vīgintī   duo

"Now you have to make a choice before the next phase."

Lots of questions assembled in his mental Ken. What promiscuous paths and phases was he talking about?

Why didn't he tell him that before or something close to that? Why did it hold it back from him till they got very close to the spot or place.

He didn't know why though, but of course he could sense it. If he didn't, then he was obviously a rusty retard.

The monster had simply done that to catch him off guard and make him make the wrong choice probably so that he could keep him in the world of fantasy.

He had no idea what the crazy Poseidon did want from him in the world of fantasy.

He remembered that he'd fantasized about wanting to be served by humans or something of such sort.

If he did want that keenly, he could had gone to some shores on earth and betwich all the humans having picnic.

At that he would have more than enough guests for his function.

And they would had been heavenly of course. That would had been the best feeling the miser could had ever nursed. He was quite glad and confused.

He tried preparing his hosited heart for the blow. He had no idea what twould be.

The only thing he knew was the fact that he couldn't hide from it. He knew that he couldn't run away from its realization.

He would have to stand his ground. He would have to embrace whatever would be served to him on the platter of numb nature.

If taunted time was so promiscuous, he wouldn't have an idea what next to think. He was sieving his options and conscious of his thoughts.

He didn't even know what to think any more. None of his thoughts did count anymore.

He did only think at that moment because twas normal for him. He did think because his bounty brain had not been ripped out, probably for that moment.

There was nothing else he could use the brain for anymore. He thought it better as being brainless or something of such sort.

He hadn't ever heard of people who were brainless, but he shouldn't be odd or be new even if he did become the first.

He didn't even know what he was thinking. He quit the thoughts to embrace the reality gnawing at me.

Poseidon was a hideous creature. He hadn't known him forever of course, but for the record he could owe quite the numbers of odd things to him.

The new invention he was proposing obviously would have several ups and downs, dos and donts as well as steer clear ofs.

He didn't know how to prepare for it. The mixed feelings were having the best part of him. He didn't know what to do and how to do it.

He was simply hoping that the new turn nature would take would be in his foiled favor. There was nothing better to wish for of course.

There was nothing better he could hope for. There was nothing better he could expect. He wanted to answer him at once but didn't know what to do.

He didn't know how to go about it. His instinct kept lying to him that twould toss him an idea soonest. He was hoping that that would be sane enough for him.

He was hoping that that would be great and would be helpful. He was hoping that that would help him steer clear of the odds.

But the fact was, he was always stood up by the inky instinct and there was nothing he could do about it.

He couldn't even sanction it. Who in his right mind sanctions his own instinct?

He began to wield several thoughts he couldn't tag as thoughts. He didn't know what to call them. Probably they were feelings.

Whatever which would not be helpful or proffer a solution was better not called a thought. That was his new principle.

He seemed to be enjoying his so called philosophical stances at that moment. He had no idea whether or not he was hypnotizing.

He had no idea whether or not he was placing plagues on his feelings, but he knew that he needed it quickly. He felt like he needed to hurt the Poseidon.

He was obviously sitting at his back on the serpent. That was a plus to him. That would seem as more of an ambush.

He would be able to boast of it wherever he did get to. He would be able to say that he once stabbed Poseidon from behind and left him craving for his mercy.

What merciful and graceful headline that was. He couldn't had thought better.

But he halted. He didn't even have any weapon on him. How was he supposed to hurt the monster?

He called that thought a quit too. He was done making hypotheses. They were all defected and crippled.

There was obviously nothing he could do about the situation. All he could do was remain being fooled.

He didn't remember whether or not he wrote about himself fighting with Poseidon. He didn't remember. He couldn't recall.

Probably that was why he was having that strange feeling.

If that was true, then tshould of course had been written in the poem that he subjected the monster and then ruled the underworld.

He was sure that was what twould be. But he wasn't sure what twas. He was done making guesses.

He was tired of pruning guesses. Gaunt guesses were beginning to dig gores in his crushed consciousness. There was absolutely nothing he could do.

He hoped that he could do something, but hell wrong he was. He couldn't simply bring himself to doing it. He tried to quit wasting his time.

He didn't know what Poseidon would be thinking of him for taking so much a time. How raged he probably would be. He heard him speak of course.

He knew that the cool blooded monster didn't have no churning chill:

"Are you done thinking now?"

He didn't even see the monster face. He was having his back to him.

He didn't actually find his face attractive or something, he just thought it cool to see the face of the person discussing with him.

He wasn't sure if that was a discussion. He couldn't arrive at a sane conclusion. Twas more like an order to him. Like chains of orders.

He kept getting orders and prompts on what to and what not to do. That was all he had been seeing. That was all.

And then the Poseidon had asked if he was done thinking. Had he really being thinking? Thoughts or course we're something else to him.

He didn't know what thoughts were per say. He felt like he was becoming dumb and dumb as time did sway by.

He was hoping that he would be able to write all the odds and do what was expected of himself. He was hoping that he wouldn't be stayed overtime again.

Time obviously would test it and he would be left with no choice but to sway by. That's all he would do and had been doing. Poseidon spoke again:

"Before we enter the castle, would you return to earth for the first break or have another time with the Nymph."

What!!! How evil and hideous and heinous the monster was. What kinda of conditions had he strangled him with at the middle of nowhere in the hard-to-call-a-conversation.

What was he supposed to do. What was he supposed to say? Which of the above was he supposed to choose. He wasn't prepared for it.

Hell! Matter-of-factly, he hadn't been prepared for anything in the world of fantasy.

Everything would just catch up with him like some august plague and ransack as well as leave his instinct shattered at departure.

Hell! How was he supposed to nurse that thought quickly. If he did say he wanted return to earth, that was some lots of things to process.

He would have to explain to his family where he had been and the whole things he had been doing. He didn't even know what they would think of him.

That of course was not the best idea to kowtow in or knuckle under. He should consider the other option.

He had no idea what it did have in stock for him, but that seemed promising of course.

Wait! Before the next option, if he did leave for earth, he won't have to be led by some stray dog.

He would be free and be able to do whatever he wanted to do. He would be able to do lots of things and process it.

He did remember that he called it a first break. Really? Break from the fantasy?

He didn't remember writing that he would have a break when he was caught in fantasy.

He didn't even have any right to choose his thoughts anymore. He was simply abusing the opportunity. Then the next option smiled at him.

He didn't know what to steer clear of. He didn't know what the place he was seeing from distance would look like.

He knew that twouldnt look like shit. Twas magnificent from the rear. He wanted to see that new place.

And the Nymph had trained him a lot of time. He needed more schooling.

He didn't know when his eerie erection coarsed his gaunt glottis into speaking:

"The second option."



"Welcome again! To being stupid!"

He sure didn't know what that meant. He didn't have an idea.

But all he did know was that Poseidon urged the serpent and off they went.