nōnāgintā   quattuor

"I thought I deserve some accolades, if you would be fair."

She wasn't sitting on the throne then. She was sitting on the floor, quite close to him. He was jumpy and his heart racing. He had tried to pacify it and had seemed to had arrive at a particular stance. That was the best feeling he could ever put up with.

"You don't deserve nothing but cusses and spanking."

She laughed. A light but rude one. She hadn't thought that he would be that humorous. The best feeling was the feeling of peace that had sunk into the depth of her consciousness.

What did she really deserve? After forcing him to having sex with her. After making him do what he hadn't done in a very long while. Not even ever in his life. What was she expecting him to say. Was she some meathead or something?