Robbie was greeted by an oddly familiar scent and the warmth inside the hut- the family that was kind enough to host them are now sitting in the center of the hut, they are surrounding the fire in the center. It was peculiar that they live in such a way- it almost they are like cavemen, who knew nothing of new methods of living more efficiently. The place is just barren no tables, no chair- it was as if the fire is the only thing they have.

The light from the fire is casting dark shadows, along with the scent of ash and smoke- which turned into a not so welcome reminder of past events.

"Come on" Brennan patted the spot next to him, encouraging Robbie to sit beside him, the man is just so carefree Robbie thought. He just went along with this family and started acting as if he knows them, even though they were pointing their weapons at him earlier- would it kill him to be a little more wary?