lake drowning as an innocent or float above- proving herself as a damned soul.