"What are you doing?"

Vulcan was confused. He was sure not to raise his voice. He didn't want to create an unnecessary attention. There was a lady who had called. Another lady was present. If he took more than the expected time, who knows, the lady might slide over.

But he was still on Lue. He wanted to stand up from her but she simply wouldn't him. She held unto him such that her heavy boobs were heaving haughty sighs on his chest.

He was feeling very warm from within. No! Twas hot. There was quite the difference. Sweat was beginning to trace dark dribbles across the fall of his forehead.

Her two arms were strapped to his back, he was face to face with her. Her breath was fiddling with his sanity. If he remained there for long, he might do what he didn't want to.

He was struggling to keep his face stable. If he didn't, twould fall on hers and that would be the end of the struggle. He didn't want to put an end to it yet. He could still fight for it.