quadrāgintā   ūnus

"Don't make it stop."

He did mean just that. He wanted to have his way too. He had had sex in a long time and that time was the best time to have another.

After several struggles of course. He wanted to be very particular about it. He wanted to make the pleasure worth it.

That was all that he was trying to do. He would identify with the pleasure and make the best of it.

That was all that would aid him and make him what he used to be. He didn't want to be what he did want to be.

He wanted to be a new person. The pleasure was ready to give him that pleasure. He would have the best of it.

That was all that did matter to him. He would make meaning of the remaining later. He would be able to put with the remaining later.

He did know what he was capable of doing. He would allow himself a seat in the pore path of pleasure. He didn't know what that did mean.

He didn't even care. He was wasn't there to understand what was happening.

He would understand that later. He was so sure about that. He didn't know if he did want that.

His thoughts rippled and made a sway. He couldn't push the thoughts aside. There was nothing that he could do. He couldn't had done better.

He would only do the little he would. He allowed his thoughts to have the best part of him. He didn't know if that was a good idea.

It really didn't matter to him. He would make meaning of it later. He was more than happy about that. He would feel it later.

He was trying to identify with it. He would put up with the best. He would allow that to summon his rage. He did recall.

He had heard the monster say that he would have sex with the Nymph and some other ladies. He sure did know about that.

But the Nymph was no where to be found. He was troubled. He wasn't sure why he was. He did hope that these new ladies would be as perfect in skills as the Nymph.

He didn't know what he would think if they would be a little bit of a faker skin.

He wouldn't take it of course. And after the sex of course, he would leave for earth. He could remember that part vividly.

The lady would not let go of his mouth. He hadn't known a best kisser. He didn't know if he had done kissing when he was back on earth.

His wife wasn't that best of a kisser. He was just more of a monk. His wife was old-school and there was nothing he could do.

He did have his way around things. The only thing he did enjoy with her wife were the boobs. He couldn't had thought better.

He would suck the sanity outta them. They were voluptuous and comely. But he was more than sure that the first Nymph's was better. He didn't know about these ones.

He didn't know if he was supposed to understand or underestimate. He didn't even know what to do. He then did arrive at a conclusion that he was better off doing nothing.

That would help him. He didn't know how to sweep the thoughts into a whole and understand just one thing. He wanted to concentrate.

That was all that he wanted to do. He didn't know if he would be able to. He held his hands to her face and decided to climb her.

He couldn't. There was some force on him. He wanted to fight his mouth free and ascertain what was wrong. But he couldn't do that.

The pleasure wouldn't him. He didn't even know if he was truly going to fight his mouth free. There was no way he could had done that.

There was no way he could had put with that. He didn't care what the force was. He didn't see it of course but he could feel.

The force was generated by the pressure placed on his body by the other ladies seating round about the berth. He didn't know what they were up to.

He did know that he would figure out soon. That was all that he could confide in. And he already did. Then he felt two hands over his erection.

The erection was already in attention but had been made to bow sideways because of the hood covering it. He didn't know what to do.

He didn't care. At once, he felt the cloth slip off his erection and the bowing pal stood in attention. Hell! He didn't know that the erection was so excited.

Then the same whom he did not see held her two hands to the erection and began to fiddle with it. Riding her hands around it and sucking it.

He knew he would quake, for the sucker of his mouth would not give up neither will that of his erection. He knew that he might explode of course.

"Time up! Time to go to earth."

He could scream on top of his voice. Who was that motherfucker. He didn't know what to think.

He did wish that twouldnt be what he was thinking. He did hope that twould be some Illusion for he wouldn't know what to do if twere real.

"Rise rise, ladies."

Immediately, the lady on him fought her mouth free and the other lady left the erection.

And they both rose from him. He couldn't think straightly. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to seat up and figure out who twas.

"Retain the position. Best timing. Would help when you get back to earth."

Damn! Twas Poseidon. Why would he had come at that moment? How crazy he was! When he was almost getting laid for the sake of fuck. Then the voice came again:

"Close your eyes and open it."

He should never take the instruction of that pyschopath but there was nothing that he could do.

He did wish that he would be able to ignore but he couldn't. That should be to help get laid of course.

He closed his eyes. Nothing happened. Probably that was some pranks, he would be more than mad. Then he kept his calm. One more instruction to go of course. He opened his eyes. What in the name of heck!

There were several people standing over him. They were wearing black. He could see Myclops. His vision was not sharp. And! He was lying on the cold earth. Then he heard a familiar voice.

Damn! Was he back on earth? Earth!!! Argghh!